******************************************************************** Aldus PhotoStyler 1.1a Trial Version README.TXT March, 1992 ******************************************************************** This file contains the following topics: - Ordering the retail version of PhotoStyler 1.1a - Features included in PhotoStyler 1.1a - Installing compressed files - Installing the Sharp or Nikon scanner driver - Installing with the Mona Lisa display card - Network operation - Updating PhotoStyler - File formats -- Resolution - File formats -- EPS for Macintosh - Mask limitation - Plug-in filters - Setting page size for printing from a PostScript dump - Separating PhotoStyler images through Aldus PrePrint - Running STACKER with PhotoStyler - Printing error under Windows 3.1 *********************************************************** ======================================= Ordering the retail version of PhotoStyler 1.1a ======================================= For information about ordering the retail version of Aldus PhotoStyler 1.1a, contact the authorized Aldus Distributor for your area (refer to the Aldus Distributor information card included in your package). ======================================= Features included in PhotoStyler 1.1a ======================================= Aldus PhotoStyler 1.1a incorporates a number of feature enhancements, a JPEG image compression module, a raw data format module, updated Epson and Nikon scanner drivers, and an updated Kodak export module. - Additional TARGA data type PhotoStyler can now open and save grayscale images in the TARGA format. - Printer marks The new "Include printer marks" checkbox in the "Page Setup" dialog box causes PhotoStyler to print crop marks, registration marks, a calibration bar, and (for color images) a color bar along with the image. This new checkbox takes the place of the old "Include crop marks" and "Include calibration bar" checkboxes. - Improved performance Performance has been improved in several areas, most notably cutting, copying, and pasting via the Clipboards, operation of painting tools, and display of images onscreen. In addition, the speed of opening and saving images using LZW compression has been greatly improved. - Opening files Several enhancements make it easier and faster to open files in PhotoStyler 1.1a: - PhotoStyler now lists the most recently opened filenames at the bottom of the File menu for faster access. To open a file directly from the File menu, click its filename. Note that you can open only a single file at a time by this method. - You can now open multiple files in one operation. In the "Open Image File" dialog box, select a group of filenames by clicking the top name, then holding down the Shift key and clicking the bottom name. Or select discontiguous filenames by holding down the Ctrl key as you click. Alternatively, you can type the names of the files you want to open, separating each name by a space. Click "OK" to open all selected files. To cancel the opening of all remaining selected files, hold down Shift and press the Esc key. - The new "All formats" file extension option in the "Open Image File" dialog box lets you choose from a list of all PhotoStyler-compatible files, regardless of file type. - Closing files New shortcuts enable you in a single operation to close all open images without saving or to exit from PhotoStyler without saving open images. - To close all open images without saving, hold down the Shift key and choose "Close" from the File menu. - To exit from PhotoStyler without saving multiple open images, hold down the Shift key and choose "Exit" from the File menu. Alternatively, you can hold down the Shift key and double-click the control menu box at the upper left corner of the PhotoStyler application window. - Context-sensitive online help available for dialog boxes You can now display context-sensitive online help for a dialog box by pressing the F1 key when the dialog box is open. - Updated scanner driver The updated Epson scanner driver now supports use of the Epson scanners with IBM PS/2 computers. - Updated Kodak export module The Kodak export module has been updated to support the Kodak XLT7720 printer. - JPEG image compression JPEG is a standard method of compressing continuous-tone images while saving them, resulting in a smaller file size. Photo- Styler 1.1a enables you to save a Grayscale or RGB True Color image in a compressed form on disk, then decompress the image when you want to work on it. For detailed online information about the JPEG import/export module, highlight the JPEG compression command on either the "Import" or "Export" submenu on the File menu, then press the F1 key. - Raw format images Some types of medical imaging and other scientific equipment (such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines, scanning laser microscopes, x-ray machines, and LANDSAT satellites) can create images in the form of raw binary data. PhotoStyler 1.1a provides an import/export module that enables you to open non-interlaced raw image files in PhotoStyler if you know some information about the file, such as the image height and width in pixels, whether the image file has a header, etc. You can also export images from PhotoStyler 1.1a in the form of a raw data file for use in other applications that do not support standard file formats. The "Raw Format Image..." commands appear on the "Import" and "Export" submenus on the File menu only if you have installed the Raw Image Data Format import/export module (RAWIMAGE.EXE). For detailed online information about the raw data format, press the F1 key while the "Raw Format Image..." command is highlighted. ======================================= Installing compressed files ======================================= Your Aldus PhotoStyler disk set contains files that have been compressed to save disk space. These files contain the tilde (~) character as part of their filename extension. These files are automatically decompressed by the PhotoStyler installation program, at which point they are automatically renamed to their standard filename. ======================================= Installing the Sharp or Nikon scanner driver ======================================= If you choose to install either the Sharp or the Nikon scanner driver BEFORE you have installed the required General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) board and its associated software, you will receive an error message stating "Cannot find GPIB.DLL" each time you start PhotoStyler. Click the "OK" button to continue. The absence of the GPIB file will not prevent you from using PhotoStyler, however, you will not be able to use the scanner until you have installed the scanner, the GPIB board, and the GPIB software. Once these are successfully installed, the error message will no longer appear. Note: The Nikon scanner driver shipped with PhotoStyler 1.1a supports