Devil & Devil Chapter 96, An enemy!? (from Shounen Sunday 40/99) version 1, 991129 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 01 Worker: All right, all right... Ah... you idiot! I said a little bit to the left...!! Worker: Aah!! There's someone right below...!! Worker: A direct hit!! S, somebody call an ambulance!! --- Page 02 Text: Devil and Angel, partners!? DEVIL & DEVIL Text: Chapter 96, An enemy!? --- Page 03 Worker: Huh...!? Even though it must've been a direct hit... Worker: How could nothing have happened...!? Devil: Is this... trying to hurt me? Hurt me... enemy... meaning that... Devil: I should slaughter you all...? --- Page 04 Nanami: Aah... Nanami: What a mistake... Nanami: Why'd I say that yesterday... that's, Almost as if I cared for Sword... --- Page 05 Nanami: Wh, what am I thinking... that can't be!! Nanami: Yeah, I was just a bit confused because of everything that had happened!! Nanami: It won't be a day too soon when he leaves Souma's body... yeah!!! --- Page 06 Nanami: Morning, Ios-san. Ios: Ah, good morning, Nanami-san. Nanami: Huh...? Where's Sword... Ios: Well... Nanami: Wh, what... what's happening? Ios: He's been like that since yesterday... Ios: It's not like I can't understand him, but... --- Page 07 Ios: He defeated those formidable Four Generals, gathered all the fragments of Satan's soul, and the moment he would finally become a Devil again, Satan took it all away... Nanami: Sword... Nanami: No, no!! No naive sympathy for him!! Nanami: OK, I'm going in to get him!! Ios: Eh!? Um... Nanami-san... --- Page 08 Sword: Ngh... Ngh... Sword: Gwaaaah, Satan, you asshole!! I just can't stand it!!! Sword: Huuh!? Nanami: Shut up and keep silent!! Sword: Nanami, what the fuck are you up to!? Nanami: Sheesh.... No matter how long you stay shut in here, it's unmanly!! Sword: Whaat...!? Can you understand my feeligns having my body snatched away, bitch!? --- Page 09 Nanami: Why'd I have to understand! Sword: Bitch... Nanami: I, if you have time to storm about, why don't you think of some way to get it back? Sword: Feh... say that cheerfully. It's not something that can be done so easily. Nanami: Watch how you're speaking... I'm worried about you here. So, what? Are you planning to stay in Souma's body like that!? Sword: N, no, it's not that... Nanami: Hmph!! Sword: Ios, you bastard!! Why are you watching!! Nanami: Now hurry up and get ready to go to school!! --- Page 10 Nanami: Allright, be down here in two minutes!! Sword: I got it!! Sword: Feh, she's so uncute!! Ios: She's trying to cheer you up, you know. Sword: Feh... She shouldn't bother so much about me... Sword: I certainly haven't given up on returning to a Devil again. --- Page 11 Bat-cat: But you were whining until just now, meow... Sword: Shut up, bat-cat!! Sword: You're just eating and lazying around, aren't you just like some ordinary housecat!! Sword: If you have so much free time as well, why don't you help me finding away to become myself again a little!! Father: Heey, Nana, dinnertime!! Bat-cat: Meow!! Sword: Feh... it's a cat, allright. Ios: Haha... --- Page 12 Worker: Hahahaha, slaughter everyone, that's a good one Worker: Anyway, isn't it good you're unhurt!! Worker: You're certainly a lucky chap. Devil: Why are you laughing? Devil: Even though I said you're all going to die... Ios: Huh, what's with those people... --- Page 13 Worker: What's the matter, are you hurt somewhere after all? Nanami: Uh, uhm... is there something with me...? --- Page 14 Devil: You smell like Sword. (Sword: Sheesh, watch out next time!) Ios: Huh? Sword: Uh? --- Page 15 Sword: Gah!! Devil: Why are you running away...? Nanami: Hey, Sword, who's this girl!? Ios: Could it be an enemy!? Devil: ...even though I'm... --- Page 16 Devil: your fiancee... Nanami: Huh!? (Devil: Being stared at like that...) Text: Continued in issue 41.