
Minimum configuration:

To run this Demo you need :

- DirectX 7.0a or above

- Pentium II 266MHz or 100% compatible with 64MB, 4MB Graphic or above

This Demo may cause some graphic problems with an I740 Graphic chipset.

Game controls:

Left mouse click / right mouse click

- Left mouse click

Clicking the left mouse button in the game normally initiates an action,

i.e. the character currently selected will carry out an action. This mouse

button usually indicates a "POSITIVE" action.

- Right mouse click

Clicking the right mouse button normally cancels an action in the game, i.e.

you stop the action currently selected (if it has already started) or you simply

cancel it (if you have selected an action but not yet carried it out). Pressing Return

also skips single sentences in the dialogue. The right mouse

button usually indicates a ôNEGATIVEö action.

Navigation using the camera

- Move image selection

Either press the relevant arrow key (up, down, left, right) to scroll the

image selection in the direction required, or move the mouse pointer to

the relevant edge of the screen.

- Zoom in / out

The [+]- or [-] button on the NUM block or the wheel on your mouse (if

it has one) can be used to zoom in or out on the image selection.

There are three levels of zoom available: normal (default setting),

zoom in and zoom out. Please note that you cannot zoom out of all the

maps due to their size (but you can still use the mini-map to obtain an

overview at any time).

- Switch to a specific PC [*HW1]

A single click on the relevant game character or the characterÆs portrait

will change to that character, but the image selection will not be

centered on the PC just selected. A double-click on the relevant game

character or the characterÆs portrait will change to that character, and

the image selection will be centered on the PC just selected.

- Mini-map

Clicking on the [M] button or left-clicking on the map corner indicated in

the user bar at the bottom right-hand of the screen will open the mini-

map. This map displays enemy NPCs [*HW2] as pale red dots and your own

characters (PCs) as pale green and civilian NPCs as pale blue dots.

Stationary dots, shown in a mid-tone color, indicate that the character

is unconscious and/or captured; stationary dots in a dark color indicate

a dead NPC. Objects which can be collected are shown using a yellow

cross and obstacles which Cooper is able to hurdle are indicated by a

double arrow. In addition, the mini-map shows horses (brown dots) and

other animals (gray dots). To move the image selection displayed to a

specific point on the map, click on the relevant point on the mini-map.

To close the mini-map once again, right-click on it or press [M] once


Setting a camera on a PC / NPC

- Set camera

Click on the padlock on the user bar at the bottom to change the

mouse pointer to a fixed question mark symbol with arrows pointing in

four different directions. When you move this onto a PC or NPC, the

camera will close in on that figure and the image selection will follow

the figure (the graphic in the user bar changes accordingly from an

open to a closed padlock).

- Deactivate set camera

If you have set a camera onto a person, simply touch the mouse pointer on

the edge of the screen to de-activate this function (the graphic will change

from a closed to an open padlock). You can also left-click on the padlock to

de-activate the set camera feature.

Selecting characters

- Select a character

There are three ways of selecting a character: either double- or single-

click as appropriate on the character or the characterÆs portrait, or use

the number keys from [1] to [6].

- Select multiple characters

To select multiple characters, hold down the [LSHIFT] key and press

either the number keys from [1] to [6] or click on the relevant portrait for

that hero or on the characters you want to select.

- Select all characters

To select all the characters in a scene, press the [A] key.

- De-select characters

To de-select all the selected characters at once, either press the [D]

key or right-click the mouse next to the characters. To de-select a

specific person, right-click on the characterÆs portrait.

Moving characters

- Go to a specific point

Select a character and click the left mouse button on the location you

wish to send the selected PC (if this location is not accessible for that

PC, the mouse pointer will change from an arrow to a cross).

- Run to a specific point

Select a character and double-click the left mouse button on the

location you want the selected PC to run to (if this location is not

accessible for this PC, the mouse pointer will change from an arrow to

a cross). If you are carrying another person however, (Cooper or

Sanchez), you wonÆt be able to run.

- Crouch

To switch to Crouch mode, either click on the ælying figureÆ symbol in

the user bar at the bottom left of the screen, or press the [C] key.

- Stand up

To switch back to Normal mode from Crouch mode (i.e. to stand up),

either click on the ælying figureÆ symbol in the user bar at the bottom left

of the screen, or press the [S] key.

