1000 Although there have been hardships in the past, your future now looks bright. 1001 Distant countries beacon to you now more than ever. Now is the time for travel. 1002 Executive ability is prominent in your make up. 1003 Good health will be yours for a long time. 1004 Good news will come to you. 1005 Although there have been hardships in the past, your future now looks bright. 1006 Distant countries beacon to you now more than ever. Now is the time for travel. 1007 Executive ability is prominent in your make up. 1008 Good health will be yours for a long time. 1009 Good news will come to you by e-mail. 1010 Good news will come to you by mail. 1011 Good news will come to you by telephone. 1012 Good news will come to you through a close friend. 1013 Happy events will take place shortly in your home. 1014 Hardships will be coming soon. It is best to prepare now. 1015 In your life, excitement is welcomed, now more than ever. 1016 Now is a good time to finish up old tasks. 1017 Now is not the time to wonder. You are needed at home. 1018 Now is the time to try something new. 1019 Outside pressure to change will cause your long held value system to strengthen. 1020 People like you because you are different, don't change. 1021 Soon you will be sitting on top of the world. 1022 Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you. 1023 You are a bundle of energy. Always on the go. 1024 You are a person of culture. 1025 You are a person of dignity. 1026 You are a person of respect. 1027 You are always welcome in any gathering. 1028 You are careful and systematic in your business arrangements. 1029 You are going to have a very comfortable old age. 1030 You are kind-hearted and hospitable, cheerful and well liked. 1031 You are needed elsewhere. 1032 You are next in line for a promotion. 1033 You are one of the people who 'goes places in life.' 1034 You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy. 1035 You display the wonderful traits of patience and understanding. 1036 You have a deep interest in all that is artistic. 1037 You have a natural grace and a great consideration for others. 1038 You have a reputation for being straight-forward and honest. 1039 You have a strong desire for a home and your family comes first. 1040 You have a strong desire to travel abroad. 1041 You have an unusually magnetic personality. 1042 You will be a very successful in your next life. 1043 You will be awarded some great honor. 1044 You will be fortunate if you seize the opportunity. 1045 You will be fortunate in the opportunities presented to you. 1046 You will be loved by many in your old age. 1047 You will be unusually successful in business. 1048 You will have good luck and overcome many hardships. 1049 You will have good luck in your business affairs. 1050 You will have good luck in your personal affairs. 1051 You will make a change for the better. 1052 You will soon be involved in many gatherings and parties. 1053 You will soon experience a change in pace. 1054 You will step on the soil of many countries. 1055 Your existence is enough to make at least one person happy. 1056 Your luck has been completely changed today. 1057 Your mentality is alert, practical and analytical. 1058 Your personality defines you. 1059 Your personality is so powerful it often frightens others away. 1060 Your wisdom spans many lifetimes. 2000 You are going to be visited by the aliens. 2001 You are going to win the lottery - and lose your personality. 2002 Someday you'll be President. Then you'll be impeached. 2003 In four weeks you'll be fishing (you didn't need this job anyway). 2004 Your pot of spaghetti boilith over. 2005 Your cup spillith over. 2006 Your bank account will continue to be empty, uninterrupted. 2007 Love awaits you. With the emphasis on 'wait'! 2008 You will soon pass through a door - to the kitchen? Bathroom? 2009 Soon you shall learn a new skill - How to quickly click the 'OK' button to get rid of a boring fortune! 2010 Bleach can look tasty, but if you drink it, you will see the giant fortune cookie in the sky. 2011 DUCK! 2012 If you had a nickel for every time you said, 'If I had a nickel...' you'd have a lot of nickels! 2013 In the recent past you have been victorious. 2014 The aliens were here, but they left. 2015 The IRS will call you today. 2016 The mouse is your weapon of choice. 2017 There will be a new mahjongg CD in your future. 2018 You are being followed by a tall man in a dark coat. Look, there he is! Oh, you missed him. 2019 You are too paranoid, even though everyone really is out to get you. 2020 You will receive a fortune in the future! 2021 Your belief in fortunes will be shaken. 2022 You guessed it. This is another one of those fortunes that don't say anything. 2023 You love your family. So why haven't you spoken to them in so long? 2024 You may soon be the winner of $10,000,000! You might also be a figment of your computer's imagination! 2025 You may want to write this fortune down so you don't forget it. 2026 You will soon need some fresh air and sunshine. 2027 You should pay dearly for not flossing regularly. 2028 You shouldn't believe this fortune. 2029 This fortune is a lie. 2030 This fortune is a truth. 2031 You want the future? You can't handle the future! 2032 You will be getting a call about an upgrade within the next few months. 2033 You will be struck by a car next time you step into traffic. 2034 Anything that can go wrong will. Anything that can't go wrong, will go wrong. 2035 The stars indicate that you should go get a glass of water before playing another game. 2036 I predict you will continue breathing for the rest of your life. 2037 You will doubt the accuracy of this fortune. 2038 You will have a craving for fortune cookies after a few more games. 2039 You will have the disquieting feeling that you left the stove on. 2040 You will have the strangest urge to say 'Yeeeeeehaaaaaaw.' 2041 You will have used a computer before the day is over. 2042 You will meet secret agent Boris at the corner of 7'th and Elm Street. He will have your package in his left arm. The code word will be 'Fluttering bio-degradables'. 2043 You will never win the lotto. Now here's your lucky numbers... 2044 You will see the sky every time you look up, unless you're inside, in which case you will see the ceiling, unless of course you don't have a ceiling, in which case you will see the sky. 2045 You will shun all that is material, unless it is a MoraffWare CD ROM. 2046 You will soon reach a higher state of consciousness through Morejongg. 2047 You will think about listening to your conscience, but quickly put the idea aside. 2048 You will wonder what this fortune is trying to imply about your intelligence. 2049 You won't think this was very funny. 2050 Your evil plans for world domination will be foiled. Curses! 2051 Your fortune can be found in a cookie. 2052 Your life's achievement will hinge upon your next game of Morejongg. 2053 Confucius say: lovers in triangle not on square. 2054 The answers you seek can be found at the nearest convenience store. 2055 The future of your wealth depends on your friends...don't lend them money. 2056 To be or not to be...now that's a dumb question. 2057 You are a great asset to your friends...if you own a car. 2058 Your memory is much like a rabbit...short and fuzzy. 3000 Life is a wonderful habit. 3001 Life is habit-forming. 3002 Knowledge is power, but wisdom doesn't need power. 3003 Who wants to live forever? 3004 Innocence belongs to children, lovers, and the aged. 3005 All values are learned. Like a good car, we must be concerned with our values' performance and source. 3006 Will-power is habit forming. 3007 Self discipline is a skill. 3008 Intelligence is learned. 3009 If you think you can't when you can, you won't. If you think you can when you can't, you just might! 3010 It is best if your future remains a mystery. 3011 Self worth can be found through mastery. 3012 Stop searching forever. Happiness is right in front of you. 3013 The key to mastery is through your inner self. 3014 You are but a grain of salt in the great expanse of ocean around you. 3015 A bird caged too long may not wish to fly when released. 3016 A body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. 3017 A civilization that regards nuclear energy as important and cooking as trivial is surely headed for destruction. 3018 A fool utters all on their mind. The wise wait till afterwards. 3019 A fool's mouth is their own destruction and their lips are the snare of their soul. 3020 A gentle person points out the admirable qualities of all and does not point out bad qualities. A petty one does just the opposite. 3021 A gentle person, well studied in literature, and abiding by the rules of ritual, will not go very wrong. 3022 A kind word with forgiveness is better than charity followed by insult. 3023 A lying tongue hates those that are afflicted by it, and a flattering mouth works ruin. 3024 A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. 3025 A moment is only the sharing of the space and time in which we observe. 3026 A problem encountered is an opportunity granted. 3027 A righteous one falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring. 3028 A teacher should but teach the student to teach himself. 3029 A true ruler's wrath is as the roaring of a lion, but the favor must be as boisterous. 3030 A well trained horse isn't less exciting than a wild one. 3031 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. 3032 Acceptance is but a road to truth. 3033 Actions take less time to come true than wishes. 3034 Adults grow up to be children. 3035 All events are equal in value, one can not be said to be more important than another. 3036 All, in time, does pass. 3037 An ideal world can only be created by idealistic people. 3038 Answer a fool according to their folly, lest they be wise in their own conceit. 3039 Answer not a fool according to their folly, lest you be like unto them. 3040 Anyone learning without thought is lost; anyone thinking but not learning is in peril. 3041 As in chess small moves pave the way for big ones. 3042 As one plays on an instrument, the fate plays on us. 3043 As one that diligently seeks good procures favor, shall one who seeks mischief find it. 3044 Avert misunderstanding by calm poise and balance. 3045 Before destruction one's heart is haughty, and before honor is humility. 3046 Being overlooked can sometimes be a blessing. 3047 Boast not oneself of tomorrow, for one knows not what a day may bring forth. 3048 Both action and thought have tremendous impact on our environment. 3049 By keeping alive to what is happening, we live in the present. 3050 By nature, all are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart. 3051 Causality is but a collection of assumptions about sequential events. 3052 Caution is never cowardice. 3053 Confidence in one unfaithful in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint. 3054 Courage to set an example by word and deed is one of the best ways to bring about change. 3055 Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. 3056 Death is as essential to life as life itself. 3057 Denial only slows down the process of self-discovery. 3058 Discretion is the better part of valor. 3059 Do not do to others as you would not wish done to yourself. 3060 Don't drink and drive. 3061 Don't let friends drink and drive. 3062 Don't let friends impose on you. Work calmly and silently. 3063 Don't race a cheetah. 3064 Dreams are merely ourselves convincing ourselves of our true selves. 3065 Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. 3066 Enthusiasm is life-giving, but deadly if misguided. 3067 Even a child is known by duties, whether they be pure and whether they be just. 3068 Every completion is a beginning as well. 3069 Everyone is a volume if you know how to read them. 3070 Everyone prudent deals with knowledge, but a fool lays open their folly. 3071 Everything happens at once. 3072 Everything is forever changing always. 3073 Everything is related. 3074 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy. 3075 Fantasy is only a beginning. 3076 For all, the attainment of sincerity is the path to virtue. 3077 Forgive or forget. 3078 Getting out of the way and letting things happen is sometimes the best thing we can do. 3079 Giving others space, frees oneself in turn. 3080 Great thoughts come from the heart. 3081 Happiness is found only when you find yourself smiling. 3082 Hear what others say, listen to your inner voice. 3083 Hitchhiking is an adventure, but then again, so is rush hour traffic. 3084 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. 3085 Human responsibility for the world begins and ends with oneself. 3086 Humans believe they are devils pretending to be angels when, in fact, the reverse is true. 3087 If one's spirit knows principles as well as one breaths the air, the evils of the world are blinding. 3088 If there is any hope for the world it can only be found in small acts of personal kindness. 3089 If you have two legs-run; if you have one leg-hop; if you have no legs-fly. 3090 If you pick the wrong path, backtrack and try a new one. 3091 In all things success depends on preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. 3092 In order to recognize the taste of joy, one must suffer. 3093 In youth and beauty, wisdom is rare. 3094 Irritation is something done to oneself. 3095 It is not good to do bad. 3096 It is the unexpected that usually happens. 3097 Keep your ducks in a row. 3098 Keep your feet on the ground even though friends may flatter you. 3099 Laughter is the best medicine. 3100 Listen not to the empty words of a jealous tongue. 3101 Listen not to the vain words of the empty tongue. 3102 Living is creative act in itself. 3103 Lollipops are good for your tongue, not your hair. 3104 Love involves respect for the time and space for all living beings. 3105 Many illnesses are self-inflicted. 3106 Maturity does not exclude playfulness. 3107 Measure twice, cut once. 3108 Mental wounds heal far slower than physical. 3109 Morals are far more valuable than community instilled ethics. 3110 Most anger is only fear. Most depression is only anger. 3111 Music can soothe more than just the savage beast. 