Devil Devil version 1 Vol 2 - Chapter 7, Yakumi Onsen. 990311 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg121 TXT: Chapter 7: Yakumi Onsen. {Yakumi means Spice but is probably just a name here; an Onsen is a hot spring bath.} Pg122 1. Sword: The coming of the Devil is because of us? Ios: What are you saying!? 2. Devil: Hehehe, don't you remember... 3. Devil: The distortion when you fell to the Human World.. Passing that distortion, the emotions of the Human World called hate and resentment poured into hell!! Pg123 1. Devil: That substituted for a summons, and we appear in the Human World!! 2. Ios: 3. Ios: I, an Angel, have commited an error like this... Sword: Hey, hey, what are you moaning about, bastard! 4. Devil: Sword!! Remember! By being with an Angel, you have betrayed us Devils!! 5. Devil: Traitors die! All of Hell are your enemies!! 6. Sword: Wha... Whaat!! Pg124 1. Devil: Mwahahaha, This is becoming fun!! Sword: Uh... Bastard, wait!! 2. Sword: Cut that out! I'm not together with a guy like this!! 3. Mizuno: In the name of the Lord. Book of truth, reveal the true name of this thing, and give him the judgement of God!! 4. Mizuno: Ah. 5. Devil: Waaaaaaaaah... 6. Sword: Bi... Bitch... Pg125 1. Sword: The big-breasted excorcist!! 3. Mizuno: Perhaps... I thought, but as expected, you two were the cause. The appearance of Devils is starting to increase... 4. Sword: Feh, [Then so what, didn't you want to excorcise us before?] Sword: (Fucking listen...) 5. Mizuno: If you say... that's right? Sword: I don't have time to hang around with you!! Since it seems like there'll be bloody Devils fucking coming to kill me... [soitsura no aite o shinakya nara nee!!] Pg126 1. Mizuno: With a human body? ... That's impossible. Sword: Uh... 2. Sword: It might seem so now, but I'll soon return to being a Devil! And then... 3. Mizuno: How will you do that? Sword: Nggh... 4. Mizuno: Bitch... Why did you fucking come here...? 5. Mizuno: For you to leave the human body... and return to being a Devil, there is only one way. Pg127 1. Sword: Wh... whaat!? 2. Ios: 3. Mizuno: Furthermore, there's a person you must meet... We depart tomorrow. 4. Sword: 5. Mizuno: You can do however you wish... 6. Sword: Pg128 3. Sword: Hehehe, at last, the time for me to become a Devil again has come... 4. Sword: Until now, it has looked utterly terrible! Finally... 5. Nanami: Soum! Wait a moment!! 6. Sword: But... 7. Nanami: Huh. Sword: Why'd you come, bitch!?! Pg129 1. Nanami: I don't know where you're going on this vacation from school, but... I won't let you do it on your own!! 2. Sword: Ummm, I'm not going to have fun... Nanami: But... You're going with that woman! 3. Sword: Uh... 4. Sword: Kanna!! Ios: Nothing to do about it, since she saw we were leaving... 5. Sword: [aaa mooo nande koonaru nda yo!] 6. Nanami: 7. Nanami: 8. Nanami: <...tha... that, ... I, what am I thinking....> 9. Mizuno: As I thought, you came... Souma-san. Pg130 1. Mizuno: So, let us depart. 2. Sword:'re... Going in that outfit? Mizuno: Anything strange about that? 3. Sword: Sword: (I don't understand this woman...) 5. Nanami: 6. Nanami: Ios: Nanami-san, we're going. 8. Nanami: Uh... Wait for me! Pg131 2. TXT: Hell. Devil: Is that so, Sword, who fell to the Human World, lives.. 3. Devil: Y, yes... Moreover, he assisted an Angel in stopping me from snatching a human soul!! Devil: He is a traitor!! 4. Devil: So... You, ran away from that traiotr... This means... 5. Devil: Th... that's... Pg132 1. Devil: This must be reported to Satan-sama immediately... Devil: No, there's no need for that... 2. Devil: The death of traitors... 3. Devil: Punishing Devil Garvera, I order you to destroy Sword... Devil: [omakase kudasai]. Pg133 1. Sign: Yakumi Onsen *** 2. Nanami: Wow, great place. 4. Sword: Hey... Mizuno: Yes? 5. Sword: 6. Old man: Yoooo, come in, Mizuno-chan! Pg134 1. Old man: You've come to this remote place. Sword: What's with this oldtimer. 2. Mizuno: Long time no see, grandfather. 3. Sword: Grandfather...? Why this... Did I see him somewhere, or am I just imagining? 4. Mizuno: You aren't imagining... My grandfather... 5. Mizuno: Is connected to my brother by blood, too. Sword: Th... that occult-otaku!? {Need I explain Otaku? ^_^} 6. Sword: Feh, so he's useless, too!! Mizuno: No... He's now retired to running the Onsen, but... 7. Mizuno: Grandfather was a great excorcist... and... Pg135 1. Mizuno: He knows how to return you to a Devil... 2. Sword: Hmph... This man...!! 3. Sword: Heeh, he can't be... He'd se my true form with a glance... 6. Old man: You look like an ordinary human, but, you're quite big an idiot! That's what my many years of experience say!! 7. Sword: Wha... what, what's this!? Pg136 1. Nanami: However... he's a bit senile... Old man: For idiots, hitting on the head is best!! Sword: S... say before!! 2. Ios: Nanami: Um, what's wrong? Mizuno: Ah, please don't mind. Old man: Ooh, Mizuno-chan, long time no see. 3. Sword: Baaastard! You damn old fart! I'll kill you!! Ios: Calm down, he's an old man!! 4. Sword: Shut uup, old farts like this have no value to live!! Pg137 1. Sword: [aaaa zo, hidee me ni atta...] 2. Sword: Can this really return me... 3. Sword: When will the bloody Devils come to punish me... Can I afford soaking at a place like this... Mizuno: First of all, to the Onsen, please. 4. Sword: Hm... 6. Sword: Oh... Ooooh!! Pg138 1. Garvera: Eeek! Oh no, did I come to the men's section by mistake!? 2. Garvera: I... I'm sorry... Since I'll leave right away, could you please turn the other way... Sword: Eh.. Aah... 3. Sword: 4. Sword: