Devil Devil version 2 Vol 6 - Chapter 7, The Silver World. 990808 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg113 Text: Chapter 7, The Silver World. Pg114 1. Kanna: Nanami, are you really going? 3. Nanami: Of course! With these glasses, I'll bring the real Souma back without fail!! 4. Kanna: *sigh*... Mizuno, I'm sorry you had to come too. Mizuno: N, no, I don't really mind... 5. Nanami: By the way, Mizuno-san... You're in that outfit again? Mizuno: It's OK, this is proper winter wear! 6. Mizuno: The shoes, look, specially for snow-mountains!! 7. Mizuno: It's perfect!! Pg115 1. Kanna: If she herself says it's fine, there should be no problem... Nanami: Th... that's right... 2. Nanami: Well then, to get Souma back... We're off!! Pg116 2. Sword: Garvera, you bitch, what's with that outfit!! Garvera: What's the problem... 3. Sword: We didn't come to have fun, we came to look for the fragment of Satan's soul!! 5. Garvera: I know, but isn't it OK if I play just a little? 6. Sword: Hurry up already!! Garvera: No nead to shout... Pg117 1. Garvera: Well then, Sword, let's have a contest!! If you reach the foot of the mountain before me, I'll give you the information!! 3. Sword: Wh.... Whaaat!? 4. Sword: Wait a minute! Did I just wast energy climbing this far... Garvera: Well, I think moving about this snow-covered mountain would be good practice, so come!! 5. Sword: But I didn't bring any boards like those!! How should I do! 6. Man: You want me to show you how to snowboard? Woman: Yes, buuut... Sword: Hm! Pg118 1. Man: It's OK, it's OK... Woman: Hmmmm, should I do it... Sword: Hey!! 3. Sword: Lend me that plank!! 4. Sword: Gaarveraa! You'll regret challenging me!! 5. Garvera: That's well done, but can you catch up, I wonder!? Sword: Hpmfh! 6. Sword: 7. Sword: Ooh, over there!! Pg119 1. Sword: Hehehe... I can use that!! Get outta my way!!! 3. Man: Wh, what are you doing... Man: Idiot, don't come here!! 4. Men: Wooow, what a cool jump!! 6. Man: ...but how far did that guy go? Pg120 2. Garvera: Th... this can't be... 5. Garvera: D... did you have fun, Sword? 6. Sword: This isn't about fun! 7. Garvera: As expected... Sword: Take this, you lousy thing!! Pg121 1. Garvera: Uuh, you broke it... didn't you borrow it? 2. Garvera: Can't be helped, a loss is a loss. I'll give you the information. Look at this clipping. 4. Sword: ...? What's this... 5. Garvera: Several weeks ago, the paper wrote a bit about something from these mountain recesses... Garvere: The contents... Many trees mowed down with almost unbelievable power... Has a monster appeared? 6. Garvera: But, there's no information of any Devils being around here. So... 7. Sword: I see... that means this monster-thing has the fragment of Satan's soul... 8. Sword: All right, let's go!! Garvera: No good, 9. Garvera: There's something we should do first!! Pg122 3. Sword:, why do I have to bath!! 4. Sword: That woman... Is she really going to search for Satan's soul!! Garvera: Before going to look, we should wash away our tiredness! 5. Sword: I don't agree!! I don't have time to hang around! Sign: Women. 6. Sword: Garvera, why are you taking such fucking time!! Pg123 2. Sword: Uh... Pg124 1. Garvera: You pervert!! Peeping in without hesitation!? 2. Sword: I... it's not like that! Bitch, since you were taking so long... Garvera: Well excuse me! I was waiting for evening!! 3. Garvera: If we're going inside the mountain, there's too many people during the day. It would be dangerous moving around like that. 4. Garvera: What if we get into a fight and are seen? We'd also be called monsters... 5. Nanami: Don't come closer, monster!! Pg125 1. Sword: 2. Garvera: Seems like you're agreeing. Sword: Sh, shut up!! 3. Garvera: Besides, have a reason to take in here!! Sword: Liar, you just wanted to bath!! 4. Garvera: You're wrong! The owner was an eye-witness! That means we can pinpoint the place. Garvera: (You're so rude!) 5. Garvera: There's another interesting thing. Sword: Interesting thing? 6. Garvera: The monster in that newspaper article, it could only be seen inte the distance, but, it's said that it was big and you couldn't see any shape or form. 7. Sword: Uhuh... That's certainly interesting. 8. Garvera: Do you understand? Well then... 9. Garvera: Hurry up and get out of here!! Sword: Ouch!! Pg126 1. Nanami: Eeeh, they're not here!? 3. Kanna: But, they were supposed to be staying here... Owner: Aah... If you mean those two, they certainly stayed here. 4. Owner: But when I went to tell them dinner was ready, they were no longer around... Owner: (This is a problem for me too...) 5. Owner: Furthermore, one of the snowmobiles I have parked out back was gone... 6. Nanami: Then, do you have any idea where they might've gone...? Owner: Hm... Now that you mention it... 7. Owner: Since the girl was asking about that newspaper article during the day, maybe they went there... 8. Kanna: Newspaper article...? Pg127 1. Owner: Yes... an article about a monster who has occasionally appeared from the snowy montains here recently. 2. Nanami: M-monster? 3. Owner: Ah... it's true! I've seen it with my own eyes!! 4. Kanna: A monster, eh... That must be what Sword's here for. 5. Kanna: So, what do we do now, Nanami? 6. Nanami: Let's go! That's where Devil Sword is!! Pg128 3. Sword: Strange... Why'd it end up like that...? Garvera: What are you saying, Sword! You're the one who said you wanted to drive it because it seemed like fun!! 4. Garvera: What are we going to do now!? This is a disaster!! Sword: You could fly with your Demonic Power!! 5. Garvera: If I could do that, I wouldn't have used that thing!! 6. Garvera: When it's cold, I can't use my Power well... 7. Sword: You idiot!! Bitch, what kind of Devil are you!! Pg129 1. Sword: ...I'd like to say, but... I'm the same... C, cold... 2. Sword: When I think about it, this body is human, it's not strong against cold... 3. Sword: If an enemy appears at a time like this... 6. Sword: Wh, wha, whaat!? Pg130 2. Garvera: I'm feeling a strange demonic aura around here!! Sword: Wh, what!? 3. Sword: