Episode 24
Episode #24

Sansu Jinsei Bokeratta
(Life with Math Makes Me Go Gaga)
Air Date: 09/13/96


Michiya sensei comes into class very depressed as she announces there will be a math test. Andoh sensei pops into the class and says that unless a certain average is attained for the class, Michiya will lose her job. Tanaka sensei enters to help.

On the set, Sana is worried about passing and being in grade 3 for the rest of her life. A cram session insues at home where she begins studying hard. Hayama on the other hand, has other ideas to pass the test...

Hayama shows Tanaka that he still has a certain photo. Tsuyoshi sees this and becomes torn between telling Sana or squealing on Hayama. He decides to tell Sana.

Both teachers are worried, and Andoh learns about "some photo" going around. Sana chases Hayama around the schoolyard to get the photo and eventually catches him by burachaa. Andoh catches them both.

It's announced that the test is cancelled and Hayama ends up giving the photo to Andoh.

The picture is of Andoh doing the limbo.

Mama's Hats

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