3112 Necessity is a reality term. 3113 Never take anything too seriously. 3114 Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 3115 Not only should one recompense injury with justice, one must recompense kindness with kindness as well. 3116 Nothing is by chance, everything happens because it has to. 3117 Nothing is insignificant. 3118 Observe yourself living from time to time. It can be enlightening. 3119 On the stage of life a change of scene can further the action. 3120 One becomes poor when dealing with a slackened hand, but a diligent hand makes one rich. 3121 One of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of humanity and will die for the sake of humanity. 3122 One shouldn't bite off more than one can chew. 3123 One soul may exist in many bodies. 3124 One that bears false witness against one's neighbor is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow. 3125 One that deals in evil shall flee to their own doom, let none stand in their way. 3126 One that gathers in summer is wise, while one that sleeps in harvest is shameful. 3127 One that hides hatred with lying lips, is as much the fool as the one that utters the slander. 3128 One that is void of wisdom despises the neighbor, but the one of understanding holds the former at peace. 3129 One that keeps one's mouth shut keeps one's life, but one who opens wide one's lips shall have destruction. 3130 One void of understanding strikes with the hand of a fool, as this is revealed in the presence of friends. 3131 One who answers on a matter before one knows of it, folly and shame. 3132 One who causes the righteous to go astray shall fall themselves into the same pit. 3133 One who does not heed their own history is doomed to the same downfalls. 3134 One who has been offended is harder to be won than a strong city. 3135 One who has no rule over one's own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. 3136 One who is poor and oppresses the poor is like a sweeping rain that leaves no food. 3137 One who is prudent sees the evil and hides oneself, while the simple pass on, and are punished. 3138 One who runs behind a car gets exhausted. 3139 One's spirit will sustain one's infirmity, but a wounded spirit, who can bear. 3140 Only by pride does contention come, but with the well advised is wisdom. 3141 Only the fool despises wisdom and instruction. 3142 Open rebuke is better than secret love. 3143 Our first and last love is self love. 3144 People generally shout at each other when they are far apart. 3145 Philosophy is just another way of confusing someone else. 3146 Poverty and meanness are what all dislike; but if they cannot be avoided in the proper way, they should not be avoided. 3147 Quitting is not always a bad idea. 3148 Relinquishing power can be the most powerful thing that can be done. 3149 Riches and honors acquired by inhumanity are to me as a floating cloud. 3150 Riches and honors are what all desire; but if they cannot be obtained in the proper way, they should be let go. 3151 Right now, you occupy a point where three lines reach across the expanse of time and space and intersect only there, and that you and only you possess. 3152 Say no to drugs. 3153 Seeing in the dark isn't done with one's eyes. 3154 Simply seeing is an act of creation. 3155 Sincerity is the end and beginning of things; without sincerity there would be nothing. 3156 Slothfulness casts one into a deep sleep, and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. 3157 Slow and steady wins the race. 3158 Smile and others will smile with you. 3159 Snowflakes aren't the only things that hold beauty in their diversity. 3160 Some people are at their best asleep. 3161 Sometimes we must learn to ask for what is needed. 3162 Starting a fire is far easier than extinguishing one. 3163 Strange coincidences may be but the normal workings of the universe. 3164 Study the past, live in the present, prepare for the future. 3165 Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have! 3166 That all things do indeed pass is revealed when a child's sadness gives way to laughter. 3167 That which shatters the silence we call noise. That which enhances the silence we call music. 3168 The artist is but an instrument through which the universe unveils itself. 3169 The chicken is only the egg's way of reproducing itself. 3170 The ego massage is undoubtedly a pleasant pastime, but hardly the most rewarding. 3171 The grass is always greener on the other side. 3172 The greatest battles are fought within oneself. 3173 The greatest gift one can give to another is to reveal oneself. 3174 The heart can be an enemy of the intellect. 3175 The heart is sometimes wiser than the intellect. 3176 The heart is wiser than the intellect. 