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* 11/30/96
We Will Be Subbing KoDoCha!!
I swear, we have been bowing down before a God for the past couple of weeks. One of our fellow devotees (whom we would like to call friend) has offered his time and effort to help us translate episodes of Kodomo no Omocha! We're witholding his name, because we haven't asked if we can plaster it up here. We really should build a shrine just for him... As a result of this man's efforts, we are in the midst of doing script editing and timing on episode one. Hopefully, this will be the first of many!

* 10/13/96
KoDoCha Press Kit?
I don't know why it didn't occur to me before. If anybody in Japan has access to a Kodocha Press Kit - you know, the propoganda the producers give out to magazines and other media outlets - then we would love to hear from you! We'd be very interested in getting a copy of one so that we can put more stuff on the site...

* 10/06/96
Subtitling Project
As you mave seen if you tried to access the homepage today, we are actively looking for someone so help us subtitle Kodocha. We have everything in place except a translator. The guy we had helping us do other projects has gone back to Japan, so we are looking for someone who is fluent in Japanese (ie. native), as this series looks like a challenge to translate, even for a seasoned veteran. If you are interested, some sort of compensation can be arranged I'm sure, so let us know!

* 10/05/96
Kodocha Lives!
It's official! As you read this, Kodomo no Omocha is now entering its second season (ok, so technically it's really its first extended season)! Needless to say we've already had our party. The tapes for the final episodes up to 26 have arrived and we're having a wail of a time going through them! Be assured that we're going to do our best to get synopses and other goodies up as soon as we can! Gambaro, Rally! Gambaro, Mike! Along with the last episodes of the first season, we also have the first three manga volumes. I'm sure you can smell what that means...yes, a manga section will be forthcoming soon. And before you ask, NO, we do NOT have a Sana Rap Machine. Though don't think we're not trying...

* 09/24/96
Some BIG Thanks and some small Apologies
First of all I would like to thank all those people from Japan that gave us a hand in the title translations and theme song translations, I don't think that we would have been able to do it without them. Next, I would like to apologize to everybody, the page (as good as most of the comments say it is) isn't exactly at the point we wanted it to be in. However I think we see some free time coming up soon along with the arrival of KoDoCha 17-23, Volume 1 of the Manga, The official Soundtrack and the Happy news that KoDoCha will remain on the air until April 1997. With all this happening, we have been inspired to complete the site and get it up to speed, especially in the character descriptions page. Thanks to everybody for your support.

* 08/25/96
What to Look for in the Next Few Weeks
Well it has been almost a month and the reponse to the web page has been better that we expected. However, the two of us see bigger things for this web page and so you may see links appearing and dissappearing over the next couple of weeks as we are going through a semi-major reorganization of the site. The layout of the pages wont be changing much but we feel that certain "parts" of Kodocha are severely lacking (ie. NO BABBITS) so we will be remedying this.

Certain new sources of information and images have presented themselves (along with us getting the offical soundtrack in a couple of weeks! ) so we ask you to be patient while we start to do the 'final' remodeling of the site and get the characters Tsuyoshi, Rei, Mama, Zenjiro, Babbit, Asako and Noazumi written up along with the synopses for episodes 10 - 15.

As always, if there are any problems, questions, suggestions, or comments, please direct them our way!