Monthly Budget Worksheet

Most financial advisors say your consumer debt shouldn't exceed 33%-40% of your monthly income. This worksheet will help you determine if you're within this limit and help you to manage your budget accordingly.


*Student Loan 	$ 
*Fixed Loans    $ 
*Credit Cards   $ 
Savings 	$  
Housing 	$  
Groceries 	$  
Restaurants 	$  
Coffee/Breaks 	$  
Utilities 	$  
Telephone 	$  
Transportation 	$  
Gas 		$  
Parking 	$  
Maintenance 	$  
Entertainment	$  
Vacation 	$  

Net Monthly Income

* Consumer Debt Catagories
** If disposable income is a negative number (i.e., your total expenses are greater than your net income), adjustments will be necessary.