Devil & Devil Vol 8, Chapter 3, The Four Commanders of Hell. Version 2, 991213 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 041 Text: Chapter 3, The Four Commanders of Hell. --- Page 042 Ios: Heaven... I've finally returned... Ios: And, I'll regain an angelic body... Shekil: That's right, Ios-sama. --- Page 043 Ios. !! Ios: Shekil, what on earth is this!? I've never seen this thing before... Angel: Let me explain, Ios... Ios: You!! --- Page 044 Ios: Archangel Michael!! {note, while Shekil is dai-tenshi (great angel); Michael is tenshi-chou, or "angel-boss".} Michael: Welcome back... We've been waiting, Ios. Ios: Michael-sama... Is this really your doing? Michael: That's right, I built this masterpiece to make you an Angel again... Michael: Devil Sword is being attacked by the Four Commanders of Hell... Ios, please forget about him and become an Angel again. --- Page 045 Nanami: In the end, Ios-san & co didn't come back... Nanami: Aah... (Father: Ka- Kanna is gone again.) (Father: Father, father...) Nanami: Uncle is worrying, too, saying Kanna-kun suddenly disappeared... Sword: Stop it already, this talk... It's boring. Nanami: Sword!! Nanami: Sword... Are you really alright, Sword...? Sword: He returned to heaven on his own, it's not something I know about. Voice: *giggle*... Acting strong as always... --- Page 046 Sword: Garvera!! Garvera: Angel Ios isn't around right now... I doubt Hell has overlooked that fact. Ranfuu: I agree... Sword: Ranfuu!! Even you bastard... Sword: You bastards... It isn't nice to be listening in on somebody!! Garvera: What! Since I heard Ios wasn't around, I was worried... Sword: I don't need your help!! --- Page 047 Sword: Even if Ios isn't here, I'm good enough on my own!! Garvera: that really so? Sword: What!? Garvera: There are inummerable Devils in Hell that the current you couldn't beat... Alone is impossible. Garvera: Furthermore, if you collect all the fragments of Satan's soul and become a Devil again, it's a different matter, but... Sword: Feh... Ranfuu: It's not that I worry about you, but, Ios is not here. You should be as careful as possible... Sword: Shut up! No matter what sort of guys come, I can kick their asses on my own!! --- Page 048 Teacher: Well, this is Minazuki-san, a teacher trainee, who will be teaching everybody mathematics from today. Girl: This practician is really handsome... Girl: Yeah, maybe [iketeru]... I'm looking forward to mathematics class! Minazuki: My name is Minazuki... It will only be a short time, but pleased to meet you, everybody. {yoroshiku is one of those hard-to-translate expressions} Girl: Eeeeek, he's so coool!! --- Page 049 Minazuki: Is the person next to the guy looking out the window absent...? Teacher: Aah, Kanna-kun, I've been informed he's home sick with a slight cold. He's the older twin brother of Souma-kun there. Minazuki: Is that so... Souma-kun, I hope your brother gets well soon... Nanami: Something wrong? Sword: No, it's nothing... Teacher: Then let us beging the class immediately. --- Page 050 Sign: Teacher trainee Preparation Room. Fennel: You're back at last, Bazil. How was it, your first job in the Human World!? Bazil: Hehe... That was bad... How was yours. Bazil: Fennel... Fennel: I did something called Softball, but, it was kinda interesting!! Fennel: Galam, how was it for you? Galam: Heh, stupid... --- Page 051 Fennel: What!? Galam: I can't agree with the suggestion from that "principal" that we should try out human life!! Galam: If we're to kill Sword, why don't we finish it quickly!? Galam: Hanging around here... Is not something for us, the Four Commanders of Hell!! Bazil: Don't take Sword lightly! Certainly, to kill him and get the Devilspawn, we'll first have to know him. Galam: You... You're showing him your fear... Fennel: Shut up, Galam!! --- Page 052 Fennel: Are you defying what Bazil has decided!? Galam: Fennel... are you going to kill me? Fennel: Aaah, if that's what you want!! Deel: Wait... Stop it you two! If we fight in a place like this, we'll soon be discovered!! Fennel: Deel!! You be silent!! Deel: Wh, what's with you two! Shouldn't you be happy you've taken human shapes!! --- Page 053 Deel: Why am I just a bird!! Fennel: It can't be helped, it's because you're a little runt!! Deel: Don't call me runt!! Fennel: That's the way it is, it wouldn't work with these students here. Don't complain!! Galam: It's strange that an idiot like you could become one of the Four commanders to begin with! Deel: Wha- what did you say!! Bazil: Cut it out, you... --- Page 054 Bazil: If there's any complaints... Take them to me, Bazil Hornet. --- Page 055 Deel: Bazil's really angry... Fennel: Y-yeah... Deel: I, I don't have any complaints! Fennel: Me neither!! Bazil: Is that so... Galam: I have a complaint... Galam: I didn't get your instructions... Please repeat them. Fennel: You asshole, just wait, Galam!! Bazil: Deel, keep your eyes on Galam. Bazil: It would be bad it he acts on his own... --- Page 056 Sword: Nanami, what do you think... Nanami: Eh, what...? Sword: That teacher trainee guy that came today... Nanami: Nothing special... But wasn't he kinda cute? Sword: ...Oh... Nanami: That doesn't matter, Sword!! Think of a way to get Kanna-kun back!! Sword: What, are you talking about that again! Ain't that good, just forget about that asshole quickly!! Nanami: Idiot!! How could I forget about him!! --- Page 057 Galam: Sword... And the woman you're with... is it... Galam: Deel, you've been told to watch me, right. There's something a little funny... (Deel: Y- you're revealing us.) Deel: Wh, what... I don't what to hear about your fun!! Galam: Listen, the taste of this dream... Deel: Tha- that's... My favorite, one which appears only once in a hundred years in the forest of dream-woods-sea!! Galam: My fun, will you listen...? Deel: OK!! --- Page 058 Nanami: Ow!! Sword: What's the matter, Nanami!? Nanami: Just now, suddenly, a bird, my hair... Sword: Huh!? Sword: Bitch, you screamed for something like that!! Nanami: What! It hurt!! Galam: Hehe, I'm the one to get excited... Sword... Since you will die immediately... --- Page 059 Father: Souma, Soumaaa!? Come down for a minute, please!! Sword: Feh, he's loud, the old man... It's just about Kanna! Sword: You're stubborn, I've told you I don't know!! Father: Th, that's not it, Nanami-chan is heree!! Sword: ... Nanami...? Sword: What is it, Nanami... Why'd you bring me to a place like this? --- Page 060 Sword: If it's about Ios... Nanami: It's not. Sword... Nanami: I... Sword: Huh?