Boadicea's Credits

This page is dedicated to all those who helped me out with my website. Here is the rainbow of people who have given me support, made my website prettier thanks to images, provided information, help and have generally done a great job for me! :)
  • Philip "Talamasca" Ho who provided many translations to lyrics and sequences of the manga on the Saint Seiya ML, and from whom I borrowed a few of his beautiful images.
    Website: Mu's Corner
  • Lady Andromeda from whom I stole some images for my gallery.
    Website: Shun's Sanctuary
  • Athemilis "Happy" who provided me with some great pictures from action figure boxes, and who is working with me on the translation of the Hypermyth.
    Website: Athemilis's Sanctuary
  • Ludovic GuettΘ who provided me with the beautiful images from my Memorial Saints image collection, as well as with lots of information in his absolutely great fanzine called Memorial Saints, that you may purchase online (in French) on his site.
    Website: Memorial Saints
  • Nicolas Garfinkiel who always supported me, gave me "reports" on my fanfiction and let me use some of his superb images from the gallery.
    Website: Saint Seiya
  • Arythar McShido from whom I stole a few images and who provides great information on Saint Seiya in his site!
    Website: Saint Seiya International
  • Jim "Standing Bear" who lent me some of his SD images to complete our SD card gallery.
    Website:  Jim's Saint Seiya Image Show
  • French Daidalos who scanned beautiful images specially for my Shiryu and Ikki shrines, and who provided some great scans of SD cards for my collection!
  • Liz who has a superb screenshot site that I couldn't resist delving into... it helped a lot for the profiles of the Asgard warriors and Poseidon Mariners.
    Website: The Little Saint Seiya Nook
  • Stayka dey Avemta who lent me some of her Saint Seiya images and screenshots, and who chatted with me about astrology for the Saints.
    Website: Stayka's Saint Seiya Stuff
  • Ana Carolina Hermann who who reviewed my fanfics, cross read them for me and corrected all the little mistakes (and there are many!) that I make.
  • Fabien "Wildjoker" Royer who provided me with information on mythology, beautiful MIDI files, a great starter's image collection, as well as moral support in the early days of my site.

There are probably still some people who have helped me and that I have forgotten... if you think that you should also be listed on this page, please write to me!


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All Saint Seiya images, plotlines and sounds are ⌐ Masami Kurumada, Toei Productions (anime), Shonen Jump (manga) and Seiji Yokoyama (music).
Fanfictions (except where specified), web creation and articles by Viviane Reber. All rights reserved.