Devil Devil version 2 Vol 1 - Chapter 2, Soulmate. 991104 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Pg047 TXT: Chapter 2: Friend of the Heart. 1. Sword: Shiit. How could I agree!! Merely a few days ago... 2. Sword: I would have killed anyone who defied me!! Sword: Every day, alcohol and women and pleasures!! 3. Sword: What has become of me!! Pg048 1. Sword: Why did I have to borrow a weak human body like this!! 2. Nanami: Shut up!! 3. Sword: Wha!? Pg049 TXT: Chapter 2: Friend of the Heart. Nanami: What have you been shouting about all morning, Souma!?! Pg051 1. Sword: Wha... what are you fucking doing, biiitch!! 2. Sword: Ngh... Insect... Nanami: If you're getting up to have free time, you should hurry up and prepare for school. 3. Sword: I... I, being made fun uf by a human woman.... 6. Nanami: Before, he used to say "Nanami-chaaaan", and I always woke him up... As I thought, his memory still isn't back... Pg052 1. Sword: Uuuh.... Fuck... ...I... 2. Sword: Among all Devils, I am Devil Sword-sama!! 3. Sword: Having a strong, invincible body!! 4. Sword: It's coolness fascinating all Hell's lowly women!! 5. Ios: What have you been making noise about all morning? ...Sword. Pg053 1. Ios: Stop being so irresponsible. I, being an Angel, and you, a Devil... While we've borrowed human bodies. We must live, I as Amano Kanna, and you as Amano Souma... 2. Sword: This... 3. Sword: Sword: 4. Ios: The person you are, still such a thing... Your current weak body can't defeat me... Sword: Bastard, selfishly, don't peep in my mind!! 5. Ios: Well then... Let's go downstairs... Sword: Wait a minuuute!! 6. Sword: There's one more thing I want to say!! Pg054 1. Sword: Look at this room, what do you think? 4. Ios: ... Small, and full of garbage... Lots of strange things... Ios: ...well, I wouldn't at all say it's a good enviroment... 5. Sword: Yeaah! And despite that!! 7. Sword: The bastard has this room!! Aren't we twin siblings here!? Sword: Isn't it different, this!! Pg055 1. Sword: I'm determined to protest!! Father: Heeey, you'll both be late for school. 3. Sword: You fucking old fart! Why is my room small and dirty!! Father: Eeek, because, you didn't settle into the bigger room. 4. Sword: Then make it big right now!! Father: So... Souma, you're scaring me... 5. Nanami: What stupid thing are you doing now, Souma!! 6. Father: Eek, Nanami-chaaan, Souma, household violence... Sword: Th... this... Nanami: Not getting down and being a spoiled child, we're going to school!! Pg056 3. Sword: Sword: 4. Sword: 5. Man: Hey, isn't that you, Souma-kun. Pg057 1. Man: How's your injuries...? I was worried... 2. Sword: 3. Man: Oh my... The symbol of our friendship... You aren't wearing your glasses. 4. Sword: Sword: 5. Man: I see... Rumors say the memory loss has changed you... It seems to be true... 6. Man: Howeeever, there's nothing to worry about! Soulmate!! Pg058 1. Man: Active together in the Rokubou High Occult Research Society, I can't see how you can forget me, Yakumi Soujirou!! 2. Soujirou: So, remember!! Those glorious days!! Soujirou: And then, we can again study Black Magic!! 3. Ios: A... awkward, isn't it... soon... Soujirou: Right, now, we study a Summing Ritual to summon monsters, and then, let's try it out together! 5. Sword: The... The days of glory I want to regain... Pg059 3. Sword: Are no such thing!! Pg060 1. Ios: Your hand... is it OK? Nanami: Are you alive? Sword: What is Summoning Ritual!! 2. Sword: Summoning Ritual...? 3. Sword: Riight! In that hand!! 4. Ios: Sword: 5. Sword: 6. Sword: Sword: Pg061 1. Sword: Aaall right, let's go do this Occult stuff right away!! Sword: And we'll do the Summoning Ritual this bastards speaks of!! Nanami: How can you say that after hitting your friend!?! 2. Soujirou: I... I refuse... Sword: What? 3. Sword: Hpmfh. Soujirou: Right now, you aren't the Souma-kun I know! I can't work with such a person!! 4. Sword: Y... you fucking say so... This dark-natured bastard... Sword: Brave of you... Opposing this Sword-sama... 5. Sword: Hehehehe... What do you think of... 8. Sword: Thiis!! Pg062 1. Sword: What do you have to complain of now!! Ios: S... Sword... No way, driven that far... 3. Nanami: Wait, don't cry!! 4. Soujirou: Doesn't matter... Even if you change your outward appearance, it won't move my heart. 