Archives of available files

Please note that the following text files have been designed to be read from a simple text editor using 78 non-proportionally spaced characters per line. Some (especially survey forms with lines to make up tables) may display incorrectly from a reader that has proportionally spaced characters.

badgersu.txt O - the BBONT Badger Survey Form
butsrv94.txt O - the Butterfly Conservation Garden Survey Form for 1993/1994
buttsurv.txt O - the current (1995) Butterfly Conservation Garden Survey Form
buttsurv.doc O - the current (1995) Butterfly Conservation Garden Survey Form in Word 6.0 format
glwrmsrv.txtO - the Glow Worm survey form.
uknban.gifOBanner - download for link to site.
ukn.gifOBanner - download for link to site.
eye_ukn.gifOBanner - download for link to site.
index.gifOBanner - download for link to site.
uknml001.txtOUK Nature Mailing - 18/1/98

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