Mastermind by Harry Palmer -------------------------- For the latest version with cool new features visit the Mastermind home page: 1. Controls 2. The Rules of the Game 3. Features 4. About Harry Palmer Games 5. Version Info 1. Controls ----------- Use the mouse. This is a Macromedia Flash 5 game and is wrapped inside the Flash player, so it is possible to right click anywhere inside the player for the default Flash options. You can also press [CTRL][F] to toggle full screen mode which then enables you to drag out and resize the game to whatever size you want! 2.The Rules of the Game ----------------------- Many people will have already experienced this classic logic game before, but for those who haven't here are the rules:- Correctly guess the randomnly generated code created by the computer. This code is represented by a number of coloured pegs, the number of which is dependant on the level of play selected. Once you have confirmed your selection, the computer will analyse your pegs and respond with clues with regard to the positioning and colour of the pegs you have chosen. You will have up to ten chances to crack the code. At the lower levels of play you will most likely find this sufficient, but at the highest you will definitely need to be efficient with your guessing to succeed. 3. Features ----------- 7 challenging levels of difficulty with possible combinations ranging from 343 to 40,353,607! My interpretation of a classic logic game that's both rewarding and fun. Colourful graphics, quality sounds and intuitive interface. Freeware created by a professional software developer. 4. About Harry Palmer Games --------------------------- Hi, I'm Harry Palmer and you can contact me via my Personal ICQ Communication Centre (preferably use the Web Pager) and let me know what you think about any of my games. 5. Version Info --------------- v1.x - I'm gonna add some cool new features for the next release. v1.2 - Ok now it needs a little tidying up and then I think I'll put this on my Web site, it's great. v1.0 - Hey Flash 5 with Action Script, cool. Now I wonder if I can port my old JavaScript Mastermind game into Flash 5? Job done :o) Thanks to Al Di Meola and Radiohead, Harry Palmer 2001