Access statistics for the last 12 months

hits by month

Short statistics for December 1999 (updated more frequently)
Month Hits Files Pageviews Sessions KBytes sent
December 1999 2446445 1751684 336603 76400 42816088
November 1999 9923448 6986306 1564352 324658 181293776
October 1999 13477240 8658637 1593723 493054 237847888
September 1999 9833539 6534666 1189640 330241 183180272
August 1999 8090480 5772986 1104780 268110 130866464
July 1999 3647349 2861173 881484 189864 85475120
June 1999 3176942 2458520 579705 202293 84034184
May 1999 2892561 2273149 523049 123243 76800880
April 1999 969372 773883 180794 21449 25663112
March 1999 2868855 2309696 456743 51858 69270080
February 1999 0 0 0 0 0
January 1999 0 0 0 0 0
Total 57326231 40380700 8410873 2081170 1117247872
Average 4777185 3365058 700906 173430 93103989

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