The AFS Global Bookshelf

The AFS Research team brings you
update of conferences and symposiums

  1. Sharing Power & Responsibility: The Transition to Pluralism is the subject of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the National Multicultural Institute in Washington, D.C.. The major goals of this conference are to: (1) create a multicultural environment in which an open, cross-cultural dialogue can occur; (2) focus on some of the unique issues that professional face in working with a culturally diverse population ; and (3) offer an opportunity for in-depth training and skills-building in multiculturalism. It will take place from May 29 to June 1, 1997 and it's addressed to managers and administrators, human resource personnel, trainers and consultants, mental health and social service professionals, educators, conflict resolution practitioners and others concerned with diversity. Want to get more information about the conference? Phone: (202) 483-0700, Fax: (202) 483-5233 or e-mail at
  2. Building Bridges Between Continents: Managing the Complex Process of Diversity is the theme for the SIETAR (The International Society For Intercultural Education, Training and Research) Congress '97 from June 2-7 in CuraVao, Netherlands Antilles, an island in the Caribbean Sea off the northern coast of Venezuela, South America. Within the Congress there will be several small round table conferences focusing in how to start projects to build bridges from CuraVao to the rest of the world. Among tracks during the congress are: Communications and Business; Education and Economics, Healthcare and Culture. For all tracks theory, research and practice will be covered.

    If you are interested, please contact:

    In CuraVao: Niviëla Sambo, phone: +599 9614288; fax: +599 9613626

    The Netherlands: Duschka de Brouwer, phone: +31 15 2158282; fax: +31 15 2159762

  3. Dialog for Creating a Global Vision is the theme for the SIETAR Congress '98 in Tokyo, Japan, the first ever to be held in Asia. The 1998 SIETAR Global Network Congress will take place from November 20 to 24th. The site for the Congress will be the Reitaku University which stands among cedars, cherry trees and Musashino Woods. Plan now to attend!

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