Devil & Devil Vol 9, Chapter 3, The Town with Disappearing Water. Version 2, 000113 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 039 Text: Chapter 3, The Town with Disappearing Water. --- Page 040 Sword: Shiiit!! Sword: Just as I was about to obtain the second soul-fragment...!! Sword: Having it snatched away by a brat like that... My ambitions to become a Devil again...!! Ios: Please calm down a little, Sword. Sword: Who's not calm!! Ios: But... The Four Generals of Hell have completed a replica of the Devilspawn, and begun to collect the fragments of Satan's soul... This'll be a problem. Sword: Hmph... --- Page 041 Sword: Don't make fun of me!! I won't let those guys take the soul-fragments as they please!! Shekil: Even though you don't know where the fragments are? Shekil: I'm reluctant, but... I can lend you a hand. Sword: Be silent, you damn Angel!! Shekil: Ow! Sword: What the fuck are you saying!! You were totally useless last time, asshole!! (Shekil: I'll kill you later...) Shekil: Bastard... Can you still say that after having seen this...? Sword: What? --- Page 042 Ios: That's...!! What you're hold is the holy tool said to point to the item you desire... Ios: The "Oracle Compass"!! Sword: Oracle Compass? What's that!? Shekil: You're so ignorant... To put it simply, it's like a detector. Shekil: It's said that in the last great war, it pointed out the location of Satan's army's headquarter, and guided us to victory. If you hold this and desire the location of Satan's soul, it should guide you there. Sword: I see. I don't really understand, but... --- Page 043 Sword: You're saying that if I have this, I can collect the fragments before those guys!! Sword: Ooh! It's reacting immediately!! Sword: Alright, let's go right away!! Ios: Wait a minute... That would be bad! Sword: Why's that, Ios...? Ios: I'm sure we had a test this afternoon, so... Sword: You fucking idiot!! Which is the most important, atest or the soul-fragments!? Ios: But... Sword: Hey, let me lose, I'll go alone if I have to!! Shekil: As expected, Ios-sama speaks diligently!! Ios: Anyway, we'll take the test, and then... Shekil: Ios-sama!? --- Page 044 Kanna: I put the hindrance to sleep. Now, shall we go... Ios+Shekil: Kanna!? Shekil: You asshole, bring Ios-sama back!! Kanna: You're noisy, shut up!! Kanna: Let's go, Sword!! Sword: Wait a minute!! Why do I have to go together with you, bastard... --- Page 045 Kanna: If you don't wanna go, that's no problem... Sword: When did you...!? Sword: Give it back, you asshole!! Deel: Hehe, I heard you. Allllright, I'll snatch away the fragment of Satan's soul today as well!! Deel: If I act now, maybe I'll become the top of the four generals...!! Fennel: Don't say that!! Fennel: This time, I'll go!! Deel: Fennel!! --- Page 046 Kanna: Sword, is it really here? This is a big rural town. Sword: I... I don't know. Kanna: Did you imagine the soul-fragment properly? Sword: I did!! But this thing's just been spinning around since a while ago, so I can't point anywhere!! Kanna: Seems like it won't work when you're too close... Sword: Work, goddammit!! Sword: Gaah!! You worthless thing!! Kanna: No, maybe not... Don't you feel it? --- Page 047 Sword: This is... The surge of Satan's soul... Somewhere close by...!? Sword: Let's go!! Sword: Kanna... I'm telling you, you mustn't get in my way!! Kanna: Heh... Sword: Found it!! Sign: Danger! --- Page 048 Sword: Bastard, are you the one with the fragment!! Sword: Get ready!! Sword: Huh? Sword: Eeek!! A, a cross!? Why does a Devil have something like this!? Mizuno: I thought it was a demon, but if isn't it Sword-san! --- Page 049 Sword: Mi... Mizuno!? Sword: Why...? Mizuno: What are you doing at a place like this? Sword: That's my question!! When I thought we'd found that damn framgent... Sword: Why were you misleading us like this, bitch!? Sword: Eeek!! Mizuno: Who's misleading!?! I'm here with work!! Sword: Work...? Kanna: ? --- Page 050 Mayor: Mizuno-san, how was it... Did find something at the water-tank? Mizuno: Mayor-san... As expected, there's something evil in this town. Unfortunately, it managed to escape, but... Sword: Hey, is that true, what you just said!? There's something here!? Mizuno: Yes. Sword: Hehehe... I see, Satan's soul really is here! No mistake!! Sword: Alright, I'll absolutely get it!! Mayor: Uh... Mayor: Mizuno-san... That's not the answer I wanted. --- Page 051 Mayor: Right now, this town is suffering from a water-shortage, the cause of which is unknown. But the problem is the citizens complaining about having seen a monster at the water-tank... Mayor: Therefore, I called you. Mizuno: So I can exterminate... Mayor: No!! What you must do is to prove that there's no monster or anything. Mayor: If you do that, the rumors are sure to disappear... If the citizens just calm down, it's fine. Sword: Wait a minute, what about the mosnter!? Mayor: Don't say such idiocy... There's no such thing as monsters. Sword: What did you say, you old fart!! Kanna: Idiot... --- Page 052 Sword: What if I can show you proof right here!? Mizuno: Please calm down, Sword-san. Kanna: I can't stay with those... Girl: ...? Oniichan...? Who are you? Kanna: What... Are you a daughter of this house...? This is not a time for children to be up. Girl: I, I'm sorry. But, I'm very thirsty... Kanna: Did you catch a cold...? Girl: No, I didn't... but, my body is hot... I'm very thirsty... --- Page 053 Kanna: Just wait a little... Girl: Oniichan... That pendant... Kanna: ...!? This, is it yours? Girl: Thank you. This is my treasure I got from father. Mayor: Miyuki! What are you doing here!! Mayor: Aren't you supposed to be sleeping in your room!? Miyuki: Father... Sword: Heey, who's the brat? Mayor: It's no business of yours, so hurry up and get out of here!! Sword: Y... you!! --- Page 054 Sword: That old fart makes me sick!! If he's like that, I'll find that monster for sure!! Sword: And then... after collecting the soul-fragment, I'll bring him it's head!! Sword: Mizuno, did you really say that the monster will appear!? Mizuno: Y, yes... Mizuno: That monster is laying waste to the water reservoir and the water-tank. Mizuno: And, this is the last tank keeping water for this town. If the monster seeks water, it's sure to appear here! --- Page 055 Kanna: Be quiet. It seems to have appeared... Kanna: !! Sword: What, you must be mistaken. That's the brat from before... Sword: What're you doing? Kanna: Be silent and watch. --- Page 056 Sword: Wh... the water, she's...!? Mizuno: No way... then, that child!? Sword: No way... That brat has the fragment of Satan's soul!?