[?7h Kostomobiili 3 by CúOúWúAúRúD 1ú9ú9ú5 this demonstration is freeware, it means that you can freely distribute it as long as there is absolutely no money charged from it and the contents of this archive stays unmodified. generally any kind of commercial reproduction is forbidden. if you would like to do the above ... then we suggest that you pay a visit at your local nuthouse :-) and naturally, we won't take any kind of responsibility from anything that this demonstration might cause. The memberlist of CúOúWúAúRúD 1ú9ú9ú5: K”ssi Kenguru Coder/Emperor Rrragah' Rabbit GFX/TI-85/Prime Minister Kettu Repolainen Muzak/Schitzophrenic for more information E-mail to: COWARD@FREENET.HUT.FI (naturally just forwards the mail ... :)