1025 OK 1026 Reset 1027 Cancel 1028 Accept 1029 No 1030 Yes 1031 On 1032 Off 1033 Min 1034 Max 1035 Send 1036 Receive 1037 Custom 1038 Default 1039 N/A 1040 Continue 1152 SPLASH 1280 MAIN OPTIONS 1281 Fly Instant Action 1282 Instant Action Setup 1283 Fly Training 1284 Resume 1285 Report for Duty 1286 System Setup 1287 Database 1288 Theater Setup 1289 View Introduction 1290 View Credits 1408 SYSTEM SETUP 1409 Preflight Screen Resolution 1410 Flight Screen Resolution 1411 Terrain Detail 1412 Direct3D Board 1413 Use Direct3D Board 1414 Preflight Music Volume 1415 Flight Music Volume 1416 Sound Effects Volume 1417 Display Clouds 1418 Display Smoke Trails 1419 Display Gradient Sky 1420 Flight Stick 1421 Throttle 1422 Rudder 1423 Calibrate 1424 640x480 1425 800x600 1426 1024x768 1427 Low 1428 Medium 1429 High 1430 Joystick 1431 Throttle Control 1432 Rudder Pedals 1433 Keyboard 1434 Mouse 1536 INSTANT ACTION SETUP 1537 Instant Action on Startup 1538 Theater 1539 Number of Wingmen 1540 Number of Enemy Aircraft 1541 Flight Model 1542 No Collisions with Objects 1543 No Crashes with Ground 1544 Invulnerable to Weapons 1545 Unlimited Ammunition 1546 Unlimited Fuel 1547 Enemy Skill Level 1548 No Blackouts and Redouts 1549 Begin Mission 1550 Difficulty Level 1552 Copy Active Pilots Settings 1553 In the Air 1554 On the Runway 1555 On Landing Approach 1556 Relaxed 1557 Realistic 1558 Harmless 1559 Green 1560 Fair 1561 Average 1562 Veteran 1563 Ace 1664 READY ROOM 1665 Pilot Roster 1667 Create Pilot 1668 Edit Pilot 1669 Delete Pilot 1670 Pilot Location 1671 Delete Location 1672 Description: 1673 Name: 1674 Squadron: 1675 Status: 1676 Combat Sorties: 1677 Combat Hours: 1678 View Statistics 1679 View Decorations 1681 Single Player 1682 Multi-Player 1683 Hall Of Fame 1684 Main Options 1792 HALL OF FAME 1793 Overall 1794 Mission 1796 Ready Room 1920 PILOT STATISTICS 1926 Resurrections: 1927 Kills: 1928 Total: 1929 Fighters: 1930 Bombers: 1931 Helicopters: 1932 Other Aircraft: 1933 Tanks: 1934 APCs: 1935 SAM/AAA: 1936 Other Vehicles: 1937 Structures: 1941 KIA 1942 MIA 1943 Active 1944 Retired 1945 2nd Lieutenant 1946 1st Lieutenant 1947 Captain 1948 Major 1949 Lieutenant Colonel 1950 Colonel 1951 Brigadier General 1952 2Lt. 1953 1Lt. 1954 Cpt. 1955 Maj. 1956 Lt. Col. 1957 Col. 1958 Brig. Gen. 2048 PILOT DECORATIONS 2052 Air Force Pilot Wings 2053 Air Force Training Ribbon 2054 Air Force Recognition Ribbon 2055 Campaign Victory Ribbon 2056 Air Medal 2057 Air Force Achievement Medal 2058 Purple Heart 2059 Distinguished Flying Cross 2060 Air Force Distinguished Service Medal 2061 Silver Star 2062 Air Force Cross 2063 Air Force Medal of Honor 2176 CREATE PILOT 2177 EDIT PILOT 2179 Callsign: 2191 Configure MFDs 2304 THEATER SELECTION 2305 Single Mission 2306 Campaign 2307 Custom Mission 2432 CAMPAIGN UPDATE 2433 Campaign Overview 2434 Campaign Briefing 2435 Campaign Map 2436 Mission Selection 2437 Theater Selection 2560 MISSION SELECTION 2561 Mission Set 2562 Generate New Set of Missions 2563 Mission Briefing 2564 Generated Missions 2688 MISSION SCRAMBLE 2689 S C R A M B L E 2690 Enemy aircraft are approaching... Takeoff immediately to intercept all incoming enemy aircraft!!! 