Do you have nerdy kids around the house, or a geeky noodge in your IS department? This joke program will drive 'em crazy. When they type ping from DOS or from the Run command, it looks normal. But once they try pinging an IP address, they get a message that says: "The number you have reached is not in service or is unavailable. If you think you've reached this message in error, please hang up and try the number again."

Using this program requires you to replace the REAL "ping.exe" file with this one. Please be considerate and MOVE the original - DON'T delete it.

Note: Please use good judgment in using this file and avoid targeting someone who would not appreciate its humour.

Download File

File name

File size

Click on the file name to download the file from the CD to your PC

Uninstall Guide:

Copy the original "ping.exe" back to its original position.

Note: you need to be connected to the internet before you can click on one of these links.

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