Please Help Us Out!

Help us out by printing, completing and mailing the following affidavit, and we will send you a FREE mouse pad in exchange for your efforts.

Recently, we applied for trademark registration of the logo. In order to receive a registered trademark for the logo, we must first prove that has branded itself and that its logo is unique to the product. By receiving a registered trademark, we are better able to protect our product and the hard work we have put into making the most comprehensive online directory of study abroad programs.

To help us prove our case, we are asking our users to fill out an affidavit stating their belief that the logo is descriptive of the product (the directory) and that is the only product, to your knowledge, that uses the logo.

The affidavit is already written for you. All you have to do is download the form, print it out, fill in the blanks and mail to the address below. Be sure to put your return address on the envelope so we can send you a free mouse pad!

DOWNLOAD YOUR AFFIDAVIT HERE IN ACROBAT PDF FORMAT Trademark Registration Affidavit (TrSAB_student.pdf)

Mail to:
Educational Directories Unlimited
c/o Lori Faunce
1450 Edgmont Avenue, Suite 140
Chester, PA 19013

If you have any questions or comments about the affidavit or the trademark registration process, please e-mail

Download your free copy of Adobe® Acrobat® Reader Here

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