2691 P R I O R I T Y 2816 MISSION PLANNING 2817 Primary 2818 Escort 2819 # 2820 Type 2822 Payload 2823 Waypoints 2824 Target 2825 Labels 2826 Objectives 2827 FEBA 2828 Airfields 2829 Flight WP 2830 Other WP 2831 ARMOR 2832 INF 2833 ARTY 2834 SUPP 2835 AAA 2836 AAA R 2837 SAM 2838 SAM R 2839 EWR R 2840 AWAC 2841 CAP 2842 ALT 2843 RCS 2844 Takeoff 2845 Fit Map 2846 Zoom In 2847 Zoom Out 2848 Grid On/Off 2849 Info On/Off 2850 0ft AGL 2851 5,000ft 2852 10,000ft 2853 15,000ft 2854 20,000ft 2855 25,000ft 2856 30,000ft 2857 35,000ft 2858 40,000ft 2859 45,000ft 2860 50,000ft 2861 55,000ft 2862 60,000ft 2863 F-22 SM 2864 F-22 ES 2865 F-15 2866 C-17 2867 UTM Zone = %s X = %s Y = %s Description = %s 2944 MISSION AIRCRAFT 2945 Assigned 2946 Unassigned 2947 Remove 2948 Add 2949 Wingman 2950 Wingman 2 2951 Wingman 3 2952 Wingman 4 3072 MISSION WAYPOINTS 3073 ID 3074 UTM 3075 X (m) 3076 Y (m) 3077 Action 3078 Formation 3079 Altitude (ft) 3080 TAS (kts) 3081 Load Default 3082 Insert Waypoint 3083 Delete Waypoint 3084 Takeoff 3085 Navigation 3086 Patrol 3087 IP 3088 Target 3089 CAP/AS 3090 CAP/AS Leg1 3091 CAP/AS Leg2 3092 Rendezvous 3093 Landing 3094 Wedge 3095 Vic 3096 Echelon Right 3097 Echelon Left 3098 Trail 3099 Ladder 3100 Fighting Wing 3101 H Stack 3102 WAYPOINTS UPDATE 3103 Select Action 3104 Select Formation 3105 Enter Altitude 3106 Enter Speed 3107 As Fragged 3200 AIRCRAFT PAYLOAD 3201 Suggested Fuel 3202 Fuel 3203 Weapons 3204 Margin 3205 All Up 3206 Balance 3207 Drag 3208 Max G 3209 Current Stealth 3210 %d lbs 3211 - ftlbs 3212 %d ftlbs Left 3213 %d ftlbs Right 3214 AIM-9M 3215 AIM-9X 3216 AIM-120A 3217 AIM-120C 3218 GBU-31A 3219 GBU-31A/B 3220 GBU-32 3221 Mk82 3222 Mk83 3223 Mk84 3224 GBU-12B 3225 GBU-16B 3226 GBU-24A 3227 GBU-24A/B 3228 AGM-154 3229 AGM-88 3231 Apply to this Flight 3232 AIM-9M Sidewinder : Anti-Aircraft : Infared Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3233 AIM-9X Sidewinder : Anti-Aircraft : Infared Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3234 AIM-120A AMRAAM : Anti-Aircraft : Radar Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3235 AIM-120C AMRAAM : Anti-Aircraft : Radar Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3236 GBU-31A JDAM : Exlposive : GPS Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3237 GBU-31A/B JDAM : Penetrator : GPS Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3238 GBU-32 JDAM : Explosive : GPS Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3239 Mk82 Iron Bomb : Explosive : No Guidance : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3240 Mk83 Iron Bomb : Explosive : No Guidance : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3241 Mk84 Iron Bomb : Explosive : No Guidance : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3242 GBU-12B Paveway : Explosive : Laser Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3243 GBU-16B Paveway : Explosive : Laser Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3244 GBU-24A Paveway : Explosive : Laser Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3245 GBU-24A/B Paveway : Penetrator : Laser Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3246 AGM-154 JSOW : Explosive : GPS Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3247 AGM-88 HARM : Anti-Radiation : Passive Radar Guided : Weight = %dlbs : Drag = %d : Available = %d 3248 Aircraft is over margin - You must remove fuel or ordnance. 3328 MOVIE 3456 DEBRIEFING 3457 Campaign Debriefing 3458 Mission Debriefing 3459 Re-Fly Mission Now 3584 AWARDS / PROMOTIONS 3712 CAMPAIGN OVER 3840 MULTI-PLAYER SETUP 3841 Services 3968 NETWORK SETUP 3969 Sessions 3970 Session Name 3971 Session Type 3972 Number of Players 3973 Players 3974 Search for Callsign 3975 Search 3976 Create Session 3977 Join Session 3978 Refresh Lists 3979 Modem 3980 Cooperative 3981 Head to Head 3982 Capture the Flag 3983 %s's Session 3984 (%s %d Players) 4096 SESSION SETUP 4099 Session Creator 4100 POSITION 4101 PLAYER 4102 STATUS 4103 Blue Leader 4104 Blue Wingman 2 4105 Blue Wingman 3 4106 Blue Wingman 4 4107 Red Leader 4108 Red Wingman 2 4109 Red Wingman 3 4110 Red Wingman 4 4111 Green Leader 4112 Yellow Leader 4113 Brown Leader 4114 Orange Leader 4115 Black Leader 4116 White