Devil Devil version 2 Vol 7 - Chapter 2, A Flower In Each Hand!? 990727 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg023 Text: Chapter 2, A Flower In Each Hand!? Pg024 1. Sword: Punishing Devil Garvera, No way, I didn't think you were in the human world... 3. Sword: Ever since we argued at grampa Mizuno's place...? 4. Garvera: Yeah... Pg025 1. Sword: We should settle that matter, but... 2. Sword: Somehow... 4. Sword: That's no longer enouugh!! 6. Garvera: Teehee... Even though you say we're reunited after such a long time, Pg026 1. Garvera: Don't you think we should talk slowly, Sword? 2. Sword: You tried to kill me, so what the fuck are you saying!! 3. Sword: Furthermore, fucking doing that! Thanks to you, Nanami will look at me stranger and stranger!! 4. Garvera: Aaah, that! That was... 5. Garvera: Just wanted to give you a proper greeting! 6. Sword: A... greeting, you biiitch... Putting me in trouble... That's enough!! Pg027 3. Garvera: ...ouch... 4. Garvera: Hey... Isn't it horrible to do that to an unresisting opponent... 5. Sword: I'll only say it once, Garvera... 6. Sword: I don't care if you aim for my life... but, I won't allow you to fucking drag Nanami into this... Pg028 2. Sword: Ah... uh, ...oh... 3. Garvera: What, I thought I explained I went to great length to do a good thing... so stop!! 4. Sword: G... good thing!? What's that? 5. Garvera: If you worry about her, you should take the utmost care. 6. Sword: What!? 7. Sword: Wa... wait a minute... what the fuck are you saying!? Pg029 2. Nanami: ... say, Kanna-kun, wasn't there a loud sound just now...? 3. Kanna: 4. Kanna: Anyway, he's probably off doing something stupid!! Now, did you want to speak to me, Nanami? Nanami: Ah.. uh.. uhm... 5. Nanami: Actually... that... um... ... I... It's about Souma... 6. Kanna: Oh!? Nanami: Kanna-kun!! Pg030 1. Nanami: The current Souma, don't you think something's changed!? 2. Kanna: I... don't know what you mean... Isn't it natural, as he lost his memory? 3. Nanami: But, his memory once returned. Isn't it strange? And... The current Souma... 4. Nanami: He's not like Souma... He's like a different person... I have that feeling. 6. Kanna: If, if he really was a different person, what'd you do? 7. Nanami: Huh? Pg031 1. Nanami:, in that case, I absolutely wouldn't allow it. Nanami: But, it'd be unreasonable for Souma to come and fool everyone... 3. Nanami: Ka, Kanna-kun? Kanna: Stuupid, you can't be serious, Nanami. 4. Kanna: Don't worry, he really is Souma. 5. Nanami: Bu, but... 6. Kanna: Only... since, these two months, we've been travelling to various dangerous places to regain his memory... 7. Nanami: Huh? Kanna: Maybe, there's a chance he could be possessed by something... Pg032 1. Nanami: Po, possessed... Then... a ghost or an evil spirit or something like that...? 2. Nanami: Do you really think that, Kanna-kun? Nanami: (No way!) Kanna: No... 4. Nanami: Ka, Kanna-kun... Are you making fun of me...? 5. Nanami: ...but... Thanks... I'm somewhat relieved. 6. Nanami: Then, is something possesing him?... If so... Nanami: Hmm. Kanna: 8. Kanna: !? Na, Nanami, down!! 9. Nanami: Huh!? Pg033 1. Nanami: Eeeek! 4. Nanami: Wha... what was that...? Kanna: Seems like, somebody made it fall... 5. Kanna: <...that thing now... that woman? If so, then the truck this morning, too... Is she aiming for Nanami!?> Pg034 1. Sword: Owowow... It hurts, Nanamiii!! 2. Nanami: Shut up! It's fine so come quietly!! 3. Sword: Wait!! Where the fuck are you taking me!? 4. Nanami: We're going to Mizuno-san's place!! 5. Nanami: We're going to investigate if the reason you're strange might be because you're possessed as Kanna-kun said. Sword: S... strange? 6. Sword: Ka, Kanna, that bastard... He talks to fucking much... 7. Nanami: Now, come on, Souma! Sword: Ow... I, I understand!! Pg035 2. Nanami: A, Asou Maya-san... Sword: 3. Garvera: Going home now?... Nanami-san, Souma-san. 5. Nanami: Souma!! Sword: Wha, what is it? 6. Nanami: When we go to Mizuno-san's place... You'll have to tell me about your relation to that person, too. Sword: Wha!? 7. Sword: You fucking idiot!! I don't have any connection to her!! Pg036 1. Nanami: Why would a person you have no relation to, suddenly, in public, ki, ki, ki-ki-ki-ki... 3. Nanami: Kiss you? Sword: Uh... 4. Sword: Nanami: Hmpfh!! 5. Nanami: Hey, what are you doing now, let's go, Souma!! Sword: Ow! Ouch... I understand, Nanami!! 6. Garvera: She's cute, that human girl... 7. Garvera: I might be... a little... envious. Sword: Owowow... Nanami: Hey, hurry up!! 8. Garvera: But... If I don't fulfill my duty... right. Pg037 2. Mizuno: Eh? You want me to check if something is possessing Souma-san...? Um... Why would you saying such a thing...? 3. Nanami: Since they came back, he's been strange. That's why I want you to check! Sword: Y, youuu... 4. Mizuno: 5. Nanami: A, and... With a beatiful exchange student, they ki, kissed, and... 6. Mizuno: A... kiss?... 7. Mizuno: Weeeell... It might be best if I investigate that a bit... 8. Nanami: Mi, Mizuno... Don't misunderstand! She... 9. Crowd: Devil.....!! Pg038 1. Sword: 4. Sword: Who, who the fuck are these guys!! Pg039 2. Nanami: He... heeyy, who're those people!? 3. Sword: Mizuno... no way, are those guys devils!? Mizuno: No... but, they're being controlled by some evil force... 4. Sword: Being controlled!? Pg040 2. Sword: 3. Nanami: Uh... Sword: 4. Sword: