To acquire one of our Featured in the Centre for the Easily Amused logos,
- Click on the image below with your right mouse button until the "Save Image As..." option menu appears. (Mac users - just hold down the mouse button for one second)
- Save the image to a local directory.
- If you are using a different web browser, the process should be similiar, but please contact us if you have any questions.
- Use the image and the code below to enhance your web site!
Please display our logo as a link back to the C*E*A by adding the following lines of code to your HTML files:
<A HREF=""> <IMG WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=110 BORDER=0 ALT="featured in C*E*A" SRC="featured2.gif"></A>Thanks!
Last Updated: 8/13/98
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused