Marine Shoguns

Siren Sorrento

Armour: The Siren Marine Scales
Age: 16
Height: 1,78m
Weight: 75 kg
Birth Date-Sign: 09/10-Virgo
Blood Type: A
Ocean Protected: South Atlantic
Origin: Austria
Fighting Techniques: Deddo Endo Shinfu_oni (Dead End Symphony), Deddo Endo Kuraimakkusu (Dead End Climax)

Siren's main weapon is a flute, with which he plays the "Death's End Symphony" -- it paralyzes a foe so they cannot fight back when he strikes them. In mythology the Sirens were three sisters who were half bird and half women. They had lovely voices, with which they drew sailors and their ships to death upon the rocky shores of the island the sisters lived on.

Seahorse Baian

Armour: The Seahorse Marine Scales
Age: 18
Height: 1,81m
Weight: 78 kg
Birth Date-Sign: 05/07-Taurus
Blood Type: A
Ocean Protected: North Pacific
Origin: Canada
Fighting Techniques: Raijingu birouzu (Rising Billows)

Baian protects the first of the pillars the Bronze Boys must destroy in order to rescue Athena. Baian's special blow is the "Rising Billows". Seahorses in mythology were creatures with the forefronts of horses (with webbed feet rather than hooves) and the rear ends of fish. Poseidon's chariot was drawn by seahorses.

Scylla Io

Armour: The Scylla Marine Scales
Age: 17
Height: 1,80m
Weight: 71 kg
Birth Date-Sign: 03/02-Pisces
Blood Type: AB
Ocean Protected: San Felix Island
Origin: South Pacific
Fighting Techniques: Biggu Toruneddo (Big Tornado) , Kuin Bi-zu Sute_inga (Queen Bees Stinger) , I-guru Kuratchi (Eagle Clutch) , Sa-panto Sutorangura (Serpent Strangler) , Urufuzu Fu_angu (Wolf's Fang) , Banpaia Inheiru (Vampire Inhale) , Gurizuri Surappu (Grizzli Slap)

Scylla's power includes the ability to project energy in the forms of several different animals. In mythology, Io was one of the mortal women loved by Zeus. The god changed her into a cow to protect her from Hera, his jealous wife. After considerable adventures he finally returned her to her real form, and she later bore him a son named Epaphus. The Scylla was a sea-monster that had once been a beautiful sea-nymph. The sorceress Circe grew jealous of her and transformed her into a hideous monster. From the waist up she remaind a beautiful girl, but the lower part of her body was turned into six ravening dogs. She was one of the sea monsters Odysseus faced during the Oddessy.

Chrysaeor Khristna

Armour: The Chrysaeor Marine Scales
Age: 19
Height: 1,87m
Weight: 80 kg
Birth Date-Sign: 08/10-Leo
Blood Type: B
Ocean Protected: Indian Ocean
Origin: Ceylan Island
Fighting Techniques: Furasshingu Ransa (Flashing Lance), Maha Ro-shini

Like Virgo Shaka, his attacks use a lot of Eastern religous and mythological symbolism. In Khristna's case, they are mostly Hindu in origin. Khristna is the name of one of the Hindu gods. Chrysaeor in Greek mythology was the son of a monster -- he was born from the blood of Medusa when Perseus cut off her head. Chrysaeor appeared to be a handsome human man, and he was also known as the "chieftan of the golden spear" for the weapon he favored.

Lymnades Kaysa

Age: 21
Height (m): 1,68
Weight (kg): 49
Birth Date-Sign: 08/19-Leo
Blood Type: O
Origin: Portugal
Ocean Protected: Antarctic
Fighting Technique: Saramanda Shokku (Salamandar Shock)

Marine Shogun Lymnades faces several of the Bronze Boys before Ikki shows up to fry his rear end. Kaysa changes his form to become someone each of the Saints loves, tricking them into letting their guard down so he can strike them unopposed. In mythology, the Lymnades were evil water demons who hated humans. They had the ability to mimic the form and voice of anyone they chose to. Their favorite trick was to assume the shape of someone a passerby loved -- and when he/she got close enough, the demons pulled the humans into the water and drowned them.

Kraken Isaac

Armour: The Kraken Marine Scales
Age: 14
Height: 1,74m
Weight: 60 kg
Birth Date-Sign: 02/17-Aquarius
Blood Type: B
Ocean Protected: Arctic
Training place: Oriental Siberia
Origin: Finland
Fighting Techniques: O-rora Borearisu (Aurora Borealis)

Isaac faces Hyoga in what is yet another case of Cygnus having to fight someone out of his past. Isaac lost an eye trying to save Hyoga from drowning. Hyoga thought he was dead, but a huge manta ray had scooped him up and delivered the injured warrior to Poseidon's realm. Isaac has since them served the sea god. Hyoga must defeat his old friend to save Athena's life, and Isaac is honor-bound to stop him. The Kraken is a type of huge sea-monster, known for destroying ships at sea.

Sea Dragon Canon

Armour: The Sea Dragon Marine Scales
Age: 28
Height: 1,88m
Weight: 78 kg
Birth Date-Sign: 05/30-Gemini
Blood Type: AB
Ocean Protected: North Atlantic
Origin: Greece
Fighting Techniques: Gyarakushian Ekusupuro-jon (Galaxian Explosion), Anaza De_imenshon (Another Dimension), Go-ruden Toraianguru (Golden Triangle)

Canon is the final Marine Shogun who must be defeated before the Bronze Boys can take on Poseidon himself. It seems that Saga was one of triplets, not twins; and Canon is the youngest of the three brothers. Canon has use of the same "Another Dimension" attack Saga used. A Sea Dragon, of course, is another type of sea monster that appears in many different mythologies, not just that of the Greeks.

Mermaid Thetis

Age: 15
Height (m): 1,65
Weight (kg): 52
Birth Date-Sign: 11/21-Sagittarius
Blood Type: O
Origin: Denmark
Fighting Technique: Coral Trap

Mermaid seems to be the equivilent of a Silver rather than a Gold saint. She was responsible for "awakening" the spirit of Poseidon in Julian Solo by giving him the trident which is part of the Poseidon scale. There are two personalities in Greek mythology Thetis may have been named after -- either Tethys, a Titan and wife to the Titan Oceanus (sea god prior to Poseidon's arrival on scene) and Thetis, one of Oceanus' daughters. Eris crashed her wedding party, and she was also mother of Achilles. Mermaids are, of course, mythological creatures who are half woman and half fish.

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