Leader 4117 Winning Score 4122 Allow Editing of Preferences 4132 Available 4133 Unavailable 4134 Waiting 4135 Ready 4136 In Progress 4137 Player %s is ready 4138 Player %s is waiting 4139 Player %s quit session 4140 Server has quit session 4141 Player %s joined session 4142 Player %s is flight leader 4143 Guns Only 4144 Guns, 8A9M 4145 Guns, 8A9X 4146 Guns, 2A9X, 6A120C 4224 SESSION BEGIN 4225 is completing preflight activities 4226 is ready for mission briefing 4227 is ready to takeoff 4352 SAVE CURRENT GAME 4354 Old Information 4355 Location: 4357 New Information 4360 Save Preferences 4361 Overwrite Last Save 4362 Create New Save 4363 Use More Disk Space (Faster Load Time) 4364 Use Less Disk Space (Slower Load Time) 4365 Single Missions Only 4366 Add Mission Set to Custom Mission List 4480 CALIBRATE JOYSTICK 4481 Joystick Port 1 4482 Joystick Port 2 4483 Dead Zone 4484 Button 4485 Keystroke 4486 Device 4490 Select a device and then press the 'Calibrate' button to calibrate it 4491 Center your %s and then press the 'C' key 4492 Move your joystick in a complete circle several times and then press the 'C' key 4493 Move your throttle up and down several times and then press the 'C' key 4494 Move your rudder left and right several times and then press the 'C' key 4495 Press the 'Accept' button when you are finished calibrating all of your devices 4608 DEVELOPMENT (I*Magic Use Only) 4609 Resources 4610 TagFile 4611 Campaign Seed 4612 Demo Mode 4613 Warp Dead Objects 4614 Reset Font 4615 Choose Font 4616 Language 4617 English 4618 German 4619 F1 4620 F2 4621 F3 4622 F4 4623 F5 4624 F6 4625 F7 4626 F8 4627 F9 4628 F10 4629 F11 4630 F12 4736 DATABASE 4737 US Aircraft 4738 CIS Aircraft 4739 US Vehicles 4740 CIS Vehicles 4741 US Air Defense 4742 CIS Air Defense 4864 TRAINING 4865 Training - Takeoff 4866 Training - Landing 4867 Training - Navigation 4868 Training - Dogfighting 4869 Training - Bombing 4870 Training - Group Tactics 4992 CONFIGURE MFDS 4993 MFD Set 4994 Combat Modes 4995 Status Modes 4996 Navigation Modes 4997 Dogfight Modes 4998 Landing Modes 4999 Left MFD 5000 Center MFD 5001 Right MFD 5002 Bottom MFD 5003 Defense Mode 5004 Tactical Mode 5005 Dogfight Mode 5006 Attack Mode 5007 Stores Mode 5008 Comm/Nav Mode 5009 Flight Ball Mode 5010 Damage Mode 5011 Stealth Mode 5120 THEATER SETUP 5121 iF-22 Drive: 5122 Free Space: 5123 Theaters on your Hard Drive 5124 Theaters on the CDROM Drive 5125 Remove All Files for Selected Theater 5126 Remove Optional Files for Selected Theater 5127 Install All Files for Selected Theater 5128 Install Required Files for Selected Theater 5129 Refresh 5130 Theater: %s Required: %dmb Optional: %dmb 5131 Installing file: %s (%d bytes) 5132 Removing file: %s (%d bytes) 5133 Installation complete 5134 Removal complete 5135 You do not have enough free space for install 5258 KILLBOARD 5259 PLAYER 5260 SCORE 5261 KILLS 5262 DEATHS 5263 DONE 5264 MISSION RESULTS 5265 HEAD TO HEAD CHAMPION 5266 YOUR FORCES WERE DEFEATED! 5267 YOUR FORCES WERE VICTORIOUS! 5268 YOU LOST YOUR CONNECTION! 5632 A-10 'Warthog' 5633 AH-64 'Apache' 5634 B-52 'Stratofortress' 5635 C-17 'Globemaster' 5636 E-3C 'AWACS' 5637 F-15 'Eagle' 5638 F-16 'Fighting Falcon' 5639 F-22 'Raptor' 5640 UH-60 'Blackhawk' 5664 A-50 'Mainstay' 5665 An-12 'Cub' 5666 Mi-24 'Hind' 5667 MiG-1-42 'Felix' 5668 MiG-23 'Flogger' 5669 MiG-29 'Fulcrum' 5670 Mig-31 'Foxhound' 5671 Su-25 'Frogfoot' 5672 Su-27 'Flanker' 5673 Su-34 'Fastback' 5674 Su-35 'Flasher' 5675 Su-37 'Freefall' 5676 Tu-22M 'Backfire' 5696 HEMTT 5697 HMMWV 5698 M109 'Paladin' 5699 M1A2 'Abrams' 5700 M2A2 'Bradley' 5701 MLRS 5728 2A61 5729 2S19 5730 BMP-2 5731 BRDM-2 5732 T-72 5733 T-80 5734 T-84 5735 T-90 5736 Truck 