Not even having a name throughout the first 10 or so episodes of the TV series, the name of this omnipresent little critter 'Babbit' was adopted in Episode 11. You will always see Babbits throughout Kodocha, whether they are there to introduce the next Scene, add some comment about someone, or even as a pin, t-shirt or whaterver the the characters wear.

The name Babbit most likely comes form the genetic mix of animals that make up the Babbit; a rabbit's body with bat wings. Their population is unknown but our guess that that there are more than enough babbits to go around. The babbit will always make an appearance in a scene whenever something has to be said; consoling of a character, a little side information and sometime a liitle coaxing to move the episode along. The best part is that they do and don't exist. Sometimes the babbits are around and the characters are oblivous to their presence while other times, they directly interact with them.

Definately an integral character of KoDoCha.

This page was last updated September 24, 1996 03:40:15 PM.
Maintained by Mike Kerr and Larry Porter.