═══ 1. Introduction to CompuServe ═══ Before you can begin using CompuServe, you need to complete a one-time member signup procedure. Introduction What is CompuServe? Why Should I Become a CompuServe Member How To... Become a CompuServe Member Get Assistance from Customer Service View a Troubleshooting/Startup Checklist ═══ 1.1. What is CompuServe? ═══ CompuServe is the world's largest personal information and communication service with more than a million members world-wide. All you need to use CompuServe is a personal computer, modem, communications software, and a telephone line. As a member you can access CompuServe whenever you like -- anytime of day or night -- as often as you like. What you should know Executive Service Option Membership Rates/Charges ═══ 1.1.1. Executive Service Option ═══ Members with the Executive Service Option have access to additional online products and services. Executive Service Option Features Discounts Exclusive Databases Direct Marketing Offers Online Storage Capacity Personal File Storage Monthly Minimum Fee ═══ 1.1.2. Membership Rates/Charges ═══ The member signup procedure offers you a Standard Pricing Plan membership which gives you unlimited connect time to a set of basic services for a very low monthly price. The cost for using extended services beyond the set of basic services is calculated on hourly connect rates and is subject to communications surcharges and premium surcharges where applicable. CompuServe also offers an Executive Service Option, which requires a monthly minimum dollar amount in exchange for access to a select group of services. How do I... Learn about rates ═══ 1.2. Why Should I Become a CompuServe Member? ═══ As a CompuServe member, you have access to an information and communication resource that can enrich your life in lots of ways: CompuServe Mail Personal Computing Forums Financial Databases News Services Special Interest Forums Many Other Services ═══ Rate Information ═══ You can find current rate information any time after becoming a member by going to the RATES area on CompuServe. ═══ Executive Service Option Discounts ═══ Members with the Executive Service Option enjoy a ten percent discount on the purchase of most products at the CompuServe Store, as well as volume discounts on information retrieval from selected transaction priced financial databases. ═══ Executive Service Option Databases ═══ Members with the Executive Service Option enjoy exclusive databases including: Ticker Retrieval, Disclosure II, Executive News Service, Supersite, Institutional Broker's Estimate System, Securities Screening, and Return Analysis. ═══ Executive Service Option Offer ═══ Members with the Executive Service Option enjoy special direct marketing offers for goods and services from our affiliated merchants and manufacturers. ═══ online storage capacity ═══ Members with the Executive Service Option enjoy a fifty percent increase in the amount of online storage available in their personal file area, along with an opportunity to purchase additional storage space at a reduced weekly rate. ═══ Personal File Storage ═══ Members with the Executive Service Option enjoy a six month storage period for personal files without charge (30 days is standard). ═══ Monthly Minimum Fee ═══ Members with the Executive Service Option do not have to pay the monthly minimum fee associated with direct debit billing, but are subject to a $10 monthly minimum fee, which is applied to the monthly Standard Pricing Plan membership. ═══ CompuServe Mail ═══ CompuServe Mail enables you to communicate not only with other CompuServe members, but also with users of other electronic mail services, such as MCI Mail, AT&T Mail, SprintMail, Internet, and any registered MHS worldwide. You can even send a Telex or fax message through CompuServe Mail. ═══ Forums ═══ Personal Computing Forums give you computer software and hardware support from over 750 companies, such as IBM, Describe, Lotus, Watcom, Computer Associates, and more. ═══ Financial Databases ═══ Financial Databases enable you to take control of your investments with the same electronic tools and information the experts depend upon daily. ═══ News ═══ News Services keep you informed with news stories as they happen from news sources such as the Associated Press, Reuters, OTC News Alert, and more. ═══ Special Interest Forums ═══ Special Interest Forums let you meet others who share your interests and hobbies around the world. ═══ Many Other Services ═══ CompuServe has many other services too, such as services that allow you to book airline reservations, browse electronic shopping malls for specialty and discounted goods, learn weather conditions around the world, participate in live multi-player games, and more. ═══ 2. Signing up for CompuServe ═══ The following section describes how to signup a new CompuServe account. You will be instructed on how to