5737 Uragan 5760 BSFV 5761 IHAWK 5762 IHAWK Radar 5763 Patriot 5764 Patriot Radar 5792 S-60 5793 SA-10 'Gumble' 5794 SA-11 'Gadfly' 5795 SA-12 'Gladiator' 5796 SA-13 'Gopher' 5797 SA-15 'Gauntlet' 5798 SA-17 'Grizzly' 5799 SA-19 'Tunguska' 5800 ZSU-23-4 'Shika' 5824 AGM-154 JSOW 5825 AGM-88 HARM 5826 AIM-120A AMRAAM 5827 AIM-120C AMRAAM 5828 AIM-9M Sidewinder 5829 AIM-9X Sidewinder 5830 GBU-24A/B Paveway 5831 GBU-31A/B JDAM 5832 GBU-12B Paveway 5833 GBU-16B Paveway 5834 GBU-24A Paveway 5835 GBU-31A JDAM 5836 GBU-32 JDAM 5837 Mark-82 5838 Mark-83 5839 Mark-84 6144 Runway Attack 6145 %25 (%26) - Runways and Hardened Hangers 6146 N/A 6147 Destroy runways and hardened hangers at %25 (%26). %22 EMCON 3. 6148 Runway Attack 6149 Airfield Attack 6150 %25 (%26) - Control tower, Hangers, and Support Buildings 6151 N/A 6152 Destroy control tower, hangers, and support buildings at %25 (%26). %22 EMCON 3. 6153 Strike 6154 Air Superiority 6155 Patrol hostile skies near %20 and engage enemy aircraft 6156 As fuel and ordnance permits 6157 Patrol hostile skies near %20 and engage enemy aircraft encountered. Remain on station as long fuel and ordnance permits. EMCON 2. 6158 Air-to-Air 6159 Battlefield Air Interdiction 6160 Rear area enemy ground forces near %20 6161 As fuel and ordnance permits 6162 Destroy enemy ground forces near %20. %21 %22 EMCON 2. 6163 Ground Attack 6164 Combat Air Patrol 6165 Patrol skies near %20 and engage enemy aircraft 6166 As fuel and ordnance permits 6167 Patrol skies near %20 and engage enemy aircraft encountered. Remain on station as long fuel and ordnance permits. EMCON 2. 6168 Air-to-Air 6169 Close Air Support 6170 Enemy ground forces near %20 6171 As fuel and ordnance permits 6172 Destroy enemy ground forces near %20. %21 %22 EMCON 2. 6173 Ground Attack 6174 Deep Strike 6175 %25 (%26) near %20 6176 N/A 6177 Destroy %25 (%26) near %20. Avoid contact with enemy forces during ingress to target. %27 EMCON 4. 6178 Strike 6179 Escort 6180 Escort %28 Flight on a %29 Mission 6181 N/A 6182 Rendezvous at WP%23 with %28 Flight, %30 %31(s), on %29 mission, and escort to WP%24. EMCON 2. 6183 Air-to-Air 6184 Ready Alert 6185 Incoming enemy aircraft 6186 N/A 6187 Destroy incoming enemy aircraft. EMCON 1. 6188 Air-to-Air 6189 Ground Strike 6190 %25 (%26) near %20 6191 N/A 6192 Destroy %25 (%26) near %20. %21 %22 EMCON 3. 6193 Strike 6194 Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses 6195 Multiple air defenses 6196 As fuel and ordnance permits 6197 Destroy enemy air defenses along flight path. %22 EMCON 3. 6198 S.E.A.D. 6199 The %6 Squadron '%5' has been transferred to %8 Airbase.%n%n 6200 Your squadron recieved %15 replacement F-22(s) today.%n 6201 Ordnance received today: %24%n 6202 FAC callsign %32 in area laser designating targets.%n 6203 %33 Flight, %34 %35(s), will rendezvous at WP%23 and escort to WP%24. 6204 Special Forces FAC callsign %32 in area laser designating targets.%n 6205 None 6206 Continuous 6207 Broken 6272 Runway Attack 6273 %25 (%26) - Runways and Hardened Hangers 6274 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy runways and hardened hangers at %25 (%26). Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6275 Airfield Attack 6276 %25 (%26) - Control tower, Hangers, and Support Buildings 6277 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy control tower, hangers, and support buildings at %25 (%26). Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6278 Air Superiority 6279 Patrol hostile skies near %24 and engage enemy aircraft 6280 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to patrol hostile skies near %24 and engage enemy aircraft encountered. