Devil & Devil Chapter 88, Come flying. (from Shounen Sunday 31/99) version 1, 990928 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 01 Text: Devil and Angel, partners!? DEVIL & DEVIL Text: Chapter 88, Come flying. --- Page 02 Ios: Demon Lord of Earth, Galam!! Ios: Garvera-san, Ranfuu-san...!!! Galam: Hehehe, Angel Ios, I'll eat their souls right in front of you!! --- Page 03 Ios: Just you try... Galam: That's a nice face, do you want to kill me? Hehe... You can't!! Right now, with five of the fragments, I'm invincible!! Galam: I'll take your soul before Sword arrives!! Ios: Gwaaah! --- Page 04 Shadowface: Sword, can you hear? Angel Ios' screams... Shadowface: Angel Ios' life will soon be extinguished. When you return, there might not even be a single one of your friends left. Nanami: Th, that's... Sword: Hmfh.... Asshole...!! Shadowface: Oh right, you have friends here as well, don't you... --- Page 05 Mizuno: Huh...!? Nanami: Mizuno-san!! Shadowface: Kwahahahaha!! Now you'll be alone again, with your friends gone!! --- Page 06 Sword: What do you think you're doing, you fucking asshole!!! Sword: Yu're the only one that will die here!!! --- Page 07 Sword: Majin Rekkousatsu!!! --- Page 08 Shadowface: Hehehe... You're too gentle, Sword!! Sword: Feh!!! The gentle one is you, bastard!!! Shadowface: Wh... whaaat!? Shadowface: Gwaaaah! --- Page 09 Mizuno: Sword... Mizuno: Sword... -san... Nanami: Mizuno-san, hang on!! Sword, we gotta get to a hospital...!! Mizuno: I... I'm all right... Mizuno: There's no time... Sword-san, you must hurry back to the school... Sword: Stupid bitch, do you want to die!? Mizuno: But... --- Page 10 Shekil: I'll take care of those human's problems... Sword: Shekil!!! Why're you here, bastard!? Shekil: Because you can't use healing magic. Ios-sama asked me to follow you. Shekil: I was unwilling, but I cannot refuse Ios-sama's request. Sword: Feh, that bastard... He did too much. --- Page 11 Mizuno: Sword-san... Please go. Shekil: Go, Sword. Go, and save Ios-sama. Sword: Heh... I'm not going to save Ios or any other moron!! Sword: I'm going to fight my enemy!!! --- Page 12 Ios: *huff* *huff* Galam: What's the matter, Angel Ios, you can't take any more!? Galam: Then why don't I put in the finishing blow? --- Page 13 Ios: I'm not done for yet... This is where the real fight starts!! Galam: It's over... Angel Ios!! --- Page 15 Galam: I'll devour not only your soul, but also that body!! --- Page 17 Galam: Wh, wha... No way!! My arm, even though I've powered up with the soul-fragments...!? Galam: ...!? There's nobody there... What is this!? Ios: You're wrong... There is. Galam: What!? --- Page 18 Galam: It can't be...!? Text: Continued in issue 32.