Devil & Devil Vol 8, Chapter 9, Evolution. Version 2, 000104 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 159 Text: Chapter 9, Evolution. --- Page 160 Sword: Raooooooooh!! Ios: Sword!! Galam: No way... Is he trying to break the petrification curse by force...!? Kanna: Heh... Seems like my help is no longer needed... --- Page 161 Fennel: ...? What's the mattar, Bazil... Bazil: Don't you feel it, this surge...? Fennel: Huh? Fennel ...This surge... Impossible...!!! The surge of Satan-sama...!? Fennel: But, why at a place like this!? Bazil: Sword already has one fragment of Satan-sama's soul. Has the devilspawn begun to awaken... --- Page 162 Sword: Ooooooh!! Galam: That's... The devilspawn!!! I see... It's neutralizing the petrification curse!! --- Page 163 Ios: The shape of the devilspawn is changing...!? What on earth... Galam: My right arm, kill Sword for me!! Ios: I won't let you raise a hand against Sword & co!! Galam: Gwahaha!! Didn't I tell you, no matter what you do my right arm will revive!! --- Page 164 Ios: Then I'll have to smash it so it won't be able to revive!! Galam: Futile! Futile! No matter how you attack it, it won't be effective, and with it's invurnerable regeneration, it's surely an invincible opponent!! Sword: Feh!! What's an invincible opponent!! Sword: I'd say such idiocy is a very thin speculation!! --- Page 165 Sword: Let's go, Ios!! Ios: Heh! Ios: I understand, Sword!! --- Page 167 Sword: It's vurnerable from below! Sword: BREAK!!! Galam: !! --- Page 168 Cockatrice: Gwaaaaaaah!! Galam: I can't believe it, that lower-grade Devil having the power to crush my right arm... Sword: Hehe... Right now, I can do anything!! Galam: !! Sword: I don't know what it is, but thank's to this thing, I'm in a good mood!! --- Page 169 Galam: Th, that's... The evolved shape of the Devilspawn!? Sword: Let's go, Demon Lord of Earth, Galam Harness!! Sword: Fucking die!! Galam: Has he made Satan-sama's power his own!! --- Page 170 Garvera: ...!! What was that explosion...!? Nanami: Sword... Souma... Sword: ...What's with the gloomy face, Nanami? --- Page 171 Nanami: Sword!! Sword: Didn't I tell you? Have faith in us... Nanami: I'm so glad you're safe... Ios: It was a bit dangerous, but... --- Page 172 Nanami: Ios-san!!! Why are you here...!? Nanami: I see, you really did come... Nanami: You promised to protect me, and return Kanna-kun to the human world... Sword: Hey, Ios, don't tell Nanami about Kanna dying... Ios: I understand... We musn't make her worry any more. I'll return him to the body later. --- Page 173 Ios: If I don't thank him for saving me... Sword: Feh, I didn't need your help!! Ios: !! Nanami: Sword!? Nanami: What's the matter, Sword, hang on!! Sword: It's nothing, I just used a bit too much power thanks to this thing. Nanami: A, are you OK...? --- Page 174 Sword: Of course, if I just get a little sleep... *snoooore* Nanami: Sword... Garvera: I'm shocked... He's sleeping already! Mizuno: It can't be helped. Today, he seems to have overdone it quite a bit so Nanami-san wouldn't worry. Garvera: That's nice, he's become a reliable boy!! Ios: Sword's not the only one who overdid it... Nanami: ...... Nanami: Thank's Sword... --- Page 175 Galam: Heheh, idiot!! The battle's not over yet... Galam: Now that Sword's used up his power...!! Bazil: That's enough... As one of the four generals of hell, don't expose such an unpresentable shape. Galam: Ba... Bazil!! --- Page 176 Bazil: This time, you lost!! Galam: No way!! I, of the four generals, lose...!! Bazil: Silence! You forget that as a result of that pride, you let the Devilspawn evolve!! Bazil: Devil Sword, and your friends.... Seems like you've formed a deep friendship...