Devil Devil version 1 Vol 4 - Chapter 3, Shiva Garland. 990616 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg043 TXT: Chapter 3, Shiva Garland. Pg044 4. Shiva: Long time no see, eh... My friend, Sword... 5. Sword: Shiva Garland!! Pg045 1. Ios: Shiva Garland!? 2. Ios: 4. Sodom: Gwahaha, you're one step behind... Shiva... 5. Sword: Gwaaaah! 6. Sodom: I'll have Sword's neck! And the Devilspawn!! You won't get the credit!! Pg046 1. Shiva: I don't need any credit... 2. Shiva: However... 4. Sodom: Rao!? Pg047 1. Sodom: Gaaaaaah!! 2. Ios: Wh, what!? 5. Shiva: General Sodom, I'm not going to entrust Sword's life to you... Since I, Shiva Garland, am the one orderet from above to kill Sword... 6. Sword: What!? 7. Sword: Pg048 1. Ios: Sword, are you OK!? Sword: I... Ios... 2. Sword: I'm fine, but Nanami... 3. Ios: She's OK, since Mizuno-san is looking after her... Sword: Oh... I see... 4. Ios: 5. Ios: 6. Sodom: Shiva... You asshole... 7. Sodom: Will you betray hell!! 8. Shiva: I protect the commands of Hell... However, if you and I are late or early, this will be the fate? Pg049 1. Sodom: H... hey, I've realized, after I've killed Sword, I'll kill you too... 2. Shiva: Even if you kill me, the one who defeats you in Hell will be bad. 3. Sodom: Gwahaha, if these arms transplanted against the ankokumatoujutsu are left, you've failed. 4. Sodom: I know, you use the Ankokumatoujutsu too... 5. Ios: What... 6. Sodom: Shiva Garland!! Just like Sword's, your technique will be of no use against me!! Pg050 2. Shiva: Certainly, those arms protected you against Sword's Ankokumatoujutsu... 4. Shiva: However, they cannot protect you against my technique... 5. Ios: 6. Sodom: Ngh... 7. Shiva: Witness, the true Ankokumatoujutsu! Pg051 1. Sodom: Don't count me out, Shivaa!! 2. Sodom: Pg052 1. Sodom: Huh? 2. Sword: 3. Sodom: This... Can't be... 4. Sodom: Asshole, even though I'm protected against compressed Demonic Power, your Ankokumatoujutsu won... Fucking explain your lies!! 5. Shiva: I didn't lie. However, the true Ankokumatoujutsu.... 6. Shiva: You cannot be protected against it with magic defense of that strength... Pg053 3. Shiva: This is the end, General Sodom... Pg055 Shiva: Secret of the Ankokumatoujutsu - Majin rekkou satsu!! {Demon God Violent Light Kill} Pg056 3. Ios: Even though he didn't use your Ankokumatoujutsu... Overwhelming strength... 4. Sword: Of course... Anyway, since the one who taught me the Ankokumatoujutsu... 5. Sword: Is him, Shiva Garland!! Pg057 2. Shiva: Hehe... What terrible shape you're in... Sword... 3. Sword: Is it... Shiva... 4. Shiva: I heard you disobeyed General Sodom's orders again, but... You never learn, either... 5. Sword: That bastard, he's sacrificing us like peasants to gain credit for himself... No kidding... {Sword's actual comparison is "shogi pieces"} 6. Shiva: So, you went into the Angel's warship on your own... You'll die sometime, Sword. Pg058 1. Sword: I won't listen to anyone... I'd rather choose to die... 2. Shiva: How like you... That's what I most don't dislike about you... 4. Shiva: What if I teach you a way to survive... 5. Shiva: Study my Ankokumatoujutsu, Sword... Pg059 1. Sword: I longed for those words, but... If I would come to fight with him... 2. Ios: But, that man... Isn't he your friend...? 4. Sword?: It is correct as you say... 5. Shiva: ...Sword, give me that Devilspawn obediently! If you do, I won't take your life... 6. Sword: Hehe... Well said, you've sent terrible assassins against me until now... 7. Shiva: ...Answer, Sword... Is it Yes or No... Pg060 1. Sword: Since it's you... You should know my answer... 3. Shiva: That's right... 4. Shiva: As expected, I'll have to take it by force...