Devil Devil version 2 Vol 7 - Chapter 6, Nanami's Counterattack 990807 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg095 Text: Chapter 6 / Nanami's Counterattack. Pg096 1. Sword: This body, I can't return it... Because there's something I have to do. 4. Nanami: 6. Nanami: Wh, what is it you have to do!? Pg097 1. Nanami: No way... Are you going to do something dangerous like yesterday again...!? 2. Kanna: Well, it's not something safe he's going to do. 3. Nanami: You mustn't, you definitely mustn't! That body is Souma's body!! 4. Sword: I know that... That's why I have to fight. 5. Sword: To get back my own body!! Pg098 1. Nanami: Th, that's... that's just too selfish! 3. Nanami: Leave Souma's body right now, and make Souma himself again!! 5. Nanami: ... no matter what, if you don't go away.... I'll make you!! 6. Nanami: I'll show you, I'll get Souma's body back from you!! Pg099 4. Sword: Heh... If you think you can do that, just go ahead and try!! 5. Sword: Let's go, Garvera!! Nanami: Uh, wait!! 6. Garvera: I'm sorry, Nanami-san. After this, there's a place we two will go... 9. Nanami: Remember, Sword! Because, I'll show you, I'll get Souma back to the way he were, surely!! Pg100 1. Garvera: Hey, Sword, was that really good? 2. Sword: ... what?... 3. Garvera: Shouldn't you make peace with Nanami-san before leaving on a journey? Sword: Just shut up, that doesn't matter!! 4. Sword: More importantly, do you really know where the fragments of Satan's soul are!? 5. Garvera: I do! The reasons I came to the Human World were protecting Nanami-san and searching for the fragments... 6. Sword: ...was that also Shiva's orders...? Garvera: You got it... 7. Sword: Then... let's go! To obtain the fragments of Satan's soul!! 8. Garvera: Shit... You're overdoing it! Sword: Bitch, cut it out!! Pg101 3. Kanna: Nana...mi-san... 4. Kanna: Sorry about this, Mizuno... Surely, you said Nanami had come. Mizuno: No... 5. Mizuno: Sorry, Nanami-san, about Sword & co... 6. Nanami: It's already OK... Mizuno: Uh, 7. Nanami: I understand, so don't worry about me... Pg102 1. Nanami: More importantly, today, there's something I want you to tell me. 3. Nanami: I want you to tell me a way to drive the Devil Sword from Souma's body!! 5. Nanami: Well, isn't there a way!? Tell me... Mizuno: Tha, that's.... 6. Nanami: Wh, why? Why are both Kanna-kun and Mizuno-san protecting him!? 7. Nanami: He's a Devil, a bad guy!! Pg103 1. Mizuno: Certainly, I think I could excorcise the devil from him... 2. Mizuno: But, Nanami-san... To me, he doesn't seem like such a bad devil to me. 3. Mizuno: Do you really think so, Nanami-san? 4. Mizuno: Besides... I don't have the power to completely drive him from the body right now. 5. Nanami: But... Kanna-kun turned back!! 6. Kanna: That's not true... Even now, Ios' soul is within me. Pg104 1. Nanami: But you turned back. Why hasn't Souma!? Kanna: E... even if you say that to me... 2. Mizuno: I think, probably, that is because an Angel's Soul and a Devil's Soul are different. 3. Mizuno: An Angel's Soul is close to that of a human... Therefore, they can coexist inside a single body. 4. Mizuno: But, a Devil's Soul is different. Therefore, if Sword once comes to the surface, they cannot change places... 5. Nanami: Th, that's... 6. Nanami: Well... Well, can't you at least bring Souma to the surface!? 7. Mizuno: That's... 8. Nanami: ...!! The, there is, a way!! Pg105 1. Nanami: Please, tell me...!! Otherwise, Souma is still in danger!! 2. Mizuno: Eh? 3. Nanami: He left, saying there was something he had to do... Together with that woman... 5. Mizuno: Oh, I see... With that person... Nanami: Mizuno... -san? 6. Mizuno: I understand, I'll try... Please come in, both of you. Nanami: Y... yes!! 7. Nanami: Mizuno-san... What could be the matter...? Kanna: Who knows... 8. Kanna: You're the same, but a female heart is hard to understand... Pg106 1. Mizuno: This is volume ten of the Demonic Manual. 2. Mizuno: There are notes on how to create various demonic items. 3. Mizuno: Let us try one of them - a persons heart... a catalyst to turn it's desires into matter... 4. Mizuno: Nanami-san... Please enter that magical circle. Nanami: Y, yes... 5. Mizuno: Then, please think only of Souma-san returning to the way he was. 6. Mizuno: Now then, let's go!! Pg107 1. Mizuno: In the name of the Lord. Magical circle, give strength to her heart!! Mizuno: With that strength, give shape to the appearing person... Appear!! 4. Nanami: Pg108 2. Nanami: Uh...!? G... glasses? 3. Nanami: What, is this the item that will turn Souma back!? 4. Mizuno: It is, I... think, but... 5. Mizuno: Perhaps, because the image Nanami-san has of Souma-san is glasses... Pg109 1. Nanami: But, but, if I use this, I can turn Souma back to the way he was!! Mizuno: P, probably... 2. Nanami: If they can get Souma back, any shape is fine! 3. Nanami: Just you wait, Devil Sword!! 4. Mizuno: Kanna-san... Do you really think this is good? Kanna: Who knows... Well, she suggested is, so don't ask. 5. Kanna: Nanami is serious... What'll you do, Sword? Pg110 2. Sword: C... Cold!! Pg111 3. Sword: What place is this! Why am I at a place like this!? 4. Garvera: Look oooout!! Out of my way, out of my waaay!! 6. Sword: Wh, whaaat!? Pg112 1. Garvera: Here I am, Sword!! 2. Garvera: This skiing is fun, aren't you going to give it a try? 3. Sword: Ga... Garvera!! What are you doing, didn't we come to find the fragment of Satan's soul!?