obtain a User ID and Password. What you need to provide Address and Member Options Billing and Country Information Connection Settings Serial Number and Agreement Number ═══ 2.1. Providing Address and Options ═══ During the member signup procedure, you will be asked to provide your address and select membership options. If you selected the Corporate Billing payment method, you will be prompted for additional information. Requested Information Address Information Billing Information Membership Options Related Information Corporate Billing Information ═══ 2.1.1. Address Information ═══ Complete the address information requested. Providing a Company Name, Daytime Phone Number, and Social Security Number is optional. Note: If you choose a credit card as your billing option, make sure you specify the identical name and address used by your charge card for billing. Include an area code in all phone numbers. ═══ 2.1.2. Billing Information ═══ CompuServe offers several billing options. The available options are: Corporate Billing Account Credit Card Billing Direct Debit ═══ Corporate Billing Acount ═══ If you are a business with established credit in the United States, Canada, or Europe and want to set up separate memberships (User ID Numbers) within your organization, you'll probably want to open a corporate billing account. If you select Corporate Billing, you will need to provide bank and trade references, which CompuServe will verify before authorizing access to CompuServe services. Important: If you need immediate access to CompuServe, you should choose Credit Card or Direct Debit billing options. After signup, you can apply to have Credit Card or Direct Debit accounts converted to Corporate Billing Accounts. Related Information Administrator Account Information Bank Reference ═══ Credit Card Billing ═══ If you want to bill your CompuServe charges directly to your credit card company, select a credit card billing option. The name and address you use during the member signup procedure must be identical to those used by your credit card for billing. Members outside the United States must use an international card. Available Credit Card Options American Express/Optima Diner's Club Discover Mastercard/Eurocard/Access VISA ═══ Direct Debit ═══ If you have an address and checking account in the United States and wish to make payments from your checking account to CompuServe through the Federal Reserve System, select the direct debit billing option. If you select this option, CompuServe may need to call you within 24 hours of your signup to verify your bank information. You can also select the direct debit billing option if you have a German address and use a German bank. Requested Direct Debit Information Name on Checking Account Bank Name and Address Check Number Routing Transit Number Checking Account Number ═══ 2.1.3. Membership Options ═══ A CompuServe membership entitles you to free informational and promotional materials, as well as an online Member Directory entry. Select the options that you would like. Available Options CompuServe Magazine Member Directory Promotional Mail External Mailings ═══ 2.2. Billing and Country Information ═══ During the member signup procedure, you will be asked to specify your billing and country information. Information Requested Agreement Number Serial Number Country Country Name (if other) Payment Method Personal Account Usage Business Account Usage ═══ 2.2.1. Payment Method ═══ CompuServe offers many payment options. The available payment methods are: Credit Card Direct Debit Corporate Billing Account ═══ 3. Connection Settings ═══ Prior to completing the signup, you should verify that the Connection settings are properly configured for your equipment. To access the Connection Settings, choose Connect Settings from the Signup menu. The following items should be verified: o Primary Network o Baud Rate o Phone o Comm Port o Dial Type Related Information Modem Settings ═══ 3.1. Selecting a Communications Port ═══ A communications port, sometimes called the Comm Port or just the port, is the mechanism that provides the channel for data to be transferred between your microcomputer and a modem. You can specify any communications port, although it must be the proper one for your microcomputer. Please consult the hardware documentation that came with your microcomputer to learn about the communications port you should use. If you are unsure of the correct communications port, select the Auto-Detect option. This feature will attempt to determine the correct communication port for your modem by performing some simple tests. As each communications port must be tested one at a time, this may take several minutes. If you need additional help, you can contact CompuServe Customer Service. Related Information Get Assistance from Customer Service ═══ Dial Type ═══ During the member signup procedure, you will be