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6281 Battlefield Air Interdiction 6282 Rear area enemy ground forces near %24 6283 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy enemy ground forces near %24. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6284 Combat Air Patrol 6285 Patrol skies near %24 and engage enemy aircraft 6286 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to patrol skies near %24 and engage enemy aircraft encountered. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6287 Close Air Support 6288 Area near %24 6289 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy enemy ground forces near %24. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6290 Deep Strike 6291 %25 (%26) near %24 6292 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy %25 (%26) near %24. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6293 Escort 6294 Escort %27 Flight on a %28 mission 6295 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to escort %27 Flight, %31 %32(s), on %28 mission. Estimates indicate %33%%%%%% of %27 survived. 6296 Ready Alert 6297 Incoming enemy aircraft 6298 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy incoming enemy aircraft. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6299 Ground Strike 6300 %25 (%26) near %24 6301 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy %25 (%26) near %24. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6302 Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses 6303 Multiple air defenses 6304 %29 F-22(s) were tasked to destroy enemy air defenses along flight path. Estimates indicate %30%%%%%% destruction. 6305 Pilot %1 was promoted to the rank of %3. 6306 %4 %1 was awarded the %63. 6307 %4 %1 was declared %64 after %65 (%66). 6308 Poor 6309 Below Average 6311 Excellent 6312 Outstanding 6313 crashing into ground 6314 crashing into object 6315 being shot down 6316 ejecting 7168 Checking Network Player %d 7169 Waiting for Network Players %s 7170 Takeoff . . . 7171 Undeclared 4 7172 Undeclared 5 7173 Undeclared 6 7174 Undeclared 7 7175 Undeclared 8 7176 Undeclared 9 7177 Undeclared 10 7178 Cleaning Up old Theater Data 7179 Loading Red Tables 7180 Loading Blue Tables 7181 Setting up terrain 7182 Loading Theater Description Files 7183 Creating Red Squadrons 7184 Creating Blue Squadrons 7185 Saving Theater Description Files 7186 Selecting Mission 7187 Selecting Flight 7188 Calculating Threat 7189 Planning Waypoints 7190 Allocating Escort 7191 Threat too high, scratching mission 7192 Progress 25 7193 Progress 26 7194 Planning Flights - %d 7195 Scheduling Missions 7196 Selecting: Additional 7197 Selecting: Priority 7198 Selecting: Mandatory 7199 Aquiring: Special Missions - %d%% 7200 Aquiring: Air to Ground targets - %d%% 7201 Aquiring: Air to Air targets - %d%% 7202 Creating ground forces 7203 Blue Missions 7204 Red Missions 7205 Data Cleanup 7206 Campaign System: Evaluating Mission 7207 Campaign System: Stepping Campaign 7208 Campaign System: Selecting Mission Generation Type 7209 Campaign System: Selecting Theater 7210 Campaign System: Generating Theater 7211 Campaign System: Loading Theater Data 7212 Campaign System: Saving Theater Data 7213 Campaign System: Generating Mission 7214 Campaign System: Loading Mission 7215 Campaign System: Saving Mission 7216 Campaign System: Initialising World 7217 Stage Complete 7218 Generating: Takeoff Points 7219 Generating: Landing Points 7220 Building Threat Grid 7221 Generating: Outward Points 7222 Generating: Inward Points 7223 Generating: Target Point 7224 Generating: Cleanup 7225 Red Troops 7226 Blue Troops 7227 Placing Troops 7228 Undeclared 61 7229 Undeclared 62 7230 Undeclared 63 7231 Undeclared 64 7232 Undeclared 65 7233 Undeclared 66 7234 Undeclared 67 7235 Undeclared 68 7236 Undeclared 69 7237 Undeclared 70 7238 Undeclared 71 7239 Undeclared 72 7240 Undeclared 73 7241 Undeclared 74 7242 Undeclared 75 7243 Undeclared 76 7244 Undeclared 77 7245 Undeclared 78 7246 Undeclared 79 7247 Undeclared 80 7248 Establishing Links to JCS 7249 Link Established : Transferring Intel 7250 Downloading Air Tasking Order 7251 Downloading Squadron Frag 7252 Verifying Aircraft Systems 7253 Aircraft Data Loading 7254 Loading Mission Data 7255 Aircraft is Mission Ready 7256 Downloading Aircraft Data 7257 Shutting Down Aircraft 7258 Evaluating Mission Data 7259 Compiling Mission Intel 7260 Preparing Mission Debrief 7261 Undeclared 94 7262 Undeclared 95 7263 Undeclared 96 7264 Undeclared 97 7265 Undeclared 98 7266 Undeclared 99 7267 Undeclared 100 8192 iF-22 8193 Turn off PDA? 8194 Save changes? 8195 Cancel changes? 8196 Error during network call (%s)! 8197 Error saving file (File maybe Read-Only, Directory maybe removed or Disk maybe full)! 8198 Error loading picture (Bitmap is incorrect size)! 8199 Pilot file does not exist.\nNo information can be displayed! 8200 Game saved. 8201 Changes saved. 8202 Default pilot created. 8203 Default save game created. 8204 No picture available 8205 Session is full, please select another one. 8206 Callsign is in use, please select another one. 8207 Callsign not found in any current multi-player sessions. 8208 Join request rejected by %s! 8209 Confirm retire pilot? 8210 Confirm delete pilot? 8211 Confirm delete location? 8212 Confirm Hall of Fame reset? 8213 Confirm overwrite last save? 8214 Confirm player %s joining session? 8215 Confirm terminating network session for all players? 8216 Mission aborted - Unable to load theater data.\nPlease verify your theater selection. 8217 Insert '%s' CD to load file '%s'. 8218 Information not saved! Do you wish to save now? 8219 Application is already running - Exiting! 8220 Application command line paramaters: F22.EXE /T \n\nDo you wish to continue? 8221 You're KIA, do you accept your fate?\n\nIf you select 'Yes', then you will be declared KIA and you will NOT be able to resume any missions associated with this pilot.\n\nIf you select 'No', then you will be able to continue after being rescued. 8222 You're MIA, do you accept your fate?\n\nIf you select 'Yes', then you will be declared MIA and you will NOT be able to resume any missions associated with this pilot.\n\nIf you select 'No', then you will be able to continue after being rescued. 8223 Regenerating missions - Please stand by... 8224 Restoring information - Please stand by... 8225 Refreshing lists - Please stand by... 8226 Creating session - Please stand by... 8227 Joining session - Please stand by... 8228 Confirm removal of theater files? 8229 Mission aborted - No theaters installed. 8230 Campaign has reached a stalemate.\n\nDo you wish to contiue fighting the war? 8231 You don't have the selected theater installed. 8232 You don't have the selected theater CD in drive. 8233 Warning: Low disk space - You should try to free up some disk space soon... 8234 Warning: Unable to 'Create New Save' due to low disk space.\n\nPlease select 'Overwrite Last Save' if you wish to save now. 8235 %s BOUGHT THE FARM! 8236 %s GOT BORED WITH LIFE! 8237 %s COULD NOT TAKE THE PRESSURE! 8238 %s JUST CRASHED! 8239 %s IS DEAD, %s RULES! 8240 %s WAS TAKEN OUT BY %s! 8241 %s KNOCKED %s OUT OF THE SKY! 8242 %s SHOT DOWN %s! 8320 The request completed successfully. 8321 This object is already initialized. 8322 The session is full or an incorrect password was supplied. 8323 The requested operation cannot be performed because there are existing active players. 