Devil & Devil Chapter 92, Conclusion. (from Shounen Sunday 35-36/99) version 1, 991104 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 01 Text: Devil and Angel, partners!? DEVIL & DEVIL Text: Chapter 92, Conclusion. --- Page 02 Bazil: Sword, do you also struggle to live... Sword: This body is just borrowed... --- Page 03 Sword: I can't let it die easily. Nanami: Sword... Sword: Besides, even if it wasn't... Sword: I wouldn't give up living!! --- Page 04 Bazil: I see... Then let's fight... Bazil: To survive!! Ranfuu: This is... their demonic energy rose dramatically!! Ios: Those two... --- Page 05 Ios: This terrifying demonic power... The fight will be decided in one attack!! --- Page 06 Ranfuu: What's the matter? Neither of them is moving... Ios: They can't move. They're both looking for an opening... --- Page 10 Sword/Bazil: Ukyiiiiiih!! --- Page 12 Bazil: Wonderful.... Magnificient, Sword... Bazil: To crush the body created by Satan-sama... --- Page 13 Bazil: We were meant to disappear after all... I guess we couldn't go against destiny... Sword: You're wrong. Sword: Destiny changed just now. Sword: Even if your flesh and souls disappear, the proof of your existance won't. --- Page 14 Sword: The fight with you will keep on living inside of me...!!! Bazil: Hehe... Is that so, inside you... --- Page 15 Bazil: Good!! Accept them, our souls!! Sword: Bazil!! Bazil: I have no regrets. I have it now... the meaning of our existance, to fight as warriors!! Sword... Bazil: You get it next... That which you seek!! --- Page 16 Sword: That which I seek... Ios: Now... Now you have all the fragments of Satan's soul... Ios: Finally... Ios: The time when Sword regains his demonic body has come...!! --- Page 17 Sword: That which I seek, that's... --- Page 18 Sword: To regain my true form!! Sword: Soul-fragments, with this power, create my demonic body!!! Text: Continued in combined issue 36-37.