Ask Dr. Science E-Mail List

Join the Dr. Science email list and the good Doctor will deliver his Question of the Day in a plain brown wrapper to your email box every morning. You'll also receive an occasional alert bulletin and notification of any Dr. Science appearances in cyberspace. Subscribing is quick, easy, and (best of all) free, so join thousands of others and give it a try. If Dr. Science doesn't make you smile each morning, you can always unsubscribe from the list (a note from your mother is required).

To subscribe, simply fill in your email address in the form below and tap the Sign Me Up! button. If you're visiting from an on-line service like America On-Line, give your complete email address like, not just your screen name Jane.

To unsubscribe, send a blank message to and you'll receive complete instructions for doing so.

PLEASE NOTE: Enter your full and complete email address, the one that appears on the From: or Reply To: line of all messages you send out. Some users, especially those in educational institutions and large corporations have an abbreviated address like that works for receiving mail, but their real address is something like If you're not sure whether your return address is the same as your receiving address, send a message to yourself and check the From: line.

If you are one of those types and enter your short address below you'll receive Dr. Science mailings but you'll have a dickens of a time unsubscribing from the list (not that you'd ever want to). The possibility exists that you would then send vitriolic, bloodcurdling, anger-spewing, and, ultimately personally embarrassing messages to the poor mail list manager whose feelings are easily injured. SO BE CAREFUL when you subscribe and ask your system administrator what to do if none of this makes sense to you.

My complete email address is:

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