PLEASE LOOK AT "HOW TO ORDER" (order.htm) FOR CASH, CHEQUE OR BANK ORDERS! *********************************************************** CREDIT CARD ORDER FORM FOR ITEM #30237 Packager MK1 To: PsL, Inc. Online order EMail order: Fax: (USA) 713-524-6398 Credit card fax order for Item #30237 Packager MK1 by arclab software GdbR We accept MC, Visa, Amex, Discover ______ 1 computer @ $20 (non commercial use) ______ 1 computer @ $30 (commercial license) ______ 2-5 computers @ $25 each (commercial license) ______ 6-10 computers @ $20 each (commercial license) Shipping and Handling: ( ) No shipping - email it. (no disk will be sent) ( ) send via mail $5 (includes 3,5"disk) (Please do not use any umlauts or characters with accents or diacritical marks.) First/Middle Name:__________________________________________ Last Name: _________________________________________________ Company name: ______________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________ State/Province: _______________________ (U.S. & Canada only) Zip, Country: ______________________________________________ Phone # ____________________________________________ (voice) Your email address: ________________________________________ BANK name and phone number:_________________________________ Credit card number: ________________________________________ Expiration: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Signature:______________________________ PsL is a credit card order service, not the publisher! Author: arclab GdbR, FAX: +49941990065