Devil Devil version 1 Vol 3 - Chapter 6, Father's Request? 990325 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg097 TXT: Chapter 6: Father's Request? Pg098 2. Bat-cat: Sword, where are we fleeing, meeow!? Sword: I don't know! Ask those guys!! 3. Sword: Hey, Brat! Are you saying we'll really return to the real world this way!? Pg099 1. Hiroshi: Uwaah!! 2. Sword: Feh. 4. Sword: Idiooot! Don't bother me!! Pg100 2. Sword: Eeey, [uzattee!!] 3. Sword: What are you doing, stand up already! 4. Hiroshi: Uuh... 7. Sword: Feh. 8. Sword: Hey, Bat-cat, lead the brat and flee! Bat-cat: Meow? What will you do, meow!? Pg101 1. Sword: Because it's good, if you're brave, it'll be OK!! Bat-cat: I, I understand, meeow. 2. Bat-cat: H, hurry up, flee, meow. Hiroshi: Uh... B, but, that guy... 3. Bat-cat: Don't worry about him, meow!! Hiroshi: Uh. 5. Sword: Heh. 7. Sword: M... Maybe I was too hasty... A little... Pg102 1. Bat-cat: Haah, haah, The world inside this book... Since the Golems appeared, the scenery has changed totally, meow! 3. Hiroshi: ...that guy... why is he saving me... Bat-cat: Meow! 4. Bat-cat: Sword wants demonic souls, so he came here, meow. If he seems brave, it's for his own sake, meow. So, don't mind it, meow!! 6. Hiroshi: For his own sake... Is that so... After all, nothing is important to anybody but themselves... What about strangers... Pg103 1. Boy: How long are you going to keep crying. Boy: Let's go. Mother: Since mother is busy, I'll see you later... Hiroshi: Both Mother and my friends from school were like that... Nobody... Understood my feelings... 2. Bat-cat: 3. Father: Hahaha, how's this. Hiroshi: Great, Father!! Hiroshi: I lost the father I loved so much... My feelings... 4. Hiroshi: Here... I can meet my father and my friends again... 6. Sword: In other words, you pulled pranks on everybody just to comfort yourself, bastard. Pg104 1. Sword: Because of that, [mawarikaranokemononisareteijikeru...] Don't get sentimental. Brat!! 2. Sword: [Put your weakness aside and stop moping!!] 3. Bat-cat: Y.. You don't have to talk like that to a kid, meow!! Sword: Shut up, I'm sick and tired of seeing this guy!! 4. Sword: I've ended up like this to save him! That brat!! Pg105 1. Hiroshi: Liar! You came for your own sake, not for me!! 2. Sword: Wha... 3. Hiroshi: You're just like everyone else!! 4. Bat-cat: W... wait, meow... Sword: What's with that brat!! 5. Bat-cat: That kid, unliked by everybody and lonely, meow. You weren't gentle to him, meow!! 6. Sword: I'm a Devil. I don't have any gentleness!! 7. Bat-cat: Uh! Now that you mention it, I'm a demon too, meow... Pg106 2. Hiroshi: I hate... everybody... 3. Father: What are you crying about? 5. Hiroshi: Ah... ah. 6. Hiroshi: Oh... F, father!! Father: Hahaha, it's already OK. 7. Father: Because father has been with you the whole time. 8. Father: So, won't you hear a single request for me? Pg107 2. Bat-cat: I'm a a Devil. What are you saying... 3. Bat-cat: If you're going to search for that child properly, there's a good place, meow!! 4. Sword: Idiot! Remember, oif the Devils get that brat's soul, we'll be in trouble!! Bat-cat: Really, meow, I doubt it, meow. 5. Sword: Bastard, you trying to start a fight with me!? Bat-cat: J... just joking, meow. 6. Sword: Really, just where'd that brat go... Bat-cat: Uuuuh, scary, meow. 8. Hiroshi: Oniichan... {Lit. "big brother"} Pg108 2. Sword: Eh... 3. Sword: Bastard, where'd you fucking go!! Bat-cat: We were worried, meow. 4. Hiroshi: I'm sorry... Oniichan... I want to return to the real world. 5. Sword: Eh? Bat-cat: R, really, meow!? 6. Hiroshi: You came for me. I found the Devil you were looking for! Pg109 2. Bat-cat: This is where the school was before, now it's just a great chasm, meow!! 4. Sword: Hey, is this really it... Pg110 1. Sword: Wha!! Pg111 2. Bat-cat: S, Swoooord!!! 3. Bat-cat: Wh, what did you do, meow, you, do you understand what you just did, meow!? 4. Hiroshi: I understand... But... It can't be helped... He was in the way of my staying here. 5. Bat-cat: He might seem like an obstacle, but he really did worry about you, meow! That's why he came looking for you, meow!! Pg112 1. Bat-cat: His body is human, meow! I can't save him from that height, meow. 2. Father: This is certainly what I wanted. Hiroshi: F, father... 3. Father: I've waited a long time... Finally, a human soul... I won't anybody stand in my way... Nobody!! Pg113 1. Hiroshi: F, father... Faaather!! 2. Devil: Yes... If I devour your soul, I'll regain my demonic power, and can leave this world... So, I'll devour your souuul!! Pg114 2. Bat-cat: Wh... wh... what should... what should I do, meow!! 3. Bat-cat: Hm... 4. Bat-cat: What, meow, that... maybe... 5. Sword: Hehehe... I'll show that brat!!