Devil Devil version 1 Vol 3 - Chapter 5, Book of Devils. 990324 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg077 TXT: Chapter 5: Book of Devils. Pg078 2. Mizuno: There's something you want to show me? Ios: Yes. 4. Mizuno: Nothign with Kanna-san, but with Souma-san coming to the church, I thought there'd be something strange... What is it? 5. Sword: If you're gonna be like that, maybe I shouldn't have come!! Ios: Souma... 6. Ios: Actually... Pg079 1. Ios: It's thiss, but... 2. Mizuno: Oh, cute! But, it seems to be ill... Sword: Feh, it's soul was drawn out so it's without power!! 3. Mizuno: Is soul was drawn out? 4. Ios: Yes, for Souma to use Demonic Energy, he had to put the soul of this Bat-cat in the Devilspawn on his right hand... He returned it properly afterwards, but, since then, it's health has seemed bad... 5. Ios: Mizuno-san, we thought maybe you knew something... Sword: Really, it took human form and tried to cut off my right arm, so this is punishment!! 6. Sword: Hm... What? 7. Ios: It says it's changed since then. Sword: You... Still, such a joke! Pg080 4. Sword: Whaat, watch out!! Ios: W... who? 5. Mizuno: Hiroshi-kun!! 7. Ios: That kid, his eyes are filled by some sort of sorrow!? Pg081 1. Sword: You brat! What the fuck are you doing!! Ios: Calm down... 2. Mizuno: I'm sorry, Souma-san. 3. Mizuno: That kid's called Hiroshi-kun... He used to be a cheerful, obedient child... 4. Mizuno: About two months ago, his father died... since then, that child... In school and at home, he's been pulling terrible pranks and telling lies... 5. Mizuno: Nowadays, even his friends don't go near that child, and he always comes here alone... 6. Sword: So you want me do forgive him! Don't joke!! Ios: Souma... Sword: [aayuu yatsu wa bishibashi yatte yarya ii nda yo!!] Pg082 1. Mizuno: Seems like Souma-san is thinking... 2. Mizuno: As I'll try to make that child apologize afterwards. Sword: OK already! Hurry up with this... Hm. 3. Sword: It's not there... It fucking escaped! 4. Bat-cat: No joke, meow, if you entrust something to humans, you never know what happens, meow... 6. Bat-cat: Pg083 1. Bat-cat: 2. Bat-cat: 4. Voice: Wait!! 5. Hiroshi: W... who!? Book: I'm here! The book you're holding!! Your mind is visible to me... See the world you desire... Pg084 1. Book: Come on, make a contract with me. You just have to nod your head. If you do that, I'll give you that which you desire. 2. Hiroshi: ...yes... 4. Bat-cat: W... what, meow... 5. Book: The contract is completed. Well, let me grant your desires!! Pg085 2. Bat-cat: 3. Bat-cat: 4. Bat-cat: H... hang on, meow!! 5. Bat-cat: Hope, less, meow... such great power, meow!! 6. Sword: What! That voice!! Bat-cat: Meow. 7. Bat-cat: You came at the right time, meow! T... this child... Bat-cat: Uh... Pg086 2. Bat-cat: Te... Terrible, meow, what to do, meow!? Sword: Bat-cat, what are you fucking doing now! 3. Bat-cat: I'm saying I'm not the bat-cat, meow!! Sword: Enough of that already!! 4. Mizuno: This is a sealed book... 5. Mizuno: This book contains the sealed magic of defeated devils and monsters. Their demonic energy should be stopped when they were sealed, but... 6. Mizuno: It used Hiroshi-kun's weak heart, and using demonic energy, it sucked him inside the book... 7. Mizuno: This is my fault... He shouldn't have entered this room, if I had told him... Ios: How do we save him!? Pg087 1. Mizuno: There's one way... if you enter the book, and defeat the Devil. 3. Ios: Well, I... Mizuno: No. 4. Mizuno: I'll go... It's my responsibility. 5. Sword: You guys are impossible!! 6. Sword: I'll go!! 7. Mizuno: Souma-san!? Ios: Souma... Pg088 1. Sword: If you guys go, I won't get any demonic souls for my right hand! Hey, while I'm at it, I might as well take that brat with me back!! 2. Mizuno: But... Ios: No... Let's leave this to Souma. 4. Mizuno: Yes... Bat-cat: Yes, meow, that's best, meow!! 5. Sword: What are you saying, you're coming too, bastard!! 6. Mizuno: Well then, let the sealing ceremony begin!! Pg089 1. Mizuno: In the name of the Lord! Detach the this person's body and soul from this world... 3. Mizuno: Entrap it in this book!! 6. Mizuno: ... Souma-san... 7. Ios: Sword! I beg of you... Pg090 1. Sword: Ow... Ouch... What a rough ritual... 2. Sword: But, what is the inside of the book like... 3. Sword: Hm... 4. Sword: Wh, what's this!? 5. Boy: Hey, Hiroshi, over here, shoot!! 6. Sword: Ah, that guy... It's that brat!? Pg091 1. Sword: W, what's he doing? Bat-cat: I know, meow. It's called Soccer, meow, I saw it on TV, meow. 2. Sword: Well, it doesn't matter! Hey, we're going back, brat!! 3. Hiroshi: Uh... 4. Hiroshi: N... no! Even if I return, I'll still be everybody's [nokemono]!! 5. Sword: Moron! I came here specially for you, so listen obediently!! 7. Father: Please stop bullying my son!! Pg092 1. Sword: <...!! I'm sure she said his father was dead.> 2. Sword: A father and friends... Is that the world he desires... And that which ties his heart... 3. Sword: I can't take you back if I don't sever the ties of your heart from this world! Pg093 1. Hiroshi: Aaaaaah!! S... Stop, what are you doing to Father!! 2. Sword: Look closely, brat! 4. Sword: He was a Golem! A manipulated puppet with a body of of earth and stone given a temporary soul... 5. Hiroshi: Get him back! Get my father back! Bastard!! 6. Sword: Look around you carefully! Pg094 1. Sword: With one of them revealed, their natural shapes all fucking appeared!! Pg095 2. Sword: How's this... This is the reality! 3. Bat-cat: Why are you speaking so carefreely, meow, hurry up and defeat them, meow!! Pg096 1. Sword: I'd like to, but... Judging by the amount of souls, I'll only be able to use demonic energy once... Without using that, I can't do it. Bat-cat: Eh? 2. Sword: I hadn't expected so many of them to appear after revealing the true body... These things! 4. Sword: This brat's heart is the source of their demonic energy... If his heart doesn't change, [hand no uchi you ga nee... tte koto ha!] Hiroshi: F, father... 5. Sword: For now, escape!! Bat-cat: Y... you! You call yourself a Devil, meow!?