3177 The highest form of control is knowing when to let go. 3178 The insane are often the most perceptive. 3179 There is no power greater than the power of love. 3180 The key to happiness fits in a shiny new sports car. 3181 The lips of righteous feed many, but the fools die for want of wisdom. 3182 The meaning of life can be found in a can of alphabet soup. 3183 The memory of the blessed is forever blessed, but the names of the wicked shall rot. 3184 The merciful one does good to one's own soul, but one that is cruel troubles one's own. 3185 The mind of the superior one is conversant with virtue; the mind of the base one is conversant with gain. 3186 The more fictitious one's history becomes the more one is doomed to encounter one's true past. 3187 The most amazing place you will ever be in your life time is where you are each day. 3188 The most knowledgeable is rarely the wisest. 3189 The most rigid trees are the first to be snapped when wind blows. 3190 The naming of some things as important and others as unimportant is but a value judgment, a product of human ego. 3191 The one who digs the pit shall fall therein and the one that rolls a stone, it will return upon them. 3192 The only thing known for sure is what is believed. 3193 The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. 3194 The present is where we live, yet we can never know it as well as our past. 3195 The progress of the superior one is upwards; the progress of the one lacking in virtues is downwards. 3196 The realm of the unknown must always be respected. 3197 The road less traveled gets you helplessly lost. 3198 The road less traveled leads you nowhere. 3199 The rule is the exception. 3200 The sanctity of one's beliefs should be respected. 3201 The secret of life should not be known as then it would no longer be a secret. 3202 The secret to concentration is the acceptance of endless distractions. 3203 The simplest things in life are the most important. 3204 The sloth desire and have nothing, while the diligent shall be fat with wealth. 3205 The slothful one says, 'There is a lion in the way, a lion in the streets.' 3206 The speaker of lies reveals the secret, where the trustworthy never seem to know of such things. 3207 The superior one is anxious lest one should not get truth; one is not anxious lest poverty should come upon him. 3208 The superior one is modest in speech, but exceeds in actions. 3209 The thoughts of the righteous are always right, where the counsels to the wicked are wrought with deceit. 3210 The true church is one's own heart. 3211 The unknown is not to feared, but to be known. 3212 The wisest is not always the most knowledgeable. 3213 The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms. 3214 There is always a place to be alone. 3215 There is always something smaller and always something bigger. 3216 There is human time and there is nature's time. We must plan our schedule around both. 3217 There will be always be someone better, but there may not be anyone worse. 3218 Those who shun you need not be shunned, they have done it to themselves. 3219 To be a skillful criminal detective one must have an acute criminal mind. 3220 To be content is to be enlightened. 3221 To be fond of learning is to be next to knowledge. 3222 To give charity publicly is good, while anonymous giving awards one with divinity. 3223 To judge of others by what is ourselves is part of what limits humanity. 3224 To know wisdom and instruction is to perceive the words of understanding. 3225 To simply remain still may be humanities greatest challenge. 3226 To the insane the sane are insane, and vice-versa. 3227 To the sleeper, the waking life is recurring dream. 3228 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing. 3229 Trees are made of wood. 3230 Understanding only begins with the act of perception. 3231 Violence only covers the mouths of the wicked and blessings are upon the heads of the just. 3232 Virtue is not left to stand alone. One who practices it will have many neighbors. 3233 War does not determine who's right, war only determines who's will be left to say they were right. 3234 We see much, observe little, and perceive less. 3235 Wealth gained through vanity can only diminish, where wealth gained through labor will increase. 3236 What can we say with absolute certainty? 3237 What the gentle demand is something of themselves. What the petty demand is something of others. 3238 When evil rises often the good are pushed aside, but upon the demise of evil, good always increases. 3239 When in doubt...go to sleep. 3240 When internal examination discovers nothing wrong, what is there to be anxious about, what is there to fear? 3241 When one door closes another door opens. 