Rules --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Correctly guess the randomnly generated code created by the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- computer. This code is represented by a number of coloured --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- pegs, the number of which is dependent on the level of play --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- selected. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Use the coloured buttons at the bottom of the screen to fill in a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- row of coloured pegs and press 'Go' to confirm your selection. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The computer will analyse your pegs and respond with clues:- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 'Color' reveals how many correct colours you have selected. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 'Place' reveals how many colours you have in the correct --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- place. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- It is possible to have the same colour appear more than once --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- within the same code.