asked to select a dial type. The available choices are listed below. If you are unsure of which option to use, select Pulse (Rotary) or contact your local telephone company. Dial Types Pulse (Rotary) Touch Tone ═══ User ID ═══ Your User ID number is your electronic identification, or address, on CompuServe ═══ Password ═══ This is only your temporary Password. You will receive a permanent Password via postal mail within 10 days. Some services on CompuServe will not be available until you receive your permanent Password. Keep your Password in a secure place and do not share it with anyone! ═══ Usage Credit ═══ Some offers from CompuServe give you a usage credit which is applied automatically to your account. ═══ Primary Access Number ═══ This is the telephone number you will want to specify in your communications software in order to connect to CompuServe. Not Available means you signed up from a location that does not have a local access telephone number, such as a country you specified for Other under the Country category in the Billing/Country dialog. If you see Not Available, you can consult the CompuServe Customer Service office for your area for assistance. Note: The WATS line used for signup in the United States (1-800-609-1674) incurs hourly surcharges if you use it after signup to access CompuServe. ═══ Primary Network ═══ If the CompuServe network is available to you as a local telephone call, it will always be your best and least expensive choice for a network. However, you can connect to CompuServe through a variety of other networks if there is no local CompuServe telephone number in your area. Surcharges might apply when using other networks. ═══ Secondary Access Number ═══ This is the telephone number you will want to specify in your communications software in order to connect to CompuServe. Not Available means you signed up from a location that does not have a local access telephone number, such as a country you specified for Other under the Country category in the Billing/Country dialog. If you see Not Available, you can consult the CompuServe Customer Service office for your area for assistance. Note: The WATS line used for signup in the United States (1-800-609-1674) incurs hourly surcharges if you use it after signup to access CompuServe. ═══ Secondary Network ═══ If the CompuServe network is available to you as a local telephone call, it will always be your best and least expensive choice for a network. However, you can connect to CompuServe through a variety of other networks if there is no local CompuServe telephone number in your area. Surcharges might apply when using other networks. ═══ Proceed Button ═══ The Proceed button records your information and takes you to the next dialog. ═══ CBA Administrator ═══ The administrator of a corporate billing account is the contact person for all administrative and billing information, including information related to new accounts, monthly invoicing, and changes to any existing accounts. ═══ References ═══ Please make sure that the information you provide is up-to-date and accurate. References must be verified before you will be able to access CompuServe Services. ═══ Checking Account Name ═══ Enter the account holder's name as it appears on the check. ═══ Bank Name and Address ═══ The bank name and address will generally be printed above the memo field of your check. Contact your financial institution if you are unsure of the address or it does not appear on your checks. ═══ Check Number ═══ Enter a valid check number here. This number will be located in the upper right corner of your check and is used only for account number verification. ═══ Routing Transit Number ═══ The routing transit number is a nine digit number generally located in the lower left corner of your check. Check with your financial institution if unsure of your routing transit number. ═══ Checking Account Number ═══ The checking account number will generally be located immediately to the right of the routing transit number. Check with your financial institution if unsure of your account number. ═══ CompuServe Magazine ═══ Mark this option if you wish to receive the CompuServe Magazine publication free each month. CompuServe Magazine is written exclusively for CompuServe members and keeps you up-to-date on service changes, tips, and how other members are getting the most out of CompuServe. ═══ Member Directory ═══ Mark this if you want to be included in the CompuServe Member Directory. The Member Directory contains names, addresses (city and state only), and User ID numbers of CompuServe members. Once included in the Member Directory, you can always have your own entry excluded, or re-included if you have excluded it. ═══ Promotional Mail ═══ Mark this if you want to receive mail sent by CompuServe explaining new services, special offers, and other valuable information. ═══ External Mailings ═══ Mark this if you want to receive promotional materials from organizations other than CompuServe, explaing their products and services. ═══ Agreement Number ═══ During the member signup procedure, you will be asked to type an Agreement Number. You will find your Agreement number on the Quick Setup Instructions card that comes with your CIM for OS/2 disks. Some pre-installed versions of CIM for OS/2 will already have the Serial Number and Agreement Number fields completed. If you do not have a Quick Setup Instructions card, you will need to telephone Membership Sales at 1-800-848-8199 to obtain one. ═══ Serial Number ═══ During the member signup procedure, you will be asked to type a Serial Number. You will find your Serial Number on the Quick Setup Instructions card that comes with your CIM for OS/2 disks. Some pre-installed versions of CIM for OS/2 will already have the Serial Number and Agreement Number fields completed. If you do not have a Quick Setup Instructions card, you will need to telephone Membership Sales at 1-800-848-8199 to obtain one. ═══ Country ═══ Highlight the country from which you are connecting to CompuServe. ═══ American Express/Optima ═══ Select this option if you want to bill your CompuServe charges to your American Express or Optima card. The name and address you use during the member signup procedure must be identical to those used by your charge card for billing. Members outside the United States must use an international card. ═══ Diner's Club ═══ Select this option if you want to bill your CompuServe charges to your Diner's Club card. The name and address you use during the member signup procedure must be identical to those used by your charge card for billing. Members outside the United States must use an international card. ═══ Discover ═══ Select this option if you want to bill your CompuServe charges to your Discover card. The name and address you use during the member signup procedure must be identical to those used by your charge card for billing. Members outside the United States must use an international card. ═══ Mastercard/Eurocard/Access ═══ Select this option if you want to bill your CompuServe charges to your Mastercard, Eurocard, or Access card. The name and address you use during the member signup procedure must be identical to those used by your charge card for billing. Members outside the United States must use an international card. ═══ Visa ═══ Select this option if you want to bill your CompuServe charges to your Visa card. The name and address you use during the member signup procedure must be identical to those used by your charge card for billing. Members outside the United States must use an international card. ═══ Country ═══ If you selected Other or Europe Other under the Country category, type the name of the country from which you are connecting to CompuServe in this field. ═══ Personal Account ═══ Select this if you want to set up a private, non-corporate account. ═══ Business Account ═══ Select this option if you want to set up a corporate account. ═══ Pulse Dialing ═══ Pulse dialing sounds like a rotary telephone (a series of clicks rather than tones). ═══ Tone Dialing ═══ Tone dialing sounds like a touchtone telephone (a series of tones rather than clicks). Even if you have a rotary telephone, your local telephone company may provide touch tone services. ═══ Permanent User ID and New Password ═══ During the member signup procedure, you will be assigned a CompuServe User ID and temporary password so that you can start accessing the CompuServe Information Service immediately. Displayed in the Welcome to CompuServe dialog will be several important items unique to your new membership, as well as local access telephone numbers if available. Though this information will automatically be placed in your CIM for OS/2 settings, you should write it down and store it in a safe place for future reference. Note: Never keep your User ID and password written down in the same place and never give your password to anyone. It is the key to your account. For security reasons, a permanent Password will be sent to you by postal mail within 10 days. Some services on CompuServe will not be available until you receive your permanent Password. After selecting the Proceed button, you will be asked to confirm your new User ID and Password. The information displayed User ID Password Usage Credit Primary Access Number Primary Network Secondary Access Number Secondary Network ═══ 4. Getting Assistance ═══ Local Customer Service is available worldwide. You can telephone, write, or send a fax to any CompuServe Customer Service office. If there is no local Customer Service listing in your country, please try contacting the Customer Service office nearest you or calling CompuServe Customer Service in the United States for further assistance. Customer Service Offices Argentina Australia/New Zealand