August 7, 4:15

Piosenka po╢wiΩcona jest pamiΩci Katherine Korzilius, c≤rce menad┐era Jona - Paula Korziliusa, kt≤ra zosta│a zamordowana 7 sierpnia 1996 r.

Autor: JBJ
Produkcja: JBJ, Dave Stewart
Muzycy: JBJ, K. Aronoff, H. McDonald, T. Disley
Album: Destination Anywhere

The song is dedicated to the memory of Katherine Korzilius, daughter of Jon's manager - Paul Korzilius, who was murdered on Auguts 7th 1996.

Author: JBJ
Produced by: JBJ, Dave Stewart
Musicians: JBJ, K. Aronoff, H. McDonald, T. Disley
Album: Destination Anywhere