- Go behind building

To go to the other side of a building which is not visible from your

current perspective, click on that point. However, this can cause

confusion if your character is also able to go up on the roof of the

building, because the mouse pointer may sometimes interpret the

higher point as the target destination. To make sure that you go to the

other side of the building and not the roof, hold down the [SHIFT] key

(the mouse pointer changes and becomes transparent) and then click

on the target point required.

- Climb ladder

All your characters are able to climb up or down ladders. To do this,

either click on the target point (e.g. the roof or the ground) to

automatically climb up or down the ladder, or you click on a point on

the ladder to which you wish your character to climb. PCs carrying a

PC / NPC (Cooper) cannot climb up or down ladders.

- Stand still

To stop a figure in motion before they have reached the destination

point, simply right-click next to the figure.

- Use horse

To climb onto a saddled horse, simply click on the horse (note how the

mouse pointer changes). To dismount, click on the horse again. To

jump from a balcony onto a horse below, just click on the horse as


Buildings and obstacles

- Behind building / View obstacles

I f you press the [CAPS LOCK] key, you will switch to what is known as

Contour mode, which will display every PC and NPC standing behind a

building (or any other obstacle obscuring them) as an outline. A green

outline indicates a PC, a red outline indicates an opponent and a blue

outline represents a civilian. This method can also be used to display

the outlines for all people entering a building located in the scene.

- Enter a building

Click on one of the possible entrances (door, gate, etc.).

- Leave a building

Click on one of the possible exits (door, gate, etc.) to leave the building

through that particular exit, or click on a target destination outside the

building and the PC will use the next available exit.

- Search a building

Stand directly in front of an entrance, move the mouse pointer over the

door and wait for a moment. The mouse pointer icon will indicate that

the room behind it is being searched through the keyhole. If the

keyhole symbol turns green at the end of the search, the building is

empty. If it is blue, there are civilians in the building who may panic

when you enter and summon reinforcements. If the symbol turns red,

there are enemies in the building, and entering would mean certain

death unless you enter with a PC. If there are enemies or civilians in the

building, a number will also be displayed to indicate how many NPCs are

in the building.

Actions for characters

- Select an action

If you have selected a single character, you can use any of the keys

[G], [H], [J], [K] and [L] to toggle between the actions, or you can select

the required action directly in the user bar underneath the characterÆs

head by clicking the mouse pointer on it.

- When is an action possible or not possible?

If an action in the user bar underneath the characterÆs head is grayed

out, it cannot be selected at this time. There may be various reasons

for this, e.g. at night, it may be raining or because you have run out of

the selected weapon (dynamite, gas tubes, etc.). However, if you

select an action but canÆt carry that action out (e.g. if you donÆt throw

the dynamite stick far enough or if you canÆt get the opponent in your

sights because heÆs standing behind an obstacle), this will be indicated

using the mouse pointer which in this case will have a red cross over it

or will be red.

- Carry out an action

If you have selected an action the mouse pointer will change

accordingly to symbolize the action just selected (e.g. a crosshair for a

selected weapon). Now simply select the target for your action using

the mouse pointer; this could be a PC, a NPC, a horse or a point in the

landscape. For some actions (clock, dynamite, stone, etc.) you will

have to wait a moment because additional help will be displayed, e.g.

the radius for CooperÆs watch or the path for SamÆs stick of dynamite. If

you want to carry out an action, all you need to do is confirm it with a

left click.

- Cancel / reject action

All you need is a right click to cancel a current action or to reject a

selected action. Of course you can also press the keys [G], [H], [J], [K]

and [L] to switch to a different action.

- Re-load weapon

Each character has a default weapon with a huge supply of ammo.

However, the weapon will need to be re-loaded occasionally depending

on the size of the magazine. To re-load a weapon, either double-click on the

icon in the user interface to the right of the characterÆs head, which

displays how many cartridges are currently in the weapon, or press the

[D] key. To cancel the re-load process, simply right-click.

- Somersault

If you are standing behind a wall or another obstacle and you are trying

to aim at an opponent who is standing round the corner in your sights,

your mouse pointer will sometimes display two crosses simultaneously:

a red cross and a green cross. When you hold down the [SHIFT] key in

this case, a transparent image of your character will be displayed next

to the character itself. If you then left-click, your character will roll

around the corner and open fire on the opponent. A right click will take

your character back to a safe position under cover.

