Devil Devil version 1 Vol 1 - Chapter 3, Bat-cat. 990214 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg075 TXT: Chapter 3: Bat-cat. Pg076 5. Sword: Whaaat is thiiiis!?! Pg077 1. Sword: This beast, where is Kerberoooos!?! 2. Soujirou: Aaaah, as I thought, a failure... Sword: Fa... 3. Sword: A failure, eh. I had gotten my hopes up!! Ios: Ca... calm down, Souma! Soujirou: Aaaah, my mantleee... 4. Ios: What came forth was a cat... I wouldn't call it a failure... It's impressive for a normal human to invoke a magic ritual.. 5. Ios: Right, Yakumo-san... 6. Soujirou: It isn't just Souma-kun, Kanna-kun... Your character has changed, too, hasn't it... 7. Ios: Eh... Pg078 1. Soujirou: Before, when we were researching, you always hit us, saying it was useless... Kanna-kun... Surely, you too will become my soulmate!! Kanna: Bastards, I'm sick of seeing you!! Souma: (Stooop, Kannaaa) Ios: Ha... Hahaha... 2. Ios: E... even doing that... 3. Ios: This cat, come forth from the magic ritual... Can it be a normal cat... 4. Sword: I... Is that so... 5. Sword: I see!! This beast surely holds great power!! 6. Sword: Yeeah! It's not different! I'm sore of it!! Pg079 1. Sword: All right, beast, fly to the sky!! 2. Sword: Spurt out scorsching flames!! 3. Sword: Kill him with your ferocious fangs!! Ios: Wait. 4. Sword: Heeey, just do one little thing! 5. Sword: Hm... 6. Sword: This beast... Somewhere... 7. Sword: Ah... Aah! At that time!! Pg080 1. Sword: I see... You... Are the one made me fucking fall from the rooftop earlier... Ios: Wasn't that because you jumped down yourself? 2. Sword: This beast... If it was in my way once, it won't fucking be it twice... 3. Sword: Prepare yourself. 5. Ios: 6. Sword: Pg081 1. Sword: I'm gonna kill you!! 2. Sword: Owowowowowow!! 4. Sword: The... re.... eh....!? 5. Soujirou: Huh? Pg082 1. Sword: There, don't moooove, gloomy bastard!! 2. Soujirou: Uh... Wa... Wait a minute, soulmate!! 3. Sword: Uh. Soujirou: Huuh!? 4. Sword: That. 5. Sojirou: Wh... why? Pg083 1. Ios: Ba... Bad!! 4. Sword: Pg084 1. Sword: 2. Sword: 3. Sword: Uh. 4. Ios: So... Souma!! Yakumi-san!! 5. Sword: This damn caaat, just you waiiiit!! Pg085 1. Ios: 2. Sword: 4. Ios: Huh!? 5. Sword: Unh. 6. Sword: Wh... what, I see, at last, this beeaaast!! Pg087 2. Sword: WhaaT!? 4. Ios: No... no way... That cat...!! Pg088 3. Ios: TXT: Bat-cat... A monster sometimes appearing from Hell only to stroll the Human World. Since there are many eye-witness reports in the New Jersey state of America, it's called the Jersey Devil. 5. Sword: ...he... hehe... ...useful... 6. Sword: It's useful, this thing!! Pg089 2. Sword: Hmmm? What is it, beast... 4. Sword: <...I see... This guy...> Sword: 5. Sword: Devil: Hehehe... A devil committing an act of mercy!! Devil: That bastard's really become a changed Devil, Sword!! Sword: Pg090 1. Sword: 2. Sword: 4. Ios: What... Bloodlust, from Sword... No... no way...!? 6. Ios: S... stop... Sword!! Pg091 5. Sword: Heh... Aaah... As I thought... 6. Sword: My pride won't let me kill this unresisting weakling! Pg092 1. Sword: So, I'll limit myself to this companion!! Sword: I'll beat that guy for sure, and gain the joy of victory!! 3. Sword: 5. Sword: Fly, beast!! Pg093 1. Sword: With this, we can have an even fight!! 2. Ios: Oh dear... The person called you... Ios: ([Otto...] Was a devil, right...) 3. Sword: Sword: What!? 4. Sword: Pg094 1. Sword: Tell me, won't you, Angel Ios!! Let's begin our 102nd match!! Pg095 2. Sword: Let's bring the conclusion from Heaven here and now!! Pg096 1. Sword: O... oi, hey! Sword: Wa... Wait... 2. Sword: I... I don't believe it!! 4. Ios: So... Souma, are you allright...? 6. Sword: This damn cat, come back!! Pg097 1. Sword: ...uh... it didn't listen, beast... 2. Ios: 3. Ios: 4. Ios: S... Sword...? 5. Ios: Heee... This is off to the hospital again... Ios: Really, you should stop doing such unreasonable things... 6. Sword: Le... Let go, bastard, somehow, I wasn't saved! 7. Ios: Well... Since your big brother can't leave you here... I... Pg098 1. Sign: Juntenda Hospital. 2. Nanami: Souma... Father: The hospitalization cost is considerable... Nanami: What on earth are you doing here once more!! 3. Sword: Sword: Ngh. 4. Soujirou: Souma-kuuuun, I've drawn a new ritual! Soujirou: So, won't you do it together with me!?! 6. Sword: Shut up, you useless bastard!! Pg099 1. TXT: Rokubou High 3. Woman: Ooh, all the test gradings have become late... There's something wierd about school at night, return quickly... Pg100 2. Woman: Wha... What...?