the Nikon LS3500 scanner. If you need the scanner driver for the Nikon LS3510 scanner, contact the dealer where you bought your Nikon product. If they cannot help you, contact Nikon's technical support line at Nikon headquarters in New York, at 1-516-547-4358. ============================= Installing with the Mona Lisa display card ============================= To install Aldus PhotoStyler on a system that uses a Mona Lisa display card, you must have a Mona Lisa driver version 1.05 (or higher). If you don't have the appropriate driver, change the display setting in Windows Setup to VGA before you run "pssetup.exe." When the installation is complete, switch the display setting back to the Mona Lisa driver. ===================================================== Network operation ===================================================== If you have trouble using PhotoStyler in a network environment, (for example, if the double dot ".." does not appear at the top of the directory list box in the "Open" dialog box), please refer to the file "NETWORKS.TXT" in your Windows 3.0 directory. ======================================= Updating PhotoStyler ======================================= If you want to update part, but not all, of PhotoStyler (for example, to change to a different scanner driver), run PSSETUP.EXE and select the "Update" option. You must correctly enter the path to the PhotoStyler directory. When you have completed updating the selected file(s), click "Exit" to return to the program manager. ============================ File Formats -- Resolution ============================ Files saved from some applications that use the old .PCX format (that follow specifications dated before Dec 12, 1990) are saved with a different type of "resolution" information. In addition, the GIF and TGA file formats do not retain resolution information. If you have files that were saved in one of these formats, and the resolution of the file is important to you, open the file in Aldus PhotoStyler, resample to the resolution you want, then save in another file format. ======================================= File Formats -- EPS files for Macintosh ======================================= If you choose to save your file in the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format, PhotoStyler gives you the choice of ASCII or Binary. If you intend to use your EPS file in a Macintosh application, we recommend that you choose the "ASCII" option, and save the file without a preview image. ====================== Mask limitation ====================== [For additional information, refer to pages 148 through 152 in the Aldus PhotoStyler User Manual.] To be used as a mask, an image must contain at least one pixel with a grayscale value of 128 or greater. If the image that you attempt to use as a mask does NOT contain any graysale values in the permissible range, PhotoStyler will display an error message informing you that the operation cannot be done. ========================= Plug-in filters ========================= A maximum of 60 plug-in filters can be used with PhotoStyler. ===================================================== Setting page size for printing from a PostScript dump ===================================================== If you experience difficulty in printing a PostScript dump file to the proper page size (for example, in printing the PostScript file to an imagesetter), follow these steps AFTER you have created your file: 1. Select "Printer Setup..." from the File menu. 2. In the "Printer Setup" dialog box, click the "Setup..." button. 3. In the printer-specific dialog box, choose options for "Printer," "Paper Size," etc. 4. Click the "Options..." button. 5. In the "Options" dialog box, click the "Header..." button. 6. In the "Header" dialog box, select "Printer." 7. Click "OK" to close each dialog box. 8. If you need crop marks or calibration bars, choose "Page Setup..." from the File menu, then make the appropriate selections. 9. Select "Print..." from the file menu and print the file. ===================================================== Separating PhotoStyler images through Aldus PrePrint ===================================================== If you have trouble separating an Aldus PageMaker publication that contains PhotoStyler TIFF images through Aldus PrePrint 1.5, open the TIFF image(s) in PrePrint before you separate the publication. Leave the image window(s) open while you print separations of the publication. ===================================================== Running STACKER with PhotoStyler ===================================================== The following are steps you can take to avoid possible problems with PhotoStyler if you are using the disk- compression utility STACKER: 1. Swap files When setting up STACKER, you can leave disk space uncompressed for storing of system files. If you will be using a swap file, it must be set up on the uncompressed drive. To work with an image, PhotoStyler requires a swap file space at least double the size of the image itself. If you get "Disk full" error messages even when your compressed drive indicates that there is sufficient room for the active file, check that your permanent swap file (or the uncompressed drive containing your temporary swap file) is large enough to hold twice the image size. 2. CONFIG.SYS During STACKER installation, a SSWAP line may have been added to your CONFIG.SYS file to substitute the drive letter of your physical hard drive for the letter of STACKER's logical drive. If this is the case, any lines added for PhotoStyler-related devices must come after the SSWAP line. If you install certain PhotoStyler drivers that require additions to your CONFIG.SYS file, you will be alerted to that fact by the PSSETUP installation program, which will give you the option of updating CONFIG.SYS automatically or updating the file yourself after the installation is complete. Whether you allow PSSETUP to automatically update your CONFIG.SYS file, or you make the modification yourself, you should check to make sure that the added device line(s) are positioned after the STACKER-related SSWAP line. ===================================================== Printing error under Windows 3.1 ===================================================== Microsoft has fixed a problem existing in the universal printer driver shipped with Windows 3.1. This problem caused a "General Application Error" (GAE) when printing from PhotoStyler to some printers that use the universal printer driver (such as the Hewlett-Packard PaintJet). The error will occur with this printer driver if the "Halftone by Printer" option is selected in PhotoStyler's "Page Setup" dialog box. The fixed version of Microsoft's Windows 3.1 universal driver is available on the WDL (Windows Driver Library) disk available on CompuServe or from Microsoft. =====================================================