8324 The supplied buffer is not large enough to contain the requested data. 8325 The player cannot be added to the session. 8326 A new group cannot be created. 8327 A new player cannot be created. 8328 A new session cannot be created. 8329 The capabilities of the DirectPlay object have not been determined yet. 8330 An exception occurred when processing the request. 8331 Unable to create/maintain connection. 8332 The flags passed to this function are invalid. 8333 The DirectPlay object pointer is invalid. 8334 One or more of the parameters passed to the function are invalid. 8335 One or more of the parameters passed to the function are invalid. 8336 The player ID is not recognized as a valid player ID for this game session. 8337 The communication link that DirectPlay is attempting to use is not capable of this function. 8338 No communication link was established. 8339 There is insufficient memory to perform the requested operation. 8340 There is insufficient memory to perform the requested operation. 8341 There are no messages to be received. 8342 No name server (host) could be found or created. A host must exist to create a player. 8343 There are no active players in the session. 8344 There are no existing sessions for this game. 8345 The message buffer passed is larger than allowed. 8346 The operation could not be completed in the specified time. 8347 The requested function is not available at this time. 8348 The function is not available in this implementation. 8349 Network too busy to perform last operation. 8350 Requested operation cancelled by user. 8351 Restart Windows. 8352 Not auto launched. 8434 Alley Cat 8435 Arcade 8436 Bullseye 8437 Casino 8438 Duke 8439 Hog 8440 Juggler 8441 Rat 8442 Snake 8443 Vulture 8444 SPLASH 1 8445 HIT HIM, BUT HE'S NOT DOWN 8448 GUARD 8449 UHF 8450 IFDL 8451 CHAT 8576 FLIGHT 8577 WINGMAN 2 8578 WINGMAN 3 8579 WINGMAN 4 8580 AWACS 8581 FAC 8582 GROUND 8583 TOWER 8584 GENERAL 8585 ESCORT FLIGHT 8586 ALL FRIENDLIES 8587 ALL ENEMIES 8588 EVERYONE 9000 ABORT AND RTB. 9001 AND 9002 BIG EYE 9003 BIG EYE IS MIDNIGHT, BIG EYE IS MIDNIGHT. 9004 BIG EYE IS SUNRISE, BIG EYE IS SUNRISE. 9005 CLEARANCE DELIVERY, 9006 , 9007 COVER ME FLIGHT, I'M ON THEM. 9008 DISENGAGE 9009 FLIGHT IS WITH YOU. STANDING BY. 9010 AS FRAGGED EXPECTING LIZ ONE TO DAISY. 9011 FLIGHT 9012 FLIGHT CHECK IN. 9013 , FLIGHT OF FOUR WITH 9014 FOX ONE 9015 FOX TWO 9016 FOX THREE 9017 GET 'EM. THEY'RE ALL YOURS. 9018 GROUND CONTROL, 9019 HE'S YOURS. GO GET HIM. 9020 I NAILED HIM, BUT HE'S NOT DOWN 9021 FLIGHT IN HOT. 9022 JOIN ON ME. 9023 LAUNCH THE STRIKE FORCE. 9024 FLIGHT IS DEPARTING. GOOD LUCK DOWN THERE. 9026 ON THE APPROACH. 9027 . 9028 RADIOS FREE 9029 READY FOR TAKEOFF. 9030 READY FOR TAXI. 9031 READY TO TAXI. 9032 REQUEST BOGEY DOPE. 9033 REQUEST CLEARANCE. 9034 FLIGHT. REQUEST DOLLY LINK. 9035 FLIGHT. REQUEST YOU BREAK LINK. 9036 FLIGHT REQUEST DOLLY WITH YOU. 9037 FLIGHT REQUEST YOU BREAK LINK. 9038 REQUEST PROGRESSIVE TAXI. 9039 ROGER. 9040 CLEARED AS FILED. WE'LL CLIMB AS REQUIRED AND SQUAWK TACTICAL. 9041 , ROGER........JUDY. 9042 ROGER THAT. ON TAXI. 9043 CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF AND SWITCHING. SEE YA LATER. FLIGHT SWITCH. 9044 , ROGER THE CLEARANCE. 9045 IS ROLLING AND SWITCHING. FLIGHT SWITCH. 9046 , REQUETS STEERS. 9047 SWITCH DEPARTURE CONTROL ON BUTTON TWO. 9048 SWITCHING. FLIGHT SWITCH. 9049 TAKE THEM OUT. 9050 TOWER, 9051 WITH YOU AT 9052 YOUR SHOT. TAKE HIM OUT. 9053 FLIGHT. ZIP LIP. 9054 BANDIT! BANDIT! 9055 THAT WAS A BEAUTY 9056 BOMB'S AWAY 9057 BOGEYS 9058 COMING TO YOU. 9059 I COULDN'T GET HIM, LEAD. 9060 COVERING SIX. 9061 EAT HIM UP! 9062 GOT 'EM! 9063 I'VE GOT YOU COVERED. 9064 I'M COVERING. 9065 I'M HIT! 9066 I'M ON HIM. 9067 MISSILE INBOUND...BREAKING! 