Devil Devil version 4 Vol 5 - Chapter 2, Kerberos 990704 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg023 Text: Chapter 39: Kerberos Pg024 1. Mizuno: Gate of Hell, appear as I summon!! 4. Mizuno: Ia - Ruura - Madarukana - Ra - Oosu - Gadaru ... Raa Pg025 3. Sword: 4. Mizuno: Appear, Gate of Hell!! Pg026 1. Souma: This... is the Gate of Hell!? 2. Mizuno: Even if you pass through it, a terrible evil... 3. Ranfuu: 4. Ios: But, if we can go to Hell this simply, why... 5. Sword: Weeell, it might not be quite that simple. Pg027 1. Souma: ...!! Th... That's... 3. Ios: Ke... Kerberos!! Pg028 1. Mizuno: The beast said to guard the gate to Tartaros, the lan of the dead in Greece myth... 2. Sword: As for the demon guarding the Gate of Hell, all who've tried to pass the gate have recieved death... 3. Ios: I see... You're saying that it's not hard to call forth the Gate of Hell, but to pass the gate, one must prepare for death...? 4. Sword: That's what I'm saying, so do your best, Ios! Ios: Eeh!? 5. Ios: Y... you can't mean... I'm supposed to kill that thing... alone...? 6. Sword: Can't be helped, I have to use all my might simply to make my shape appear here... And Souma, the idiot, is like htis... 7. Sword: (Pathetic...) Pg029 1. Mizuno: Then, I'll...!! Sword: You fool, do you want to die! You'll guard Souma, bitch!! 2. Mizuno: OK... 3. Ios: Then... The rest... 4. Ranfuu: 5. Ios: As expected, I can only try alone...!! 7. Kerberos: Gwaaah! Pg030 1. Ios: Haaaaaaah! 2. Ios: Wha!! 4. Ios: 6. Sword: Shiii!! Pg031 1. Mizuno: Wa... Watch out!! 7. Ranfuu: I wasn't planning to save you... But I have an interest in going to Hell, too! Pg032 1. Ios: 3. Ranfuu: Seal-demon, devour the evil Demon!! Pg033 3. Ranfuu: So, this thing.. what'll we do about it...? 4. Ios: Ngh... 5. Ios: 7. Ios: You mustn't... Sword, Mizuno-san, run away!! Pg034 1. Mizuno: Uh... But... Souma-san is important... If we do that... 2. Sword: Don't worry, just step back!! 4. Ios: S, Sword!! Pg035 1-2-3. Ios-Ranfuu-Mizuno: Uh... Eeh!? 5. Ios: Ah... I, I see, thit Kerberos... He's Sword's... 6. Sword: I finally remembered... I used this demon once when I was in Hell! 7. Sword: I was the one who originally decided to use him as the gatekeeper, but I'd never have thought he'd still be... 9. Ios: Then why didn't you say so earlier!! Sword: Weeell, you bastards didn't seem to be in such a hurry!! Pg036 1. Ios: You... 2. Ios: Your personality is awful!! 3. Ranfuu: Heh... There's no point in talking to a Devil about whether his personality is good or bad. Sword: Shut up, asshole, nobody asked you!! 4. Sword: I told you, but, I don't see you bastards as friends... (Not Ios either, of course) 5. Ranfuu: Well, the same for me.... 6. Ios: Wait a minute, you two!! 7. Sword: What, you bastard, how'd you think you'd feel sitting on this moron's shoulder!! Pg037 1. Ios: It's not that... If we're going to Hell... We'll need as much fighting potential as possible. 2. Ranfuu: As he said... 3. Sword: 4. Mizuno?: If you're saying that we need as much fighting potential as possible, then... me too!! Sword: Sooooooo, you should take care of this, bitch!! 5. Mizuno: OK... Sword: (We can't bring a woman...) Ios: (I'm disappointed, but...) 6. Sword: Hey, bitch, after two months, you have to summon the Gate to Hell once more!! 7. Sword: I'll leave it to you, Mizuno... 8. Mizuno: O... OK!! 9. Sword: Now then, let's get ready for our little trip to Hell!! Pg038 1. Sword: Open, Gate of Hell!! Pg040 1. Ios: This is... Hell... 3. Ios: What's the matter... Sword... Sword: We appeared at a bad place... 4. Ios: This is the Forest of the Dead... 5. Sword: Dwelling of the bloody Ghouls!!