Devil & Devil Vol 8, Chapter 1, Sudden Visit. Version 2, 991211 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 005 Text: Chapter 1, Sudden Visit. --- Page 006 Sword: Oh, uh... Sword: Shut uuup!! --- Page 007 Sword: *huff* *huff* Sword: ...what's this? My body feels heavy... Sword: My head is spinning, and I feel fucking dizzy... Ever since we returned from the mountain, my body's been acting real strange... Sword: Damn... What is happening... --- Page 008 Nanami: Are you stupid or something!? Nanami: That's a COLD, a COLD!! Sword: Cold...? What's that... Nanami: See, it makes your body temperature rise and your health bad. Nanami: Fighting while so lightly dressed on that snow-covered mountain, it's no wonder you got a cold!! Ios: A cold, is it...Indeed, then I understand. Ios: When we went up early at the same time, because Kanna-san switched places, I wondered what was up... Ios: Must've been because he didn't want to feel this pain... (Ios: That's just mean...) Sword: For us two, Angel and Devil, this is just too pathetic... Sword: Nothing to do about it, we're free from going out... --- Page 009 Nanami: That's no good, you two! Since you've attended just barely enough days, how are you going to pass to the next grade!? Sword: Ooh!? Sword: Th, that's not our problem! Nanami: Oh, you're saying such a thing...? Then... Nanami: Should I make you return to Souma with these sealing glasses, maybe? (Nanami: I'm sure Souma would go to school.) Sword: I, I got it, I can go, I can go!! Father: I see you're lively, what are you speaking of? I want to join in, too! Nanami: Nothing in particular. Father: Oh, is that so? Father: Ah, now that you say it, it's already 8 o'clock. Is it really good for you to be hanging around? Nanami: Aaah, that's right, let's go, you two!! --- Page 010 Nanami: Sword, what are you waiting for, come on already!! Sword: D... don't speak so loud, my head's really hurting... Bitch... Nanami: Uh... Are you feeling so bad... Maybe you should take some medicine? Sword: Medicine? What's that? Nanami: Don't you even know of medecine? You're really ignorant, aren't you... Sword: Why shouldn't I be! Since I'm a Devil... Nanami: Well, it can't be helped... Nanami: I'm just going to buy some medecine, so wait here!! --- Page 011 Sword: What's with her... She said herself we should go to school... Ios: But... It's good, this human thing... Sword: Uuh? What's good about it... Ios: Even though we argue, if a crucial moment comes, we can think of each other properly... Nothing can stand against people like us... Sword: Feh, just shut up! Sword: I'm going to leave this world as soon as possible. Sword: I'll collect the twelve remaining fragments of Satan's soul that fell to the human world and regain my demonic body!! --- Page 012 Sword: Until then, you should think of a way to regain your original shape... of becoming an Angel again, too, bastard! Sword: I'll crush Satan, and then... Sword: I'll settle the matter with you, bastard!! --- Page 013 Ios: I know, Sword... But until then... Nanami: Hey, you two, what are you fighting about in a place like this!! Nanami: Really, as soon as I take my eyes off you... Why can't you get along!? Sword: Nanami... Sword: Ah, umm... Devils and Angels are enemies, so of course our relations will be bad! Nanami: It has nothing to do with either Devils or Angels!! Sword: B, but... Nanami: Anyway, if you say you'll be arguing... Sword: I got it, I got it!! Nanami: Heh, you better! Ios: ..... --- Page 014 Ios: Enemies... Angels and Devils, and Heaven and Hell... Ios: Certainly, I want to settle matters with Sword. Ios: But... As a human, I certianly wish I could continue this current life... Ios: Hehe... If I return to being an Angel, I might not worry about things like this... Ios: Y, You're... --- Page 015 Shekil: Long time no see, Ios-sama... Ios: Archangel Shekil Aria!! Wh, why did you...? Ios: No way, have you come to kill Sword again...? Shekil: No... This time, the duty I've been ordered... --- Page 016 Ios: ...!! T... to heaven...!? Shekil: Even you should know that demon-king Satan has begun to move, Ios-sama. Shekil: Therefore, we need as many commanders as possible in Heaven. Somehow, together with me... Ios: But right now, I'm not even a complete Angel... If you bring me to Heaven as I am... Shekil: No, there's a way for you to return to an Angel. If there's the body of that human... --- Page 017 Sign: Health room. Sword: Ungh, ungh... Sword: My head's hurting and my body's heavy... I, I'll die... Nanami: Oh, you're so slovenly! Ios-san could bear the pain and take his class... Sword: I'm not like him, I'm delicate. Nanami: Devils shouldn't be more delicate than Angels!! Sword: Feh, I don't know about him... Nanami: Eek!? What's this sudden fe... feeling...!? --- Page 018 Ios: If there's this body...? What on earth... Shekil: If I don't return you to Heaven... Ios: ... Shekil: What are you hesitating about, Ios-sama!! Shekil: If you return to an Angel, you can settle matters with Devil Sword as you've wanted!! That is the will of God!! Ios: He, heheheheheh. Ios: The will of God... you say? Don't make me laugh! --- Page 019 Kanna: I know no such thing!! Kanna: God or whatever, I won't give in to you assholes' selfish desires!! --- Page 020 Shekil: B, black wings... A fallen Angel!? Shekil: Is it the human sharing the body with Ios-sama!? Kanna: What's wrong, was my coming out unexpected? Shekil: ... Human, I cannot forgive you for mocking God, but you challenged me... --- Page 021 Shekil: Because now, I have to left my blade against Ios-sama!! --- Page 022 Shekil: As things are, Ios-sama probably wouldn't return together with me. But now that it's you, I can lead you to Heaven without reservation!!