Devil Devil version 2 Vol 3 - Chapter 3, Electronic Devil. 990321 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg041 TXT: Chapter 3: Electronic Devil. Pg042 1. Bat-cat: Come on, a match with this arm-wrestling machine, meow!! 2. Bat-cat: Myahaha, you're awfully silent, meow. 3. Sword: Maybe I should go back to sleep... Bat-cat: W... wait, meow!! 4. Bat-cat: Don't you want to know on whose orders I was sent out to assassinate you, meow! Pg043 1. Sword: Heeey! Can't be hepled, let's fight!! 2. Sword: I'll win in a single second! Don't esacpe, Bat-cat!! 4. Sword: Uh. 6. Sword: Pg044 1. Sword: That was just a practice try... Bat-cat: Myahahaha, no need for that, meow. 2. Bat-cat: You already fell into my trap, meow!! 3. Sword: What... 4. Bat-cat: Electronic Devil Agral, do it, meow!! 6. Sword: Uh... Uuh!? Pg045 1. Sword: What's this sword!? Bat-cat: Don't worry, meow. I won't take your life, just your hand, meow. 2. Sword: Th... this thing... th... the arm is loose!! 3. Sword: 4. Ios: Strange... Sword's not around... Hm, here? 6. Ios: I can sense evil energy from this game center... Pg046 1. Ios: Yet... What is this strange indication in here? It's not the energy of the souls of the humans here. 2. Girl: Hey, let's hurry and get out of here. Boy: Uh, what. 3. Girl: Because, after my friend came here, [some corpse ???] 4. Girl: Hey, a chill... Ios: 5. Ios: 7. Bat-cat: Myahahaha. Pg047 1. Bat-cat: I did it, meow! If I return with the Devilspawn, Bat-cat: I'll become a senior devil, too, meow!! 2. Sword: You... 3. Sword: Don't celebrate while I'm still fucking alive! 6. Bat-cat: Owowow, what, meow? Pg048 2. Sword: 5. Bat-cat: Maybe... Because of this, meow? Pg049 1. Agral: What did you do, Bat-caaat!?! Bat-cat: Waaah, sorry, meow, sorry, meoow. 2. Sword: Th... that guy... I see, there fucking was a Devil inside the game... 3. Agral: [Hmpfh, I didn't even like this from the beginning...] Bat-cat: Waaah. 4. Agral: I should kill you quickly and cut off the right hand! Pg050 1. Bat-cat: Wait, meow! You don't have to kill him, meow!! 2. Agral: Shut up!! 3. Agral: If that right hand is such an important thing, I'll take it back to Hell... Agral: If I do that, my living by recieving Soul-energy in this place will be forgiven!! 4. Sword: Feh, a fucking greedy underling... 5. Sword: If you can take my right hand, just fucking try!! Pg051 1. Sword: Go!! Secret of the Ankokumatoujutsu!! 2. Agral: What... Ankokumatoujutsu!? 3. Sword: Uh. 4. Sword: No use! There are no demonic souls left... 5. Agral: Y... you surprised me! Dieee!! Pg052 3. Ios: As soon as I let you out of my sight, you end up in trouble... 4. Sword: I didn't ask to be saved by anybody! 5. Ios: Hmfh... You say such a thing after being saved? Pg053 1. Sword: I can fight well enough, bastard! Get back!! 2. Ios: Until now, eh... Sword: What with that fearless smile... 3. Ios: You're fighting with a Devil in a body that can't use Demonic Energy... Ios: I thought of that. I need energy to fight, too... 4. Sword: 5. Agral: Idiot! You think you can fight me, a Devil, with such a thing!! Pg055 1. Agral: Ngh... S... Stupid! With such a thing... Why!? 2. Ios: Mizuno-san's grandfather hinted this technique to me. 4. Old man: A human body can't endure Demonic Power. But, if the body is guarded with the Devilspawn, it is OK. 5. Ios: A human body is weak to Angelic Power, too. However, there is a way! Ios: If you release power skillfully and use with things outside the body. For example, like this! Pg056 1. Agral: Ngh... What are you guys doing here!? 2. Agral: 3. Ios: Don't run away!! 5. Ios: The indication went away!? 7. Bat-cat: T... this is bad, meow! He went inside the store, meow!! Pg057 1. Ios: I see... He's going to steal the souls of the humans in the store to get power!! Sword: Shut up... Ios: Let's go, Sword!! 2. Bat-cat: Hurry up, meow! If all the humans in the store are killed, meow, it's terrible, meow!! 3. Sword: Bastard, you tried to cut off my hand, so what now!! Bat-cat: Th... that was that, this is this, meow!! Pg058 1. Agral: Mwahahaha... [Much stomach!] [With this, you&etc hitohi neri da!!] 2. Sword: Hey, [???]!?