Austria Chile France Germany Hong Kong Hungary Israel Japan Mexico South Africa South Korea Switzerland Taiwan United Kingdom United States/Canada Venezuela ═══ 4.1. Fax ═══ To ensure prompt delivery and handling of a faxed letter, be sure to include a cover page clearly stating your name, User ID number, and the name of the department (and/or person) to whom the letter is being sent. ═══ 4.2. Argentina ═══ CompuServe S.A. Argentina Av. Rivadavia 969 2do. P. Frente Buenos Aires, 1002 Argentina Phone: (+54)(1) 345-3871 Fax: (+54)(1) 345-0825 Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 Weekdays ═══ 4.3. Australia/New Zealand ═══ CompuServe Pacific Fujitsu Australia Ltd. 475 Victoria Avenue Chatswood, NSW 2067 Australia Australia Freephone: 008 025 240 New Zealand Freephone: 0800 446 113 Outside Australia/New Zealand (+61)(2) 410-4260 Fax: (+61)(2) 410 4223 Hours: 9:00 - 21:00 Weekdays ═══ 4.4. Austria ═══ Austria Freephone: 0660-8750 Outside Austria: (+49)(89) 66-535-222 Fax: (+49)(89) 66-535-241 Hours: 9:00 - 20:00 (CET) Weekdays ═══ 4.5. Chile ═══ Chilepac Gerencia Red de Datos Morande 147 Santiago, Chile Phone: (+56)(2) 696-8807 Fax: (+56)(2) 698-1474 Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 Weekdays ═══ 4.6. France ═══ CompuServe Information Service SARL Centre ATRIA Rueil 2000 - 21, Av Edouard Belin 92566 RUEIL MALMAISON CEDEX France AZUR Phone:36-63-81-31 Outside France: (+33) 1-47-14-21-60 Fax: (+33) 1-47-14-21-51 Hours: 8:30 - 19:30 Weekdays ═══ 4.7. Germany ═══ CompuServe GmbH Postfach 11 69 D-82001 Unterhaching bei Munchen Germany Germany Freephone: 0130 86 46 43 Outside Germany: (+49)(89) 66 535-222 Fax: (+49)(89) 66-535-241 Hours: 9:00 - 20:00 (CET) Weekdays ═══ 4.8. Hong Kong ═══ CompuServe Hong Kong Hutchison Information Services, Ltd. 34/F NatWest Tower Times Square Causeway Bay Hong Kong Phone: (+852) 599-2722 Fax: (+852) 506-3445 Hours: 9:00 - 18:00 Weekday 9:00 - 12:00 Saturdays ═══ 4.9. Hungary ═══ CompuServe Hungary Microsystem RT. 1122 Budapest XII Varosmajor u. 74 Budapest, Hungary Phone: (+36)(1)156-5366 Fax: (+36) (1) 155-9296 Hours: 8:30 - 16:30 Weekdays ═══ 4.10. Israel ═══ CompuServe Israel Trendline Info.Communications Svcs., Ltd. Yad Harutsim 12 Tel-Aviv, Israel Phone: (+972)(3) 6388230 Fax: (+972) (3) 6388288 Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 Sunday - Thursday ═══ 4.11. Japan ═══ NIFTY Corporation 8th Floor, Omori Bellport A, Minami-Oi 6-26-1, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 140 Japan Japan Freephone: 0120 22 1200 Outside Japan: (+81)(3) 5471-5806 Fax: (+81)(3) 5471-5890 Hours: 9:00 - 19:00 (JST) Weekdays 9:00 - 17:50 (JST) Saturdays ═══ 4.12. Mexico ═══ CompuServe Mexico Infoacces S. A. de C. V. Gutenberg 143 Col. Anzures C. P. 11590 Mexico D. F. Phone: (+52)(5) 629-8191 Fax: (+52)(5) 629-8198 Hours: 9:00 - 22:00 Weekdays 10:00 - 14:00 Saturdays ═══ 4.13. South Africa ═══ CompuServe Africa P.O.Box 72668 Lynnwood Ridge South Africa 0040 Phone: (+27)(12) 841-2530 Fax: (+27)(12) 841-3604 Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 Weekdays ═══ 4.14. South Korea ═══ Overseas Information Team, IS Group ATEL Co. 2F. Kunja Bldg. 942-1 Daechi-dong Kangnam-gu Seoul, Korea 135-280 Korea Freephone: 080 022 7400 Outside Korea: (+82)(2) 528-0472 Fax: (+82)(2) 528-0597 Hours: 9:00 - 18:00 Weekdays 9:00 - 17:50 Saturdays ═══ 4.15. Switzerland ═══ Switzerland Freephone: 155 31 79 Outside Switzerland: (+49)(89) 66 535-222 Fax:(+49)(89) 66-535-241 Hours: 9:00 - 20:00 (CET) Weekdays ═══ 4.16. Taiwan ═══ TTN-Serve Taiwan Telecom.Network Svcs. Co., Ltd. Far East ABC Intelligent Science Park 1st Floor, No. 13, Lane 50, Nan-Kang Road, Section 3 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Taiwan Freephone: 080 251 009 Outside Taiwan: (+886)(2) 651-6899 Fax: (+886)(2) 651-1801 Hours: 9:00 - 18:00 Weekdays 9:00 - 12:00 Saturdays ═══ 4.17. United Kingdom ═══ CompuServe Information Service (UK) Ltd. No. 1 Redcliff Street P.O. Box 676 Bristol BS99 1YN UK Freephone: 0800 289458 Outside UK: (+44) (272) 760680 Fax: (+44) (272) 252210 Hours: 9:00 - 21:00 Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00 Saturdays ═══ 4.18. United States ═══ P.O. Box 20212 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43220 USA Freephone: 800-848-8990 Outside USA: (+1)(614) 529-1340 Fax: (+1)(614) 529-1611 Hours: 8:00 - 24:00 (US EST) Weekdays 12:00 - 22:00 Saturday and Sunday ═══ 4.19. Venezuela ═══ CompuServe C.A. Venezuela Plaza Venezuela - Torres Capriles Piso 4, Oficina 401 Caracas - Venezuela Phone: (+58)(2) 793-2984 Fax: (+58)(2) 793-1952 Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 Weekdays ═══ 5. Troubleshooting/Startup Checklist ═══ Connections If Signup is unable to dial your modem and connect properly, please check to ensure that all the cable connections, modem connections, and power supply connections are correct. Modem Settings If