:Base PopMouseLite.hlp :Title Pop-Mouse Lite Help 1 Introduction 2 What Is Pop-Mouse?=IDH_GenQuickTour 2 Using Pop-Mouse For The First Time=IDH_Gen_UsingPointix 2 Test Drive=IDH_Gen_FastConfig 1 Pop-Mouse Concepts 2 Introduction=IDH_ Using_Pointix 2 Borders And Glicks=IDH_Glicks 2 Pop-Mouse Commands=IDH_Pointix_Commands 2 Pop-Mouse Resources=IDH_Pointix_Resources 2 Pop-Mouse Utilities=IDH_Pointix_Utilities 2 The Pop-Mouse Workspace (Commercial Version Only)=IDH_Pointix_Workspace 1 Dialogs 2 General 3 Auto-Switch (Commercial Version Only)=IDH_Dlg_Auto_Switch 3 Entering Registration Codes=IDH_Dlg_EnablePointix 2 Options 3 General Settings=IDH_Dlg_OptionsGeneral 3 Border Settings=IDH_Dlg_OptionsBorders 3 Glick Settings=IDH_Dlg_OptionsGlicks 2 Workspace And Resources (Commercial Version Only) 3 New Item Type Selector=IDH_Dlg_New_Item 3 Resource Editor=IDH_Resource_Editor 3 Workspace Manager=IDH_Dlg_WorkspaceManager 2 Command Editors/Selectors (Commercial Version Only) 3 Keyboard Sequence Command Editor=IDH_Dlg_KeyboardSequenceEditor 3 Stamp Command Editor=IDH_Dlg_StampEditor 3 WWW Page Command Editor=IDH_Dlg_URL_Editor 3 Mail-To Command Editor=IDH_Dlg_Email_Editor 3 Telnet Command Editor=IDH_Dlg_Telnet_Editor 3 Application/Document Command Editor=IDH_AppDoc_Editor 3 File Folder Command Editor=IDH_Folder_Editor 3 Pointix Utility Command Selector=IDH_Dlg_PointixUtility 3 Generic Command Selector=IDH_Dlg_Generic_Command 3 Resource-Link Command Selector=IDH_Dlg_New_Resource 1 Registration 2 How to Register Pop-Mouse Lite (FREE)=IDH_Gen_HowToEnable 2 Pointix Pop-Mouse Lite License Agreement=IDH_GenLicenseAgreement 1 Support 2 Technical Support=IDH_Gen_TechSupport 2 System Requirements=IDH_Gen_SysRequirements