- Advance with a weapon

When you draw your default weapon, your character will automatically

stand still. To advance with your weapon aimed at a target, hold down

the [CRTL] and click on any target destination. Your character will

replace the weapon for a moment and walk to the location. When you

release the [CRTL] key again, your hero will automatically draw his


Quick actions

- Save quick action

Select an action, press the [Q] key or click on the large clock in the

user bar at the bottom and then confirm the action (e.g. go to a

particular location, shoot at an opponent, etc.). The action is then

saved as well as being carried out. You can also select the reverse

sequence: first click on the clock or press [Q], select the action, carry

out the action (or in this case: save). One quick action can be saved

per character.

- Carry out single quick action

If you have only saved one quick action in any situation, you can press

the [SPACE] key to run that action. You can also click on the small

clock above the portrait of the character whose saved quick action you

wish to carry out.

- Carry out all quick actions

If you want to run all the saved quick actions simultaneously, either

press the Space bar or the green arrow underneath the large clock in

the user bar at the bottom.

- Reject a single saved quick action

To reject a single quick action already saved, either select the relevant

character and press [BACKSPACE] or right-click on the small clock above the

relevant portrait.

- Reject all saved quick actions

To reject all saved quick actions at once, either select all the

characters simultaneously and press [BACKSPACE] or right-click on the large

clock in the user bar at the bottom of the screen.

Viewing beams for NPCs

- Display a viewing beam (line of sight mode)

Hold down the [ALT] key and move the question mark mouse pointer

onto any NPC to display the corresponding viewing beam. You can

also click on the telescope in the user bar at the bottom and move the

question mark mouse pointer onto an NPC.

- Exit viewing beam mode

click the right mouse button while holding the [ALT].

- Set a viewing beam counter

When the mouse pointer is in question mark mode (see above) and left-click

anywhere in the scene, this will position a viewing beam counter in the form

of a ? in the landscape. This ? symbol can be used to find out how many

opponents can see this selected point.

- Query a viewing beam counter

The viewing beam counter provides feedback on how many opponents

have already seen the selected point, by changing into the appropriate

number. To display the opponents whose viewing beam has already

been recorded by the counter, press the [TAB] key. This button can be

used to toggle between the viewing beams for all these opponents.

The same effect is achieved by clicking on the counter next to the

telescope in the user bar at the bottom of the screen.

- Delete viewing beam counter

In order to delete a set viewing beam counter, either hold down the

[ALT] key and right-click directly on the viewing beam counter or right-

click on the counter next to the telescope in the user bar at the bottom.

Other commands

Options / Load / Save

- Menu / Short briefing ESC

to return to the Game menu with the Options/Load/Save functions,

where you can also view the short briefing (a summary of the mission

aims), press the [ESC] key.

- Quicksave

To save the current game as a quicksave, press the [F5] key.

- Quickload

To load the quicksave, press the [F8] key.

Summary of all keyboard shortcuts with standard settings

[+] / [-] Zoom in / out

[ARROW KEYS] Scroll image selection in the corresponding direction

[M] Open or close mini-map

[1] to [6] Toggle between the different characters

[SHIFT] + [1] to [6] Select multiple characters

[A] Select all characters

[D] De-select all characters

[SHIFT] + right-click

on portrait De-select a specific character

[C] Switch to Crouch mode

[S] Stand up (from Crouch mode)

[SHIFT] + left-click Go behind building

[CAPS LOCK] Switch Contour mode on or off

[G], [H], [J], [K], [L] Toggle between the five actions for a

selected character

[G] Re-load the default weapon for a selected character

[SHIFT] + left-click

with red/green cross

on crosshair Somersault around the corner and open fire on an


[CRTL] Hold down to move forward with a weapon aimed at a


[Q] Save quick action

[SPACE] Run a / all saved quick action(s)

[BACKSPACE] Delete a / all saved quick action(s)

[ALT] Hold down and move mouse pointer over opponent

to display viewing beam

[ESC] Return to Game menu and view Short briefing

[F5] Quicksave

[F8] Quickload


[HW1] PC = Player character

[HW2] NPC = Non-player character

(c) 2001 Infogrames Europe S.A. developed by Spellbound Entertainment