Signup is able to dial your modem, but is unable to complete the member signup procedure, please review your modem settings to make sure they are accurate. COM3 or COM4 not Available When installed, OS/2 initially only supports COM1 and COM2. If you have installed an internal modem configured for COM3 or COM4, be sure that the CONFIG.SYS has been modified to provide support for COM3 and/or COM4. Consult your online OS/2 Command Reference and see the COM.SYS entry of the DEVICE section. Connection Settings If Signup is unable to connect you to CompuServe, it could be because the wrong COM port has been specified. Please check your connection settings and modem settings. Secondary Communications Programs If you receive an OS/2 SYS1798 error (communications port is in use by another application), please close any other communications programs that you may be currently running. This could include fax or voicemail programs. User ID Number and Password If you are able to complete the member signup procedure, but are unable to connect to CompuServe again, please check your connection information to make sure you are using the permanent User ID number and new temporary password. Related Information Reviewing Communication Settings Reviewing Modem Settings Overview of Signup ═══ 5.1. Reviewing Communication Settings ═══ To review the communication settings, choose Connect Settings from the Signup menu. The items displayed in the Signup Connection Settings dialog are: o Primary Network o Baud Rate o Phone o Comm Port o Dial Type ═══ Primary Network ═══ Highlight the network that you want to use to connect to CompuServe. ═══ Baud Rate ═══ Highlight the baud rate you wish to use. Note: Your modem must support the baud rate you select. ═══ Phone ═══ Type the local access number to be used to connect to CompuServe. ═══ Comm Port ═══ Highlight the communications port that your computer is configured to use. ═══ Dial Type ═══ Select the dial type you will be using from the list below. Tone Tone dialing sounds like a touchtone telephone. Tone dialing is faster than Pulse dialing. Pulse Pulse dialing sounds like a rotary telephone. Direct Select this only if your computer is hard-wired to another computer system which provides the connection for you. ═══ 5.2. Reviewing Modem Settings ═══ You may need to configure the Signup program for your modem. The Modem Settings can be accessed by clicking the Modem button in the Connect Settings dialog or by choosing Modem Settings from the Signup menu. Listed below are the items that can be configured specifically for your modem. o Modem Type o Initialize o Prefix o Dial Tone o Reset o Escape o Connect o Suffix o Dial Pulse o Hang Up o Acknowledge o Failure o Error Correction o Data Compression o Speaker Off o Modem Security User ID o Modem Security Password ═══ Modem Button ═══ Click this button to review the modem settings. ═══ Modem Type ═══ Highlight your modem type in the list provided. If your modem type is not in the list and is Hayes-compatible, highlight Hayes. If your modem doesn't respond, select Other. These settings vary from modem to modem and you may need to contact your modem manufacturer for the correct settings. ═══ Initialize Field ═══ If you highlight a modem in the list provided in the box beside Modem , that modem's initialization command string will be displayed automatically. This field can be edited, if necessary, should you need to customize the initialization string. ═══ Prefix ═══ Make sure that this is the correct prefix string for your modem. This is also known as the attention command. Most modems will use "AT" as the command prefix. Other modems do not support Hayes commands at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Dial Tone ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string that instructs your modem to use touch tone dialing. Most modems will use "DT" for touch tone dialing. Other modems do not support Hayes commands at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. If you always have to cancel call waiting or enter a special prefix to dial outside of an office building or school, the prefix can be added to the Dial Tone command. If the example shown, the user has added *70, to the end of the Dial Tone command. This will cause *70, to be dialed before each telephone number. If you use this method to support the disabling of call waiting, do not include the same sequence in your telephone number. ═══ Reset ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string to reset your modem. Most modems will use "&F" to be reset to factory defaults. Other modems support only "Z" and a few do not support Hayes commands at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Escape ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string to issue an Escape command to your modem. Most modems will use "+++" as the escape command. Other modems do not