9068 MY MISSILE WENT STUPID. 9069 NICE SHOT, YOU LOOKED SWEET ON THAT ONE. 9070 NO JOY ON MY BOGEY, LEAD. 9071 ON THE DECK AND SHUTTING DOWN. 9072 ON MY WAY. 9073 I'M ON YOUR WING. 9074 REST IN PEACE, SUCKER 9075 ROGER ABORTING. SWITCHES SAFE AND RTB. 9076 ROGER, CLEARING YOUR SIX. 9078 ROGER, TARGETS ARE LIT. 9079 ROGER THAT. 9080 SIX CLEAR. 9081 SPLASH ONE BAD BOY. 9082 STAY ON HIM. 9083 TARGET HAS FADED. 9084 THEY'RE ALL MINE 9085 UNABLE YOUR ORDER. 9086 BE ADVISED. I'VE GONE WINCHESTER. 9087 YOU'RE CLEAR 9088 ALTIMETER 9089 AND FLIGHT, 9090 AND MAINTAIN 9091 AT 9092 , CLEARED FOR APPROACH. CALL THE MIDDLE MARKER. 9093 , DESCEND AND MAINTAIN 9094 INFORMATION 9095 KNOTS 9096 , RADAR CONTACT. CLEARED ILS RUNWAY 9097 RUNWAY 9098 SWITCH DEPARTURE, MONITOR GUARD, GO GET 'EM. 9099 SWITCH TACTICAL. 9100 SWITCH TACTICAL AND MONITOR GUARD. 9101 SWITCH TOWER. 9102 CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF, WINDS 9103 TAXI 9104 TAXI RUNWAY 9105 TURN 9106 VIA 9107 VIA TAXIWAY 9108 FOR 9109 FOR BANJO 9110 FROM BULLSEYE. 9111 , ROGER. EAGLES ARE AIRBORNE. 9112 , STEER 9113 YOUR STEER 9114 ANGELS 9115 FLIGHT, DOLLY IS BLIND. 9116 FLIGHT, YOU HAVE DOLLY. 9117 BANDITS 9118 LOOKS LIKE 9119 FLIGHT, ROGER. DOLLY IS OFF. 9120 FLIGHT, ROGER. DOLLY IS ON. 9121 FLIGHT, ROGER. CLEARED IN. REQUEST DOLLY WHEN READY. 9122 FLIGHT, ROGER. YOU'RE CLEARED IN HOT. 9123 FLIGHT, ROGER. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. GOOD JOB. 9124 CLEARED AS FILED. CLIMB AND MAINTAIN TACTICAL. SQUAWK TACTICAL. 9125 CLEARED AS FRAGGED. EXPECT THE LIZ ONE DEPARTURE TO DAISY. 9126 ALPHA 9127 BRAVO 9128 CHARLIE 9129 DELTA 9130 ECHO 9131 FOXTROT 9132 GULF 9133 HOTEL 9134 INDIA 9135 JULIET 9136 KILO 9137 LIMA 9138 MIKE 9139 NOVEMBER 9140 OSCAR 9141 PAPA 9142 QUEBEC 9143 ROMEO 9144 SIERRA 9145 TANGO 9146 UNIFORM 9147 VICTOR 9148 WHISKEY 9149 X-RAY 9150 YANKEE 9151 ZULU 9152 BOSS 9153 ANGEL 9154 ANIMAL 9155 BANSHEE 9156 BEAR 9157 BEAST 9158 BLIBDOOL 9159 BREEZE 9160 BULL 9161 BUZZARD 9162 COUGAR 9163 COWBOY 9164 CRASH 9165 DAWG 9166 DEADEYE 9167 DUCK 9168 FAT_CAT 9169 FLASH 9170 GRIZZLY 9171 ICE 9172 JESTER 9173 JOKER 9174 MAD_DOG 9175 MERCHANT 9176 MOOSE 9177 MOTHER 9178 NIGHTMARE 9179 PAGAN 9180 PENGUIN 9181 RAVEN 9182 REBEL 9183 ROACH 9184 SAMURAI 9185 SEAL 9186 SKY PIG 9187 SLEEPY 9188 SPECTRE 9189 SQUEEZER 9190 VIPER 9191 VULTURE 9192 WEASEL 9200 ZERO 9201 ONE 9202 TWO 9203 THREE 9204 FOUR 9205 FIVE 9206 SIX 9207 SEVEN 9208 EIGHT 9209 NINE 9210 NINER 9211 THOUSAND 9212 POINT 9216 ROGER 9217 MAYDAY! 9218 REQUEST STEERS TO HOME 9219 LAUNCH THE AIRBASE ATTACK 9220 REQUEST FLIGHT ROUTE CLEARANCE 9221 REQUEST PERMISSION TO TAKEOFF 9222 REQUEST PERMISSION TO LAND 9223 COVER ME 9224 ENGAGE MY CURRENT TARGET 9225 ENGAGE MY CURRENT TARGET FROM FORMATION 9226 ENGAGE REMAINING TARGETS 9227 ENGAGE REMAINING TARGETS FROM FORMATION 9228 BEGIN RADIO SILENCE 9229 END RADIO SILENCE 9230 ABORT MISSION AND RETURN TO BASE! 9231 DISENGAGE AND FORM ON MY WING 9232 CHECK IN 9233 REQUEST IFDL 9234 DISCONNECT IFDL 9235 REQUEST BOGEY DOPE 9236 ENTERING AREA 9237 REQUEST IFDL 9238 DISCONNECT IFDL 9239 LEAVING AREA 9240 INFORM IN HOT 9270 BITCHING BETTY 9271 AIRCRAFT REPLENISHED 9420 AIR LAUNCH 9421 ALTITUDE 9422 BINGO 9423 CHECK ALPHA 9424 CHECK ALTITUDE 9425 CHECK IR 9426 CHECK STEALTH 9427 DAMAGE 9428 LEFT ENGINE FIRE 9429 RIGHT ENGINE FIRE 9430 LEFT ENGINE FAILURE 9431 RIGHT ENGINE FAILURE 9432 ENTERING NO FLY ZONE, RETURN TO ASSIGNED COURSE 9433 FLAPS DOWN 9434 FLAPS UP 9435 LANDING GEAR DOWN 9436 LANDING GEAR UP 9437 LOW SPEED 9438 ALTITUDE 9439 LOW FUEL 9440 MIDDLE MARKER 9441 LEFT OIL LOW 9442 RIGHT OIL LOW 9443 OUTER MARKER 9444 SAM LAUNCH 9990 WINGMAN 9991 LEADER