Call for Papers

Qualified authors are invited to submit their papers on intercultural topics for possible publication in our newly revised "Occasional Papers".

To be considered for AFS Web publication, an abstract of your manuscript (in either MS Word or WordPerfect format) should be sent to us via electronic mail. If accepted for publication, you will be contacted to send your entire manuscript. All papers will be subject to editorial review in consultation with the author and the AFS Center for the Study of Intercultural Learning.

Be sure to include the following information:

Your Name        

E-mail Address   


Title of document

Copyright date and any copyright limitations


Acknowledgement of grant support and of individuals 

who were of direct help in the preparation of the study


Please feel free to include any other relevant information that you would like our readers to know about you and your paper (i.e. whether it was a Ph.D. dissertation, the transcript of a lecture, an article published elsewhere, etc.).

Send to: Bettina Hansel
AFS Center for the Study of Intercultural Learning

[Intercultural Topics: Papers and Research]

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If you have any comments, suggestions or constructive criticism, please write to:
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All Rights Reserved.