5. Soujirou: If you want to study together... You'll have to get back to the original from that savage character first. 6. Soujirou: Bye. Pg062 1. Nanami: So... Souma...? 2. Sword: ...That guy hurt my pride this far, I'll begin with him... 3. Sword: When I get my old self back, I'll kill him first!! Ios?: Na... Nanami-san! Hold back Souma!! 4. Sign: Rokubou High School 5. Sign: Occult Research Society. Pg064 2. Soujirou: Hmm... Soujirou: I really can't believe it... Souma-kun, becoming like that... 3. Souma: Hey, Yakumi-san. 4. Soujirou: The days when I spoke of magic and supernatural phenomenon with him... I thought only he would be my soulmate forever... 5. Soujirou: Turned into a savage person like that!! 6. Bully: Whaat are you saying! If you're soulmates, why isn't he here? Bully: Yeah, yeah! 7. Soujirou: Y... you... Pg065 2. Sword: Shiit. I don't like this! Ios: Why can't you calm down... What on earth... 3. Sword: I've decided! I'll screw him up, and execute the Summoning Ritual!! 4. Sword: [This body bastard with doing a bit tight... Like screwing up a human!] Ios: That boy can't do magic... 5. Sword: Oh. Here it is, here it is! Sword: Hehehe, be prepared... 6. Soujirou: Eh.... eeek, p... please forgiiive me! 7. Ios: Wh... what, that voice... Pg066 2. Bully: Shuuut up, you better hand over the money quickly, bastard!! Bully: We know! You use club expenses to buy wierd stuff!! 3. Soujirou: Y... you musn't, that's the money Souma and I saved up together!! Ios: Doing such a thing to an unresisting human! Sword: Heh... [???]. Bully: Since Souma is longer in this club, that's allright!! 4. Sword: If he's a man, he should be able to protect his own body himself! 5. Ios: Sword! He's the friend of your body's original owner!! Sword: Ungh. 6. Sword: Pg067 2. Sword: N... no! Stop... Don't appear... 3. Bully: Hey, hand over that money!! Soujirou: No! 4. Bully: Nobody's coming to save you, asshole, so hurry up and hand it over!! Bully: What's with this guy! He's real fucking stubborn!! 5. Sword: Hey... Pg068 2. Bully: Wh... whaat!! 3. Sword: Shiit. You've fucking come again!! Bully: So... Souma!! Pg069 1. Bully: A... asshole, what are you fucking doing!! 2. Sword: Heh... Human taste... 3. Sword: Don't mock meee!! 4. Bully: This!! [???]! 5. Sword: Damn... I can see the attack but this body won't funciton!! 6. Sword: Eh? Pg070 3. Sword: ...Ios... Is it allright for an Angel to save a Devil? 4. Ios: Hehe... Since you performed such a good act. Sword: I did it only for my own sake. 5. Soujirou: So... Souma-kun... Y... you saved me... 6. Soujirou: Soulmaaate. Even if you're shape has changed... I knew you're still Souma-kuuuun!! Sword: Uh!? Pg071 1. Soujirou: Now, my heart beats wildly!! Soujirou: All right! Since you said you wanted to do the Summoning Ritual, let's do it! Ios: He's kinda like you, isn't he. 2. Soujirou: Come on! Let's go to the rooftop, and begin the preparations!! 3. Sword: Wh... what's with him? His attitude fucking changed in a hurry... Ios: Hehe... 4. Ios: Being saved by a person, [gentle-??? happy]... Even more so if it is a friend. With humans... Such is life... 5. Sword: ...hmpfh... I can't understand that... Pg072 1. Soujirou: For all times and places, there are various Summoning methods. Witches, masters of magic, sorceresses... If the summoning human changes, that which is summoned also changes... What we'll do now, is a Summoning ritual to call forth life from strange worlds. Sojirou: Well then, let's begin! 3. Sojirou: Aaas, Bek, Luuu, Etof, A, Iend.... {I don't know if it is supposed to make any sense} 4. Sword: He's real serious, but I don't know human magic... Soujirou: Obey the contract, open the key of the gate to strange worlds! Pg073 2. Soujirou: And call that which I desire to this world!! 3. Soujirou: Now, Souma-kun, the name of that to summon! 4. Sword: All right! Doesn't seem like it can go!! Pg074 1. Sword: Appear! Serve me, Kerberos!! 2. Sword: Ooh!! A success!? Ios: N... no way! 4. Sword: Eh? 5. Sword: A cat?