Click on the movie graphic to watch the trailer right on your PC! Or for faster results, access our CD through Windows Explorer and copy the movies to your PC's hard drive first (they're in the Movies folder). Once Quicktime is installed (see below) just double-click on one of the movie files to play.

If you still think GE is safe, check out this trailer. After being bitten by a genetically modified spider, Peter Parker's body chemistry is mutagenically altered. He can now scale walls and ceilings, and emit a high-pressured spider-web like fluid from his wrists. He also develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger (actually this GE stuff sounds pretty cool). His grandmother's line at the end of this preview is perhaps one of the best in modern cinema.

But wait, there's more: install our collection of Spider Man wallpaper on your Windows desktop.







A Beautiful Mind
Russell Crowe goes on a journey of the mind in this beautifully-observed psychological drama directed by Ron Howard. Crowe plays John Forbes Nash Jr, a man who was smart enough to create his Nobel-prize winning
"game theory" of economics - but also mad enough to think the Russians were sending him messages in his yoghurt.


The Scorpion King
The Rock kicks ass in this socially worthless action drama. And you thought he could only wrestle! A must for overgrown kids.

The Man Who Wasn't There
The Cohen brothers (Fargo, Raising Arizona) return with a typically quirky tale about a laconic, chain-smoking barber who blackmails his wife's boss and lover for money to invest in dry cleaning. Of course, it all goes terribly wrong.

Note: Although we have included the latest version of QuickTime player on this CD, you may have to download an update to play some of the newest trailers. Before downloading from the internet - try installing the version from the CD first.

Note: you need to be connected to the internet before you can click on one of these links.
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