Devil Devil version 2 Vol 4 - Chapter 1, New Assassin. 990628 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg003 TXT: Chapter 1: New Assassin. Pg004 1. Pilot: From Wildcat to LSO (Landing Signal Officer). Practice is over, requesting permission to land. LSO: Roger. Prepare landing, approach approved. 2. Pilot: Hey, let's return quicky and drink some coffee! Pilot: OK! 3. Pilot: ...! No, wait a minute, there's something coming at us from ahead... Is it a bird...? Pg005 1. Pilot: No...!? What's this, a man with wings...!? 2. Devil: It's no use, you can't avoid me!! 5. LSO: Wildcat, what was that light, report!! 6. Pilot: I... I don't know. It made Hounddog fall! Pg006 2. LSO: What's happening, Wildcat, report the situation!! 3. Devil: Heh... Is this the weapons of the human world... Pg007 Devil: To us Devils, they are toys!! Pg008 1. Devil: General Sodom Bars, these are not our enemy. 2. Devil: That man, we're assassin's sent in to get the Devilspawn... Since he's driven off everyone. 3. Sodom: ...Shiva... Don't compare me to some lowly punishing devil. 4. Sodom: Well, let's go, to kill Sword!! Pg010 3. Sword: Hehe... At last, I can truly swing this devilblade... 5. Sword: Since I emptied the Devilspawn in the previous battle... If I can't do this much, I can't compete with a demonic assassin... Pg011 1. Sword: But...!! No matter how long it takes, I will only collect demonic souls to return to my original shape!! 3. Sword: Wait a minute... 4. Text: Defeating Devil (Soul, use) Text: Getting soul (Soul, collect) Text: Defeating Devil (Soul, use) Text: The souls will increase endlessly.. 5. Sword: No... Noooo! If I keep this up, I can keep collecting souls forever!! Sword: It's the first time I realized it! 6. Sword: Even if I don't defeat any devils, the demonic power of the souls is too little and will soon be used up... 7. Sword: If I don't get strong, senior devils, it's no use!! Pg012 1. Sodom: For example, like me...? 2. Sword: Wh, who's that!! 6. Sodom: Long time no see... Sword!! Pg013 1. Sodom: I'm General Sodom!! Where's your manners when faced with a lord!! 2. Sword: 3. Sodom: Hehe, are you surprised I appeared... Sword... 4. Sodom: Dealing with you wasn't originally important enough for me to leave, but... Sodom: Shiva Garland... I can't let him get the credit...!! 6. Sword: Shiva... Did you say Shiva Garland...!? Pg014 1. Sodom: Oh... The color of your face changed when you heard his name. Now that you mention it, even though you and Shiva are of different rank, you used to be terribly good friends... 3. Sodom: I'll tell you something nice... He's come, too, to this world... To kill you! 4. Sword: Wh, at...!? 5. Sodom: Mwahaha, how does that feel, an old friend having come to kill you!! 6. Sodom: But, I won't let him do it!! Since the one that will kill you and get the Devilspawn... Pg015 1. Sodom: Is General Sodom Bars-sama!! 2. Sword: Feh... 5. Sword: Pg016 2. Nanami: What was that sound... Sounded like it came from above the shrine, but... 3. Nanami: Lately, Souma's come to this place every night to do something, but... No way, he can't be doing something bad again... 5. Nanami: Hm... Pg017 1. Nanami: So... Souma!! 2. Nanami: Souma, what's happened!? 3. Sword: Na... Nanami, why are you here! 4. Nanami: Wha, what do you mean, your father asked me to look for you... 5. Sodom: This is the end, Swooooooord!! Pg018 1. Nanami: Huh... Sword? 2. Sword: 3. Sword: Run away, Nanami!! 4. Sword: Ngh!! 6. Sword: Na... Nanami!? Pg019 2. Sword: Na... Na... Mi... 3. Sodom: What's this, is there another human... 4. Sodom: I don't know what's with these insects!! Pg020 1. Sword: You... Bastard... 2. Sodom: Hm... What's with the face, Sword? You can't be angry because of that human... You're a Devil!! 3. Sword: ...I think it's strange, too... Why I get this strange feeling, but... 4. Sword: I'm saying my demonic blood will kill you!!