Devil Devil version 2 Vol 7 - Chapter 4, Cruel Fate 990731 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg059 Text: Chapter 4, Cruel Fate Pg060 2. Kanna: Sword, how long have you been unable to handle these guys...? 4. Sword: Ka, Kanna... 5. Kanna: If it was me, I'd hit the leader of this bunch with a single strike... 7. Sword: N... No way, you... Pg061 3. Sword: Is he going to kill all the humans here...!? 4. Men: Heh... You're bluffing. A human shouldn't be able to act like that!! 5. Kanna: Hehe... Sorry, but, Kanna: I'm no ordinary human!! Pg062 1. Sword: Wha!? 2. Garvera: N... no way!! Those humans have nothing to do with this... 3. Men: Fool!! That man, does he say he'll kill humans!? 4. Devil: ...hmph!! Sorry, I'm not going to die with these humans!! 6. Kanna: You're the fool!! 7. Devil: What!? Pg063 2. Devil: Urgh. 3. Devil: Gwaaah. 4. Kanna: Like a devil, he fucking ran away easily... Shameful!! 5. Devil: B, bastard... 6. Devil: You planned this from the beginning... To fucking strike me!! Pg064 1. Sword: This guy... The same uniform as us...!! 2. Garvera: 3. Sword: Hey, Garvera, why didn't you notice, bitch!? Garvera: That's... 4. Garvera: I thought that human had been acting very suspicious right from the beginning and investigated, but couldn't feel any indication of him being a Devil... 5. Kanna: Well... Of course. He erased his demonic signs completely, to become like a pupil... 6. Kanna: However... he made the mistake of targeting Nanami in front of me. 7. Devil: Hehe... Clever, man holding an angel's soul... I couldn't trick you like Garvera and company... Pg065 1. Devil: Seems I no longer need to hide my shape!! 2. Zangi: I'll show you Zangi's true power, under the direct control of Satan-sama!! 3. Sword: Hmpfh, don't say such bold thing's when you're sop low a guy as to sneakily target a woman!! 4. Sword: Seeing your true form, you're no enemy, asshole!! 5. Sword: I'm going to beat you to death, so be fucking ready!! 6. Zangi: Hehehe.... Think you can, Sword, the humans will kill you!! Pg066 2. Devil: Look, I can use my ability to control humans this way, too!! 3. Sword: Wha!? Pg067 2. Sword: The humans he controls, into one...!! 3. Devil: As it's created by humans, can you strike this body!? As before, your threats are already meaningless!! 4. Garvera: Uh!? Pg068 2. Devil: First of all, since you've been in my way, bitch!! 3. Garvera: Aaaaaaaah! 4. Sword: Y... you asshole!! You keep fucking using such petty methods... I'm your enemy, come and get me!! 5. Garvera: Do... Don't, Sword!! 6. Garvera: Did you... forget.... what I said... before? 7. Garvera: Could you face Nanami after murdering them? Pg069 1. Sword: <... Nanami..!!> 3. Nanami: *huff* *huff* 5. Mizuno: What could be wrong? The many indications around the church have gone out... 6. Mizuno: Hmm... No, wrong. They've turned into one...!? 7. Mizuno: What on earth is happening...!? Pg070 1. Devil: Hehe... What's the matter, Sword!?! Can't raise hand or feet against your opponent? 2. Garvera: Waaah! 4. Sword: You've... You've already gone to far...!! 5. Kanna: ... Sword?! 6. Sword: There's no use stopping me! I owe Garvera, and I have to pay the debt back... 7. Kanna: Pg071 1. Sword: It doesn't matter if my opponent is human, I'll kill you, bastard!! 2. Kanna: 4. Sword: <...!! This feeling...> Pg072 1. Ios: Holy power! Break the chains binding these evil-turned persons! Ios: Arch-light!! {kanji "holy-light"} 2. Ios: Sword... This frees the humans. Aim for your opponent's true form!! Pg073 2. Sword: You don't have to tell me that!! 3. Devil: Eh, eeeek, don't comeee!! 4. Devil: Secrets of the Ankokumatoujutsu, Pg074 1. Sword: Jigoku Hazen Geki!!! 2. Devil: Gyaaaah! Pg075 3. Ios: Long time no see, eh, Sword. 4. Sword: Heh, I haven't exactly been dying to meet you, but... 5. Kanna: You're the same as ever... But... If it's to save Garvera-san, please stop being so rash. 6. Sword: Shu, shut uuup! Garvera: Cough, cough. 7. Sword: It's your fault, if you'd just come out earlier... Pg076 4. Sword: Na... Nanami!!!