____ ____ _ / __ \ | _ \(_) | | | |______| |_) |___ __ | | | |______| _ <| \ \/ / | |__| | | |_) | |> < \___\_\ |____/|_/_/\_\ Version 1.7 Created By Brian Kent ÆNIGMA GAMES [1999] «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» 1] Brief History of Q-Bix -- I was rummaging through some boxes of my old stuff and I found my old and battered Rubik's Cube (I got it when they first came out in 1980, that's how old it is). About after 20 minutes of tring to solve it, I booted up my computer to see if I could make one. 5 days later Q-Bix was finished. «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» 2] Start Screen -- On this screen, click on one of the Cubes to to start playing. You can choose either a 2x2x2 Cube or a 3x3x3 Cube. «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» 3] What's on the Cube screen -- At the top of the screen, it tells you if the Cube is 'Solved' or 'Mixed Up'. -- At the center of the screen is the Cube. -- At the Left, Bottom Left and Bottom Right of the Cube are Buttons with small red arrows on them. They are used to Twist a portion of the Cube that the Buttons correspond to. -- At the Bottom of the screen, it tells you if you're viewing the 'Front' or 'Back' of the Cube. Press and hold the SPACEBAR to view the Back. -- At the Left of the screen is a Checkbox that activates the 'Arrow Guides'. When the Box it Checked, Transparent Arrows will be placed on the Cube (when the Mouse Curser is over a Button with a small red arrow) to show you what direction the portion of the Cube will twist to. -- At the Bottom Right of the screen is a 'Reset' button. It is used to set the Cube back to normal (Solved). -- At the Right of the screen (above the Reset button) are the 'Mix It' button, + and - buttons and a Counter. Use the + and - buttons to increase or decrease the counter (0-100). >> If you set the counter to 1-100, Click on the 'Mix It' button to make the Cube Twist X amount of times randomly (EX. if you set the counter to 5 and click on 'Mix It', the Cube will Twist 5 times). >> If you set the counter to 0 and click on the 'Mix It' button, the Cube will Continue to Twist Randomly. The 'Mix It' button changes to a 'STOP' button, Click on the 'STOP button to stop the Cube's Twisting. «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» 4] Saving and Loading -- If you want to save a Cube that you're tring to Solve, Go up to the Menu and select Save and then select 1 of the 3 save slots. Then later, when you want to continue tring to Solve the Cube, Go up to the Menu and select Load and select a load slot. «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» 5] Menu Bar & Shortcuts -- The Menu Bar consists of [ Q-Bix Options Load Save Help ] --> Shortcut are shown in ([ ]) »»» Q-Bix ««« |»» New ([ F2 ]) - Restarts Q-Bix |»» Quit ([ Alt+F4 ]) - Quits the game »»» Options ««« |»» Play samples ([ Ctrl+S ]) - This turns on/off the SFX |»» Hide the menu ([ F8 ]) - This Hides/Shows the Menu Bar »»» Load ««« |»» LOAD A - Loads a Cube saved in the A slot |»» LOAD B - Loads a Cube saved in the B slot |»» LOAD C - Loads a Cube saved in the C slot »»» Save ««« |»» SAVE A - Saves the Cube that you're working on to Slot A |»» SAVE B - Saves the Cube that you're working on to Slot B |»» SAVE C - Saves the Cube that you're working on to Slot C »»» Help ««« |»» How to use... ([ F1 ]) - This Text Help file |»» About... - A quick About pop-up «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» 6] A few last things -- Remember, to view the back of the Cube, Press and hold the SPACEBAR. -- If you're having trouble with the Cube not twisting the way you want it to, try using the 'Arrow Guides' to help show you which way it will twist. «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» 7] Other Stuff -- If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at kentpw@norwich.net -- You can visit my Web Site 'ÆNIGMA' at http://aenigma.freakware.net (((THE NEW SITE))) --or-- http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/castleton/71/index.html and check out some more Freeware Games and Fonts -- Q-Bix and this Help File were created by Brian Kent at ÆNIGMA GAMES -- Have fun... «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»