Endless Winter
Watch a film clip from Endless Winter or Endless Winter 2
Quicktime Movie, download time: approximately 10-15 minutes

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a bird flying through the air, cold wind whistling as you soar airborne past the tree tops? HereÆs a news flash; flying is possible, and to prove it you only need to watch a Warren Miller ski adventure film.

In these incredible movies youÆll see skiers defying gravity in ways most earthbound creatures can only dream about. Oh yeah, but thereÆs one small catch, they gotta come downùouch!

Kurt Miller, son of Warren Miller and current owner of Warren Miller Productions, has seen it all, and wants to share the adventures with the rest of the world. Warren Miller ski movies are shown internationally, along with Warren Miller TV specials, magazine, books, and CD-ROMs.

Splash Kids: It looks like youÆve filmed your ski movies all over the world. How far have you traveled to make a great film?

Kurt Miller: We send out 20 film crews each year, to places like China, India, Africa, Greenland, Iceland, North American, Antarcticaàeverywhere!

Splash Kids: How long have you been making these movies?

Kurt Miller: My dad started making ski movies 47 years ago.

Splash Kids: I noticed in your latest movie, Endless Winter, you show some pretty incredible snowboarding stuntsàis this something new youÆre adding because kids are so into it these days?

Kurt Miller: Actually, weÆve been filming snowboarding for 20 years, but itÆs only recently gotten so popular. Some of the greatest snowboarding youÆll ever see is during the last sequence on Endless Winter, filmed up in Alaska.

Splash Kids: What would you say is the most amazing thing youÆve seen in your career?

Kurt Miller: That would have to be the experience in India. We were at the base of a Himalayan mountain, at 18,000 feetùthatÆs higher than the highest mountaintop in North Americaùand we came upon a group of Indians who had made their own skis out of wooden planks, with blade saw edges used as the edges of their skis, tied onto their boots with string. Now that was amazing.

Splash Kids: Were they skiing for fun or just to get around in the snow?

Kurt Miller: Oh, definitely for funàand they had to climb up the mountain before they could ski back down!

Splash Kids: Lots of young people would like to be in your movies someday. What advice do you give these ambitious kids who want to star in a Warren Miller film?

Kurt Miller: Ski in control. Kids need to know that the skiers in the films train all year long, for years and years, to do what they do. You just canÆt go up to the ski slopes one day and try to do what you saw in a film. ItÆs a fun sport, so donÆt push yourselves until you get hurt!

Splash Kids: Other than not getting crazy on the slopes, what else can kids do to help themselves become the kind of professional skier they see in your films?

Kurt Miller: Ski a lot, and race a lot if thatÆs what youÆre into. And youÆve got to work at it all year long. You can roller blade and water ski in the summer, or try to go to a summer ski camp in Oregon or Australia. Basically, the harder you work, the better chance you have. And of course, have fun!

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