3242 When the people are more numerous, enrich them, once they are enriched, instruct them. 3243 When wearing comfortable shoes one forgets that they have feet. 3244 Where there is no wood, the fire goes out, so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases. 3245 While you do not know life, how can you hope to know about death? 3246 Whoever boasts themselves of false gifts is like ominous clouds and wind with no rain. 3247 Will the impossible - accept the inevitable. 3248 Wisdom is more valuable than valuables and all things that can be desired hold no comparison. 3249 Wishes come true far too often. 3250 With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow, I still have joy in the midst of turmoil. 3251 With no counsel present the people will fall. With a multitude of counselors there is safety. 3252 Your pursuit of happiness will end when you stop pursuing it. 10000 001111111111110 10001 000012222221000 10002 000112333321100 10003 111112354321111 10004 001112344321110 10005 000112333321100 10006 000012222221000 10007 001111111111110 10020 000001111110000 10021 000012222221000 10022 000112354321100 10023 111112555421111 10024 001112454421110 10025 000112344321100 10026 000012222221000 10027 000001111110000 10040 001111111111110 10041 000012222221000 10042 100112333321100 10043 111112354321111 10044 101112345321110 10045 000112333121100 10046 000012222221000 10047 001111111111110 11000 55555555 11001 55550555 11002 55505555 11003 55550555 11004 55505555 11005 55555555 11020 60606060 11021 06060606 11022 60606060 11023 06060606 11024 60606060 11025 06060606 11040 51515151 11041 15151515 11042 51515151 11043 15151515 11044 51515151 11045 15151515 11060 42424242 11061 24242424 11062 42424242 11063 24242424 11064 42424242 11065 24242424 11080 66006600 11081 66006600 11082 00660066 11083 00660066 11084 66006600 11085 66006600 11100 66222266 11101 66066066 11102 66111166 11103 30100103 11104 30100103 11105 61633616 11120 63333336 11121 36011063 11122 31611613 11123 31611613 11124 36011063 11125 63333336 11140 65433456 11141 12344321 11142 61100116 11143 61100116 11144 12344321 11145 65433456 11160 66611666 11161 66600666 11162 10111101 11163 10111101 11164 63600636 11165 63611636 11180 66543211 11181 55432112 11182 44321223 11183 32212344 11184 21123455 11185 11234566 11200 63211236 11201 63211236 11202 63211236 11203 63211236 11204 63211236 11205 63211236 11220 64201236 11221 64201236 11222 64201236 11223 64201236 11224 64201236 11225 64201236 11240 55115511 11241 55115511 11242 11551155 11243 11551155 11244 55115511 11245 55115511 11260 63636363 11261 30303030 11262 63636363 11263 30303030 11264 63636363 11265 30303030 11280 61511516 11281 51511515 11282 51500515 11283 51500515 11284 51511515 11285 61511516 11300 44444444 11301 41111114 11302 41444414 11303 41444414 11304 41111114 11305 44444444 11320 33366333 11321 31355313 11322 41311314 11323 41311314 11324 31355313 11325 33366333 11340 64444446 11341 42222224 11342 42111124 11343 42111124 11344 42222224 11345 64444446 11360 53535353 11361 31313131 11362 53535353 11363 31313131 11364 53535353 11365 31313131 11380 33456666 11381 40123456 11382 40012346 11383 44401236 11384 40400126 11385 44400016 11400 66044066 11401 66222266 11402 04000040 11403 04222240 11404 66000066 11405 66222266 11420 32344323 11421 43233234 11422 32344323 11423 43233234 11424 32344323 11425 43233234 11440 65433456 11441 64322346 11442 63211236 11443 63211236 11444 64322346 11445 65433456 11460 45433454 11461 64322346 11462 63055036 11463 63233236 11464 64322346 11465 45433454 12000 12121011111 12001 65432012221 12002 06543012321 12003 10654052421 12004 21065042521 12005 32106032521 12006 43210022421 12007 54321012321 12008 65432101221 12009 66543210121 12010 66654321011 12020 00000000000 12021 44425524440 12022 46400004640 12023 44406604440 12024 40005500040 12025 41234432140 12026 41234432140 12027 40005500040 12028 44406604440 12029 40405504040 12030 44404404440 12040 11111111111 12041 12222222221 12042 12333333321 12043 12344444321 12044 12345554321 12045 22345654322 12046 12345554321 12047 12344444321 12048 12333333321 12049 12222222221 12050 11111111111 12060 12121222222 12061 00000005432 12062 54322206660 12063 66000306060 12064 66050406660 12065 00050500000 12066 55550654022 12067 50050003002 12068 50555502222 12069 50000500002 12070 55555505432 12080 22112021122 12081 22223032222 12082 12333033321 12083 12344044321 12084 12345054321 12085 12346064321 12086 22345054321 12087 32344044321 12088 42333033321 12089 52222022221 12090 65432111111 12100 22222012321 12101 23432023432 12102 24542134543 12103 23432223432 12104 22222312321 12105 00123432100 12106 12321312321 12107 23432223432 12108 34543134543 12109 23432023432 12110 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