Devil Devil version 2 Vol 3 - Chapter 2, Cat-type demon. 990321 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg023 TXT: Chapter 2: Cat-type demon. Pg024 1. Sword: [It was long... If I think, it has looked really bad until now.] 2. Sword: During a battle with Angel Ios, I fell to the ground... And then, borrowed this sort of weak body... Sword: Ouch, I dying. 3. Sword: What, thi... this is me? Sword: Thanks to that, I can't send out power or use Demonic Power. 4. Ios: I'm your older brother. Sword: What's more... This body is the twin brother of the human body Ios borrowed... I, a Devil, am humiliated for every day that passes!! Pg025 1. Sword: But finally... 2. Sword: Finally, a way to return to being a Devil has come into my hands!! 3. Sword: With this Devilspawn on my hand, if I collect demonic souls, I can return to my old self!! 4. Ios: But since you used up all the souls during the previous battle, it's empty, isn't it? Pg026 1. Ios: To get demonic souls for your hand, let us together hunt down Devils who commit evil in the Human World. 2. Sword: Ios... Bastard, don't make fun of me! Why should I do such a thing... Ios: Well, Sword, how had you planned to collect demonic souls? 3. Sword: ...hmm... 4. Father: Heey, what are you two shouting about. 5. Ios: Fa, father... Father: You must be tired after your trip, so I've heated the bath. 6. Ios: Tha, thanks... Ios: Hm? 7. Ios: F... father... wha... what's that...? Pg027 1. Sword: Aaaah, that's the bat-cat!! 2. Father: Bat-cat? What's that... 3. Father: I call this kid "Meowmeow"... He showed up while you were away. 4. Ios: Sord... Why, bat-cat? 5. Sword: [It's fine anyway.] 6. Sword: Hehehe.... I've been looking for you. 7. Sword: A way to turn back, and the bat-cat... I've found both the things I was looking for at the same time!! 8. Father: What's the matter? After-effects from the wounds again? Sword: It's like I've won already!! Pg028 5. Bat-cat: Finally, he's asleep, meow... Pg029 1. Bat-cat: At long last, I can be freed from my duty. Devil: Bat-cat, you are to observe Sword, and occasionally lend him power and get close when he is unprepared. And, try to take the Devilspawn from his hand. 3. Bat-cat: I was entrusted with such an important mission, so he must have confidence in me, meow. 4. Bat-cat: If I take this Spawn back, I'll be given the name of a senior Devil!! 5. Bat-cat: Meow? 6. Bat-cat: Ca... Can't take it, meow. It's stuck on the hand, meow!! Bat-cat: Wha... what to do, meow!?! Pg030 1. Bat-cat: Riight, meow, if I go to the kitchen, there'll be one of those, meow!! 3. Bat-cat: Can't hold it with this hand, meow... 4. Bat-cat: Nothing to do but to change, meow!! Pg031 1. Bat-cat: With this... 2. Bat-cat: I should cut off the arm, meow!! 3. Bat-cat: Myahahaha. Bat-cat: This is my duty, meow, don't want to think badly, meow!! 4. Sword: Hey... Bastard, what are you doing? 5. Bat-cat: Wh... what, wo! You're awake, meooow!! 6. Bat-cat: Well, you've noticed my bloodthirst... a bite, meow! 7. Sword: [Ano naa...] Bat-cat: Meow? Pg032 1. Sword: How could I not wake up when you were doing this, idiot!! 2. Bat-cat: Then I'll have to sue force, meow... Sword: I... it didn't listen... 3. Bat-cat: Give me that hand, meow!! 5. Bat-cat: Uh... uh... Let me go, meow!! You lecher! Pervert!! Pg033 1. Sword: You... Perhaps you're not the Bat-cat? 2. Bat-cat: N, no, meow. I'm a senior Devil, meow. Sword: [ja anande me o sorasu nda yo!] 3. Sword: Ow... 4. Sword: Y... you... Bat-cat: Today, I'll forgive you with that, meow!! 5. Bat-cat: But next time, it won't be so easy, meow!! Father: I call this kid "Meowmeow". 6. Sword: Hey... wait, Meowmeow!! Bat-cat: What, meow. 7. Sword: As I thought, you're not the Bat-cat! 8. Bat-cat: You're wrong, meeeoow!! Sword: Just what are you!! Pg034 6. Bat-cat: Electronic Devil Agral, I know you're here, meow, come out, meow!! Pg035 1. Agral: Who is it... that knows my name. 2. Bat-cat: Don't try to come in the shape of a junior devil, meow!! 3. Agral: Hmfh, a bat-cat... why that shape... 4. Bat-cat: Don't you understand, meow, it's camouflage for this world, meow! Agral: That's god, but your ears are showing... 5. Bat-cat: Sh, shut up, meow, I came to ask you something, meow!! Pg036 1. Agral: If you think you say that... I don't have time to play with kids... Bat-cat: W... wait, meow!! 2. Bat-cat: Is that what you say, meow. 3. Bat-cat: You suck out human souls here and devour them yourself, meow. You can't really take them back to Hell, meow... 4. Bat-cat: In Hell, this could be considered trechery, meow... 5. Bat-cat: What'll happen if I report this to the senior devils, meoow. Agral: W, wait a minute... this is a problem!! 6. Bat-cat: Well, you'll cooperate, meow? Pg037 1. Sword: Hey, Ios, have you seen that stupid cat. Ios: No, not here. 2. Ios: I'm surprised that bat-cat was an enemy. 3. Sword: It fucking tricked me by saving me, but it was after the spawn from the beginning!! 4. Sword: Surely, [somebody's sashiganede yatteru ni chigai nee!] Ios: Don't get angry... that cat, since Father liked it... 5. Sword: Is there a relation?! Ios, you look over there, bastard!! Ios: Yes, yes... 6. Sword: Really... 7. Bat-cat: Wait, meow, Sword!! Pg038 1. Bat-cat: One more battle, meow!! Bat-cat: Today won't be like yesterday, meow!! 3. Sword: [kou nna koto ni i-yagatte ka!] What's the battle, you idiot... Bat-cat: Don't hold me up, meow!! 4. Bat-cat: [A... A devil, escaping rather than battling, meow!!] 5. Sword: Y... you!! Pg039 1. Sword: Well then! But if I win, You'll tell me on whose orders you're following me around! 2. Bat-cat: Good, meow, and in exchange, if I win, you give me the Devilspawn on your right hand, meow!! 3. Sword: You idiot, I can't lose. Bat-cat: My head hurts, meow!! 4. Bat-cat: Heh, I'll show you, meow. That right hand, I'll show you I'll certainly get it, meow!! 5. Bat-cat: Follow me, meow. The type of battle... 6. Sword: Huh. Bat-cat: This, meow!! Pg040 3. Sword: Hey, are you trying to make fun of me, Bat-cat. Bat-cat: I'm telling you I'm not a Bat-cat, meow!!