support Hayes commands at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Connect ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string or phrase displayed by your modem when connection is established. Most modems will use "CONNECT" to acknowledge a successful command. Other modems do not support Hayes responses at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Suffix ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string which terminates a command on your modem. Most modems will use "^M" as a command terminator. Other modems do not support Hayes commands at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Dial Pulse ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string that instructs your modem to use pulse dialing. Most modems will use "DP" for pulse dialing. Other modems do not support Hayes commands at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. If you always have to cancel call waiting or enter a special prefix to dial outside of an office building or school, the prefix can be added to the Dial Pulse command. If the example shown, the user has added 1101, to the end of the Dial Pulse command. This will cause 1101 to be dialed before each telephone number. ═══ Hang Up ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string which instructs your modem to hang up the telephone. Most modems will use "H0" to hang up the phone. Other modems do not support Hayes commands at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Acknowledge ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string or phrase displayed when a command is successfully received by the modem. Most modems will use "OK" to acknowledge a successful command. Other modems do not support Hayes responses at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Failure ═══ Make sure that this is the correct string or phrase that you modem displays when their is no connection or the signal stops. Most modems will use "NO CARRIER" to indicate a connection problem. Other modems do not support Hayes responses at all. Should your modem be one of the latter, you will need to contact you modem manufacturer to determine the correct settings for this field. ═══ Error Correction ═══ This is the command to enable error correction on your modem. Depending on the modem you have selected, the appropriate error correction command will be displayed here by default. However, if you select a modem for which information is not available, you will have to consult your modem's documentation to learn what to enter here. ═══ Data Compression ═══ This is the command to enable data compression on your modem. Depending on the modem you have selected, the appropriate data compression command will be displayed here by default. However, if you selected a modem for which information is not available, you will have to consult your modem's documentation to learn what to enter here. ═══ Speaker Off ═══ When marked, this option causes silent operation (no dial tone, dialing or connection sounds during logon) of a Hayes-compatible modem. If you are having difficulty connecting, be sure that this feature is not marked in order to facilitate troubleshooting. ═══ Modem Security User ID ═══ If your modem supports security access, type your User ID number here. ═══ Modem Security Password ═══ If your modem supports security access, type your password here. ═══ 5.3. Overview of Signup Procedure ═══ In order to complete the member signup procedure, you will need to provide certain information and perform related instructions. 1. At the opening Country/Billing dialog you will be asked to provide the country from which you will be connecting to CompuServe and your preferred billing method, such as credit card, direct debit, or corporate business account. 2. At the next dialog you are will be asked to provide more specific billing information, such as a credit card number or bank address, your personal address, and whether you desire specific membership options. 3. If you are opening a corporate business account, you will be asked to provide administrator information, as well as credit references, at ensuing dialogs. 4. During the member signup procedure you will see Executive Service Option information, as well as CompuServe's rules and terms of operation. 5. At a Dial Type dialog you will be asked to specify your modem dialing preference. After you do, the Signup program will attempt to connect you to CompuServe. 6. Upon connecting to CompuServe successfully, you are immediately asked to agree to the stated pricing plan conditions. You will be asked to type Agree to show acceptance. 7. Once you agree to the pricing plan conditions, unless you selected a corporate billing account as your billing option, you will be assigned a permanent User ID number and a temporary Password. You will be asked to retype this information at the next dialog for confirmation purposes.