Devil & Devil Chapter 90, The Strongest Man. (from Shounen Sunday 33/99) version 1, 991010 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 01 Text: Devil and Angel, partners!? DEVIL & DEVIL Text: Chapter 90, The Strongest Man. --- Page 02 Sword: Ios, let's kick this guy's ass!! Galam: Gw... ah... m, my soul-fragments... --- Page 03 Sword: Give up, Galam!! You're not fit to hold the soul-fragments!! Galam: Swoooord, youuuu!! Sword: Feh... A bad guy on the verge of death!! Sword: Ios!! --- Page 04 Ios: Holy wall, become a shield to repel the evil energy!! Ios: Ngh... Galam: Whaat... He stopped my attack!? He should've died...!! Galam: ...!! He's... gone!? --- Page 05 Sword: Secret of the Ankokumatoujutsu !!! Galam: Stooop!! Those fragments are miiiine!!! Sword: Jigoku Hazen Geki!!! --- Page 06 Monster: Gyaaaaah!! Ios: The souls stolen by Galam are returning... Ios: Now, those two will also... --- Page 07 Sword: The fragments Shadowface took... I'll get them back. Sword: Fragments of Satan's soul, come!!! Galam: I... It's over... Galam: My... ambitions to reign as demon lord... everything... Galam: is over. --- Page 08 Sword: Your delusions end here. Galam: Uh... uhm... Sword: This is it, Galam!! Galam: Gwaaah!! I refuse... I won't accept this!!! --- Page 09 Sword: This is... a wall of water!? Sword: You, bastard... --- Page 10 Sword: Bazil Hornet!! Bazil: ..... Magnificient... --- Page 11 Bazil: Sword, you fought admirably. Galam: Have you come to laugh at me, bastard!? Bazil: Pathetic... We Four Generals of Hell are an existance destined to return to nothing when we've assembled all the soul-fragments... Couldn't you stand the terror of that, Galam. Galam: Did you know as well... that we're created from the fragments... Galam: Then why!? Galam: Then why... don't you mind about returning to nothing!? --- Page 12 Bazil: I don't know, we should just follow our own esthetics... Bazil: And my esthetics... are to seek out a strong enemy, and fight him... and conquer!! Galam: Heheheheh... You persist on that until the end, eh. You're such a moron, struggling to to live. Bazil: Galam, a final sympathy. I'll bury you with my own hands as a warrior. Galam: Bazil... I have just one final question. --- Page 13 Galam: What is our existance as Generals of Helll!? As a fake existance given life only to revive Satan, what is the meaning of our lives!? Bazil: We're not fake... We're warriors. You can only see that answer by fighting. Galam: Heh, heheheh... Just what I expected from you. --- Page 14 Galam: Bazil... Make sure that... the meaning of our existance... --- Page 15 Bazil: Deel, what about you? Will you follow me, or follow Sword along with Fennel... Deel: Hehe... Since I also want to find the meaning of my own existance. I give you my life, Bazil. Bazil: I see... Ios: That left arm... a devilspawn!? --- Page 16 Bazil: Keeeeeeeeh! --- Page 17 Ios: He's... equipped with a replica of the devilspawn!! Ios: Sword, you're not the only one who can call forth the power of the souls!!! Sword: Heh... I have 6 fragments, and Bazil has 7. --- Page 18 Sword: The one who survives will get all the fragments!! Sword: Let's fight, Bazil Hornet!!! Text: Continued in issue 34.